In 1933 a Germany that was humiliated and impoverished after World War I, was ripe for someone as charismatic and patriotic as Adolf Hitler. On January 30, President von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler as German Chancellor, and within four months of his appointment the Nazis were already boycotting Jewish shops and burning their books.
A year and a half later in the Night of the Long Knives, Hitler assassinates more than 1000 of his political opponents, leaving him free to have a dictatorial position. When President von Hindenburg dies two months later, Hitler declares himself Furher – Guide. A year later, Jews are relegated to second class citizens and are unable to marry or have relations with Germans. In 1936, Germany creates an alliance with Japan and Italy as a first step towards world domination.
In 1938, Hitler demands that Austria become a protectorate of Germany, governed by him. And they comply!
He makes his determination known to occupy Czechoslovakia and promises that he will stop his territorial acquisitions there. The Prime Minister of Britain believes that he will keep his word. Winston Churchill predicts that Hitler will be a much greater threat than that and warns everyone against negotiating with him. In September of that year, following the murder of a German diplomat by a French Jew in the German Embassy in Paris, Jewish stores are looted, 91 Jews are killed, and 20,000 are taken to concentration camps.
In 1939, Poland continues to resist Germany’s demands that they surrender to them, and Britain and France decide to side with Poland (after having been rather tolerant of Germany’s aggression). US President Roosevelt tries to get assurance from Italy (who has invaded Albania) and Germany that they will not try to take more European territories, but he is ignored. The president knows that his hands are tied to aid one side or the other by the 1935 Neutrality Acts. Churchill predicts that war is imminent, and Stalin agrees to a non-aggression treaty with Germany. Hitler guarantees neutrality to Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Luxemburg and Switzerland.
For about a year and a half, France remains in a state of war with Germany, but it consists largely of propaganda and nothing of actual battles. The French generals are used to the trench warfare of World War I and spend all their efforts in fortifying and protecting the border between France and Germany in what is called the Maginot Line. Charles de Gaulle tries to warn the French about the Panzer – the extensive tanks the Germans are building – but nobody listens to him. He eventually flees to England and leads the French Resistance from there.
On May 10, 1940, Germany pushes through the forests of Belgium and Luxembourg to cut off the Allies who have advanced into Belgium.
Sir’s maternal grandfather, Etienne, rushes to assemble on the Belgian border, along with other divisions of the unprepared French army. On June 5th, Germany swiftly goes around the Maginot Line and invades France. The invasion is called “the debacle.” The French are just so seriously unprepared for war, although they shouldn’t have been. Their generals had had time to assemble the army and tanks after the first invasion, but having been influenced by WWI warfare, are slow to understand what Hitler is doing.
Sir’s grandfather flees for his life with the rest of the defeated army. His wife is staying with friends, expecting to receive the devastating news that her husband was killed, as everyone has heard what a complete rout it was. Suddenly – her husband appears at the door! The shock is so great she faints.
Paris is occupied by June 14th and a peace treaty goes into effect by June 25th. France is now occupied.
Vichy is the only part of France that remains free, but the North and West are occupied by Germans and the South has been conquered by the Italians, so it’s a precarious freedom at best. Sir’s other grandparents live near Vichy – the one whose brother was shot down with his ship, fighting against the Allies in the Bay of Casablanca.
In 1941, the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor because of the fuel embargo imposed upon them for their involvement in the South Pacific, finally forcing the US into the war. Shortly afterwards, Germany declares war on the US because of its treaty with the Japanese, and that coincides with US interests to enter the European theatre. They have already been assisting the British by lending materials and engaging in secret warfare against Germany.
In 1942 the President, along with his Joint Chiefs of Staff, coordinate strategy with the British. Winston Churchill foresees that the key to overcoming Germany is to enter France through the formidable Normandy beaches – as unfriendly as they are, they are the least heavily guarded.
Churchill orders the construction of massive beachheads that would allow ships to bring tanks, ammunition, troops and other support into France.
They would extend from the beach out to sea and provide a series of fixed and floating ramps to deposit materials and return for more.
He begins making plans for a major Allied invasion across the channel. Hitler is prepared for an all-out invasion, but assumes the Normandy beaches will be too difficult and has his General, Erwin Rommel shore up the defenses on the Atlantic coast.
For two years the Allies plan the attack and build the beachheads that would allow them to import everything they will need for an extended war. They pinpoint the best day to attack based on the low tides (that would allow the ships to spot and avoid the mines planted by the Germans), and a full moon late in the night to have better visibility once the troops were on the ground.
In May the weather is auspicious, but it starts to turn at the beginning of June with heavy rain, gales of wind and high tides. The Allies are afraid they will have to push the invasion off for another month, which would have been nearly impossible as preparatory measures were already well underway. Finally, the team of meteorologists call for a slight improvement on June 6th, a day later than the invasion had been planned.
