A french woman owns 100€ jeans that make her butt look fabulous, but she has only one pair (which is the pair she wears should she decide to wear jeans).
A french woman knows her pharmacist well, who can advise her about birch tree juice and tisanes for drainage, as well as the most effective cellulite cream (all of which she will use to completion to rid herself of the non-existent, unwanted cellulite).
A french woman indelicately shoves large forkfuls of salad into her mouth because it’s impolite to cut lettuce leaves.
A french woman wolfs down her entire plate of food in five minutes, tearing off tiny pieces of bread and throwing the rest down on the table, but she then spends an hour over her espresso and cigarette.
A french woman takes a yoga class or jogs once a week and stays in shape.
A french woman wears minimal makeup, but has eyebrows that are perfectly shaped.
A french woman works, goes away for the weekend on her own, goes out to dinner with friends – because what is good for her is good for her kids.
A french woman has cheese after every meal, but only a tiny slice just to taste.
A french woman wears gucci belts and heels to the grocery store or to pick up her kids from school, but has no shame in having dirty hair pulled back because it’s healthy to wash your hair just once a week.
A french woman will iron all her family’s clothes, including the underwear, because her mother told her it would help prevent stains and it’s important that everyone look their best.
A french woman will not eat in between meals and will not allow her children to eat in between meals. It is written in the constitution.
A french woman will do without insecurity, make her man feel like a man, (understand if he “trompe’s” her), wear sexy lingerie and shrug at you until you call her bluff.
Had he not married me, Sir Renaissance would have married a french woman, having no particular fascination for America. Happily there is no condemnation for all that I am not,
only appreciation for all that I am.
* This post originally appeared in my former blog, Perfect Welcome, and may contain some modifications or discrepancies in the names or comments.
And very healthy.
Enjoyed it immensely, going to read it again, since it was so interesting.
Love hearing about other kinds of women. And what is good about American women.
Thank you!
Merci mille fois. And I enjoyed this immensely.
Les femmes françaises sont magnifique! Your post brought back memories. My sister always reminds me on how I have to be when I am back there in Paris with her……
Thank You
Well, there's a lot of good there. I have to say, the part about having a life of her own sounds pretty wise. And I sure do miss having a cigarette once in awhile. But ironing their underwear? Hmm. God Bless America — and the American woman!
Wonderful!! And I KNEW that was in your constitution…
What a fantastic post! Just love it! 😀
Congrats on being A-Lister! I'm going to look around and read more of your blog. Sounds very interesting. Visiting from TBC 😀
What a fun blog to read! Just found you from the A-List , congrats ! Looking forward to reading more.
What a great post! Your writing is beautiful and very descriptive. Great insight to the french woman….made me want to be one!
CONGRATS to the first A-lister from The Blogger's Concierge.
Always knew you were top notch, from my very first visit here.
Congrats, to the creme de la creme.
P.S. I DO love this post.
Enjoy the adoration!
Lovely post.
Stopping by from The Blogger's Concierge and so glad I did.
Enjoy your posts very much and dashing off to add you to my google reader!
Lovely writing indeed, Congratulations on the very first A lister featured.
I will spend more time reading your blog and getting to know you.
From TBC
So enjoyable!! I am delighted to meet you and have been carried away for a half hour on some of your tales.
I love it here and I'll be back!
I love this post! It helps me understand the French culture a bit more, something I've bee a big infatuated with in past yeas. I guess I suppose the grass is always greener. (Though it may actually be, in France, because the buildings are more golden.)
Fascinating. I enjoyed gaining some insight into French culture. Though the last paragraph was my favorite.
GOOD THING I'm not French — I do nothing but snack all day long. My kids wouldn't survive without snacks either. Makes sense that French women have non-existent cellulite.
I found you through TBC – haven't joined – was just surfing – and I'm so glad I did.
I've often though European women – and people in general – have life figured out better than us North Americans. I have a girlfriend who moved to France to be with her sweetheart – I'll have to ask her how much of this she identifies with.
You have a wonderful blog and style. I look forward to reading more.
I lived in France for 25 years and tried very hard to be a Frenchwoman, but soon realized it was a lost cause.
Re. Fashion. I have come to believe many Frenchwomen inherit the gift for recognizing fashion. I have two daughters. One knows fashion before it is fashionable and buys accordingly. The other doesn't and asks her sister for advice.
Re. Acceptance of their husbands affairs: not sure I agree with you. No divorce does not imply acceptance. Thirty years ago women often stayed married because the whole process of divorce was difficult and often they did not work so needed the husband's health insurance. Not sure if that is as true today. Still, do not think they are not hurt if their husbands prove unfaithful.
I aspire to be a French woman. Le sigh.
I'm nothing like a French woman and feel intimidated just reading about them.
Just a sliver of cheese, really? Rules me out right away.
i love your blog. thanks for feeding our riosity & encouragement to be fabulous. I'm stay at home mom & mostof the time i wear old clothes. i dress up only in the evening when we go out. i save all my dresses for special occation. my question is what about french stay at home mom do. do they really wear good clothes even when they stay home.if they do how they do housework you know cooking, laundry etc etc. could you share any tips please.
thank you
Hi Suji,
I have no other way to reply to you other than here, so hope you come back and visit. Thanks so much for your comment and encouragement.
The french women truly do always wear nice clothes. At home, I know some that clean in nice clothes, but wear gloves and an apron. Some others are more down to earth and will put on some old clothes to clean. But you absolutely have to get dressed up to pick the kids up from school or go to the grocery store. That's a given.
For housekeeping, you can check out my post Motherhood in France (which is also about me being glum that I can't keep up). I think it was in August (or maybe July). They are vigilant about laundry/ironing and about cooking & meals. And yes, everyone's house is impeccable. I truly don't know how they do it, to be honest.