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“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
I traveled back and forth to Asia for a period of two years as the newly promoted Director of Sales for the region, and if the soil of my heart had not already been thoroughly harrowed by the divine discipline, the rigors of this lifestyle would certainly have done the trick. I was constantly jet lagged, pushing my horizons, brushing off fatigue, putting myself forth in strange company, off-kilter in foreign cities, and alone for such long stretches of time, there was little else to do but pray.
My itinerary usually consisted of a one-week trip, splitting my time between two cities in the Far East, or a two week trip, splitting my time between four cities in the South East. I traveled, on average, every six weeks for a spell of one-to-two weeks at a time. And I went to almost every city in Asia, shoring up my considerable feelings of ease in the region.
The entire book is now available here!
I never knew that you did so much traveling. When I was a kid, I used to think about growing up and becoming a businessperson so I could travel all the time. It seemed like a glamorous idea – but I can see that it would not always be so glamorous. It is so interesting to read about your experiences.
I loved the story of you praising Jesus in the rain. It was wonderful that you got the chance to connect with churches in so many places, and worship with them.
You’re awake already Tracie, you early riser! 🙂
Sometimes it seems as if I’ve lived so many different lives. It has been good to record them and remember that that was me too at one time. I like my life now best, though.
I love, love, love this chapter. Obviously because I live in Asia and have been to many of the countries you describe so well here. I also remember the many travels I did for my last job. It sounds glamorous (the luxury hotels, the all-expenses paid cab rides and meals), but it’s also lonely and exhausting.
I think it’s wonderful that you had your faith to hold onto, to break through what could be dark and hard times, to see the light in so many situations.
I totally thought of you when I was editing this. I didn’t mention KL because I only went there once or twice for 2 days and didn’t have a strong memory of it. Nothing in particular happened while I was there either. How I would love to see it now after all these years, though!
How was I not reading your posts long before now? I’m hooked.
Tonight, I’m going back to the beginning and reading all of your memoire posts!
Thank you Missy! I needed this boost! 🙂
I wish that I could have been your sidekick traveling all over…only I wouldn’t be shopping from a victoria secret mag…I think they make those clothes for big boobs and I do not have any sizeage of boobs.
I love this piece because not only am I learning about your experience but of the different cultures. Bravo xoxo
We are bright shining lights, we do need to remember that … I forget so very often … and these words showcase your light with each sentence you breath life into.
Wow, you really covered the Far East. I never thought I’d say travel gets old, but it really does. Once or twice a year is all I can handle now.
Great chapter.
What an amazing amount of experience in two short years. I am jealous and yet not, I do know how travel can become a chore. I adored the end of this chapter.
“It’s funny how faith can be built by such human weakness, but mine was.”
How this line resonated with me.
Your travels were marked by a growth period that you’ve threaded together beautifully. The imagery of God looking at us as an upside-down starry sky filled me with joy.