You know the problem with winter duties that you don’t do in the cooler days of crisp colorful autumn?
You have to do them in January. And it’s cold, grey and drizzling in January.
We have to trim the laurel hedges so they don’t grow into trees, because if they grow into trees, there will be no foliage around the trunks to give us privacy (so people can’t tell that I’m not weeding my garden).
Our gardener said we can’t use an electric trimmer because it will create a scab on the hedges that won’t allow sun to get in and as a result the inside branches will die. So I’m doing it by hand. I don’t mean to complain or anything, but my arms and hands are trembling so much from the effort I could barely hold the camera (or type this post).
Where is my butler? Geeves? Geeeeeeeves?
Forget that! Where is Edward Scissorhands?
You might be asking why Sir cannot trim the hedges. As a matter of fact, I’ve asked him that many times as the winter progresses (too fast in my opinion – the crocuses are already coming up!). But the thing is, he is creating.
He created these shelves (yes, yes, I know it’s not pretty yet; consider this a “before” picture),
and he turned this Ikea cabinet into a built-in structure by extending it to the wall.
(not finished either – first we have to bring everything in from the garage to see what we have, and then we need to arrange it in a non-cluttered, pretty yet useful way)
Now he has his eyes set on a built-in closet in the laundry room, which will increase our house value exponentially. The French will all say, “why what eez thees? A closet zat eez een ze wall?” Such a novelty.
I cleaned this up for you. Seriously, it was much worse; I even removed all the clothes hanging from the exercise bike.
So to allow Sir the time he needs to plan and build, I am tackling the manual labor. I am really not cut out for this type of life. Although I did enjoy trimming the pine, which brings me back to more festive times. “Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree …”
And then, of course, there is the clean-up.
I need servants. “Kids! Oh kiiiiids. Wanna use that swing set again?” Hmm, may be on the young side for forced labor.
Okay, now this was not my fault. It grows right under the tilleul and ash trees, gets no sun and therefore the big branches can’t grow all those little tiny branches that fill things out nicely.
Oh look what I almost stepped on. The lavender I planted in the Fall that is supposed to keep this corner from being invaded by waist-high weeds.
And here’s the tundra, which will have to be dug up in preparation for Spring planting because I, once again, did not do it in the Fall as I was supposed to.
Eesh. So grey and depressing. How’s about a little color?
Hey, here’s a hat and shirt. Stay warm and well-fed.
I’m going back inside.
That’s a lot of manual labor! I think you deserve a break with a nice cafe au lait!
I will join you even though I don’t have a yard at all. 🙂
I gave myself carpal tunnel doing some yard trimming one year. At least, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. My hands, back, and shoulders empathize with yours!
I was just thinking today that we need to get outside and trim all our hedges, plants, etc.
I don’t want to. But I know we must.
Love your pictures
Of course the kids should help with cleaning up branches! That’s one of the reasons we have them, right?!
It’s amazing how tiring yard work can be! I did do all my trimming in the spring, but then I ran out of time to plant the daffodil bulbs. Bummer. I should’ve planted the bulbs first and left the trimming.
Oh, how you taunt!!
At least you can see the ground. We have two feet of solid ice. (But I did love “Jeeeeeeeeeves!”)
Crocuses are coming up? Oh, how jealous of you I am.
I hate yardwork too. At least it’s warm enough to go outside over there. Crocuses already? You’re a month or more ahead of us.
Funny, I just came in from yard work (hacking down Carolina Cherry saplings) to find you were doing pretty much the same thing. I have no crocuses but the daffodils are starting to bloom.
Even in Paris you get to do trimming? Just finished up our yard last weekend, but we get to do sage brush in 20c sunshine.
Aaah … the days of nice weather. Will they ever come again?