So last week I started this modest little “small changes” campaign. A personal campaign to move towards better health in small increments since large changes are so overwhelming. I decided I was going to do ten minutes of floor exercises a day. Did any of you do it with me?
(no pressure, no guilt, small changes are hard too!)
Well. Would you like to know how effective it is?
Ten minutes a day of floor exercises (to strengthen abs, thighs and butt) WORKS! It’s worth it to set the timer on your phone (or whatever) and jump in and do it. Here’s what I found.
By Friday, my muscles sort of remembered they existed.
By Saturday, I taught my last class, and was so emotional about changing my life (quitting teaching to become a writer) I took a nap. But I did the floor exercises that day anyway.
By Sunday, I had been eating badly and forgot an evening engagement that didn’t get finished until 11pm, but I did them at 11pm anyway.
By Monday, when I should have been a pro at the routine, I was suffering from a severe headache and strong emotional upheaval (which I wrote about on Tuesday) so I took a day off. But I didn’t feel guilty about taking a day off because I’m only human. Shocker, I know.
By Tuesday, I got back up and did my ten minutes, mainly because I told you I would.
And by yesterday, I was still so emotional and overwhelmed I almost didn’t do the ten minutes, but I did it because I told you I would. And because I was starting to feel stronger.
The biggest benefit? I noticed that my stomach, which generally looks about 7 months pregnant, stayed sucked in more naturally, and I was comfortable wearing a tight tank top that exposed my belly (although there was a cardigan covering the arms).
I also got better over the course of the week at motivating myself to do the ten minutes, even when I was emotional and tired. I usually start with the leg lifts, which I hate the least. And then I do the butt lifts, which I hate the second least. Last of all I do the sit-ups. And the ten minutes fly by pretty quickly that way.
One day I even set the timer to 13 minutes so I could add in stretching. (wooHoo!). Another day I took a 45 minute walk. (gasp)
So. What’s up for this week?
Well. First of all, I weighed myself last week, but did not this week because I didn’t particularly eat well and didn’t want to get discouraged. So I don’t know if there was any change there, but I will be keeping track of it.
However, I decided to do two small changes.
1. I’m going to measure my waist, thighs and arms. Just those three things. That way I can measure a success, which has nothing to do with pounds lost.
2. I cleaned my fridge yesterday. In France we have small refrigerators. And mine is always messy. I shove whatever I can in there with no order whatsoever. See?
I was already in the process of cleaning it when I snapped this picture, so you don’t see the maple syrup (or was it brown ketchup?) that had spilled all over the white section in front.
But look what happens when it’s clean!
I suddenly discover that I have lots of healthy things in there, which I now have easier access to. This will help me as I try to prepare healthier meals. (Speaking of which, I made a smoked salmon salad, and I’ll share that with you on Monday).
This makes me feel hopeful, particularly as summer sets in full swing. The kids have school for another week, and then we leave for Brittany!
So. Mini challenges for week 2 are to
a) continue the 10 minutes of floor exercises a day
b) clean the fridge and organise it so the healthy foods look more appealing
c) (buy healthy foods if you have none). 😉
d) measure waist, arms and thighs.
Anyone up for Week Two?
I think more than half the battle is in our head and attitude change, ya know? I think you’ve got that going on! So happy for you! Come clean out my fridge? 😉
Elaine A. recently posted…I’m on a Roller Coaster. Not that kind.
I so love this idea of small changes! I will be following along! I’ve noticed that this summer I have no time to go to yoga and other workout classes. I make time to walk, which is easier to fit it, but the classes are hard. I hate to lose all my muscle strength so I’ve been doing 10 minute type things . . . different every day with no rhyme and reason . . . sometimes abs, sometimes arms, sometimes glutes, usually a combo. But I just like to feel as if I’m doing SOMETHING and I feel it does make a difference. My days of all or nothing are (hopefully!!) behind me.
Nina recently posted…Tired of Getting Picked Last
You’ve been doing it too? I’m going on three weeks now and I do feel a small (but noticeable difference). We’re at the beach and I’m also trying to add lots of swimming and stuff so I’ll see how things go when I get back. I am also so much an all or nothing girl and that just doesn’t work.
I like that you documented the struggles, to. They make the end result even more satisfying, I believe. I’m going to start tonight.
No really. I am.
How is it going? (Ahem).
Teasing, teasing.
ha! Actually, I started the plank challenge recently …
I’m here to tell you that I love you. So much. xo
Tracy Morrison (@sellabitmum) recently posted…Top 5 Running Moments
This really means a lot to me, dear friend.