On Monday of this week, at the same time that my chapter was coming out, a guest post of mine appeared at Greta Funk’s place G*Funk*ified. It was for her series, Great Expectations.
It was hard to put my finger on exactly what I wanted to express because I wouldn’t say that any of my expectations for what I wanted out of life could be defined as “great.” However, after much kneading of the words, much untangling of the confusing thought process, I finally figured it out. I hope you’ll go over, and read it THERE.
And in other smaller news, I finally made it to one of Young Knight’s matches because it occurred over the holiday weekend of Pentecost. Yes, Catholic France has both Pentecost and Ascension off.
I always wanted to be a soccer mom.
Isn’t my darling handsome in his soccer uniform?
and determined
and exuberant.
I brought Petit Prince along.
And my friend Christelle brought all three of her boys because her eldest also plays soccer, and her middle son is in the same class as Petit Prince. We want them to be as good friends as their older brothers are.
The snafu is that Petit Prince lives permanently in a dreamworld, and his comrade is almost a whole year older than him and prefers to play with the older kids. Since Petit Prince was not even three when he started public school, he was not quite (ahem) properly potty trained. So the day Christelle told her son they were coming over to our house to play, his immediate response was, “Oh, that kid does caca in his pants.”
Not quite a recipe for mutual respect and admiration. But that was two years ago and they are getting along much better now at the age of 4 and 5.
I know Petit Prince will follow in his big brother’s footsteps and do soccer too when he’s old enough because he talks about it a lot. (Even though his big brother says, “No! I DON’T want him to do soccer. He’ll wave at me and distract me from playing.”)
And even though neither Matthieu nor I are big fans about the overall sportsmanship of the soccer world (his father says that rugby is a game of beasts played by gentlemen and soccer is a game of gentlemen played by beasts), we’re pretty happy with the club our kids are involved in. Young Knight may find it very hard to remember to keep his eye on both the ball AND the guy he’s supposed to be guarding, but he’s having a great time.
And at the end of the game, they shake hands with all their opponents, just like they will do on the schoolyard every day with their friends in a couple of years.
And this kind of chance to learn good sportsmanship is no small thing.
When are the rest of his matches, that you aren’t able to make them? Our kids’ games are always on Sunday afternoons, so attendance would be difficult to avoid if I wanted to!
Mama D recently posted…A Question Of Need
Ours are Saturday mornings and I teach English, otherwise I truly would go more often (even when it’s cold).
Fair weather soccer mom here too! I hate it when the game is at 7:30 am and it is 25 degrees out. Sports are important for teaching that sportsmanship and I love seeing the pics! One of my favorite things is the handshake after the game.
Brittany recently posted…How Run Disney Got Me to Run Again
I know. And our coach doesn’t let the dads yell at their kids to try harder so I like that about it too. It truly is a team-building sport where we live.
My son (3) just started soccer this year and I’m pretty sure that he hates it or is just too young to play. He tells me all the time he likes it and when he’s at home and do all the things he’s been taught… but when we’re there he insists I stay with him the entire time.
Jackie recently posted…Starting Over
No, that sounds like perfectly normal behavior for a three-year old. Loving it, but still needing to be close to mom. Even my 4 yr old does that.
James will start playing in the fall. I’m sure that “beasts” comment will come back to haunt me. LOL
Jennifer recently posted…Raising TV Junkies
As long as he doesn’t act like a beast! HA! (Easier said than done when it’s boys we’re talking about). 😉
That last photo is what it’s all about!! 🙂
Tonya recently posted…Inquiring Minds Want To Know
Yup. I just love that all the French boys do that on the schoolyard when they see each other, although it doesn’t start for another year or two.
That is so funny what your husband says about rugby and soccer – love it!
And your guy looks like a little Beckham out there!
p.s. I have to say I love the different vernacular, “match” vs. “game” (here). 🙂
Elaine A. recently posted…Size Matters.
Oh yes, it’s “match de foot” over here.
Isnt it adorable how we want to do the exact same things our older siblings do? I am sure you make a great soccer mom..fair weather or not 🙂
Shefali recently posted…That Pesky Moment When…
Thanks Shefali – I do like being there for them. But I confess to mulling over the idea of switching them to basketball, which is always indoors! 🙂
Ah, soccer season… just popping by to say “hi”. My sister and her family have been touring Paris for the last couple days. I’m very jealous! 🙂
Caren with a “C” recently posted…The Simple Secret to Combating Forgetfulness
Hi Caren! Oh lucky dogs. 🙂 I hope they are having fun, although, come to think of it, the weather has been exceptionally bad. I mean, really bad.
Such cute photos.
My sons played baseball on the East Coast for years and the heat and humidity nearly did me in. I loved watching them play, though.
Carole recently posted…More Ranunculus
He looks very dapper in his uniform! So cute!
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop : Six Random Facts About Myself
Oh, why thank you Tinne! 🙂
So glad he no longer cacas in his pants and can make friends.
dusty earth mother recently posted…WWWWD? (What Would Willy Wonka Do?)
Both Matthieu and I laughed over that one.
Tiny kids in gear is the cutest thing ever.
anymommy recently posted…Listen to Your Mother Spokane
You said it! 😀
Oh, yes, very handsome in his uniform! And I hear David Beckham’s retiring, so there may be a professional spot for Young Knight in a few years. 🙂
I was only a soccer mom for a year or two. Now I’m a dance mom, baseball mom, basketball mom… all are wonderful, and that handshake at the end makes me smile – such a small gesture, but to me the most important part of the game.
And I’m with you… fair weather always makes me cheer louder.
Andrea recently posted…Nothing To Say
That last line cracked me up, as you often do Andrea. (grin)
yay for being a soccer mom 🙂 I like being one. The fair-weather kind like you. Too cold and I turn into a big wuss. Oh and my your children are beautiful!
sarah @sundayspill recently posted…so far so good
Thank you Sarah!!!
oooh…that is a slippery slope, that “aren’t they cute in their little uniforms” to…MOM WE WILL BE LATE FOR PRACTICE LETS GO. It’s not too late to interest them in, say, competitive knitting or home-based DIY activities. Surely there are trophies for that? On the other hand, after years of protesting about organized sports, I have to say that yes, both my boys are learning/have learned lessons about sportsPERSONship & cooperation & responsibility…from moi their perfect mother (of course) but also from that dang game. Plus the photo ops are fabulous!
deborah l quinn recently posted…Saturday’s Snapshot (surat al-sabat): لقطة السبت
I’m glad to have friends like you that remind me of sportspersonship. 🙂 Even though I’ll never be properly EO. And you are totally cracking me up with the competitive knitting. That’d go down like a brick.
Oh I love LOVE being a sport mom. I’m a proud Canadian hockey one and now a t-ball one. Makes my heart squee seeing his determination.
I’m digging that you put him in sports. Teaches them so many life lessons eh?
Kimberly recently posted…Hide
I feel really proud too. I like that the coach doesn’t allow the kids to enter the locker room without greeting the coach (that’s also a French thing – you say hi to strangers when you enter a waiting room).