They meet Sunday night to discuss the possibility of invading on Monday. The final consent falls to General Eisenhower who has one night to make his decision. He is unable to sleep that night while wrestling with it. He knows what heavy casualties the US would sustain in the best of conditions, but the weather is unpredictable, which could make the outcome catastrophic. Yet, the prediction for slight improvement could be the only window they have. The next morning he sits silently in the room with the Allied forces for, what some would say was a full five minutes (to him it felt like just 45 seconds).
Finally Eisenhower speaks. “I say we go.”
In two seconds the room clears as people scurry away to begin preparations.
The General visits with the troops before they are about to embark, and upon seeing him they greet him cheerfully, saying, “Don’t worry General; we’ll take care of this thing for you.” He is encouraged by their fearlessness and confident of victory.
Shortly after midnight, thousands of paratroopers and glider troops are being flown in and dropped behind enemy lines. They are to secure bridges and other strongholds and be ready to close ranks with the soldiers invading from the beaches.
At 6:30 in the morning, the largest amphibious invasion in history begins. The US is responsible for taking Utah beach, and they erroneously land about a mile South of their projected target. This is a fortuitous error as the area is less heavily defended by the Germans and they are the least hit. The following divisions for Utah Beach are ordered to land in this new location.
The Canadians are responsible for Juno Beach to support the British troops taking Sword Beach to the East, and Gold Beach to the West. They are then to provide support for the British taking of Caen, as well as to capture the German airfield to the West. They are hit quite hard in the first wave as the air bombardment that was supposed to precede the attack had been less successful than planned, and the first wave of relief troops was delayed by the tide. Yet the Canadians push forward and secure the beach in two hours.
The British take Sword and Gold beaches with lighter opposition, but they still lose 1000 men between the two beaches due to the heavily mined shores and the remaining German resistance, which was not taken out by the aerial bombardment.
And that leaves the invasion that suffered the most casualties. Omaha Beach.
There is simply no protection from enemy fire coming from above.
The beach is vast and the enemy in prime position above the hill.
The troops pour in and take cover at the foot of the cliff or under what obstacles they find, but they are still slaughtered.
Within ten minutes of the first company landing, every officer and sergeant has been killed or wounded and it becomes a struggle for survival, rather than a coherently directed operation.
Meanwhile, a group of 225 Rangers are sent to scale Pointe du Hoc,
a steep cliff that holds the German defense believed to cover both Utah Beach to the East and Omaha Beach to the West. It is a key target, but very difficult to take. The Rangers scale the cliffs with special climbing equipment, despite being shot at and having grenades thrown at them from the Germans.
They reach the summit to find that a large amount of the German defenses had been annihilated by the air attacks,
and the ground filled with craters from the recent, intense preparatory bombing.
To their surprise, the rangers find that the casements are empty.
The Germans had already moved their artillery to another location.
The Rangers cautiously pick their way through the quiet countryside.
Only 155 of them have survived the initial attack on the steep cliffs.
They discover the cache of artillery, well camouflaged about a half mile away and secure it.
The Rangers resist increasingly heavy German counterattack for 36 hours. Due to navigational errors their mission is thought to have failed, and by the time the Rangers are finally relieved, there are only 90 men left.
At 10:30 that night, Arromanches is liberated, making way for 170,000 troops to come across the beachheads and push their way through Normandy. Germany surrenders on August 25th, 1944.
Of all the Normandy invasions on D-Day, Omaha beach sustained the heaviest casualties, with the death of 2000 American soldiers.
When I visit these places, why does my throat ache? Why do my eyes sting?
I am not insensible to the wars that are going on even now, to the wars that occurred well after this one that took place 60 years ago.
I am from an American family. I married a French man and my sister married a German man.
In this day and age, that is unremarkable.
But here in the Normandy beaches, buffeted by history, the tide of my blood and my roots crashes with that of my home and my life.
And the story it tells roars in my ears.
* * *
Information gathered from here, here, and here, as well as what I could gather from the museums. I am not a historian, so if I have unintentionally misrepresented facts, please feel free to correct me in the comment section.
We visited Omaha Beach, Pointe du Hoc, the American Cemetery and the museum of Arromanches, which gives the history of the beachheads designed by Churchill. There is also a little free train in Arromanches that leaves every half hour to take you to a theatre on the hill that shows an 18 minute circular movie with footage from World War II. We didn’t have time to visit the Memorial of Caen, the German cemetery or the other beaches, as much as I would have liked to.
Wow! My Father and his family lived in Vienna when Hitler invaded Austria in 1938. My Grandmother, Grandfather, my Dad and his twin brother escaped with bags over their shoulders just like in The Sound of Music. They eventually made it to the south of France where my Dad finished his “senior” “the bac” year in school. He then served in the French army for a year and then became a resistance fighter making fake ID’s for people who had Jewish names. he traveled all over France to deliver those ID’s. Maybe “Sir’s” Granddad and my Dad may have crossed paths. You never know. Thanks for the history lesson…which teaches us to be grateful for our freedom and to see our parents and Grandparents as true heroes. Next time we are in France I really want to visit the sites in your photos. 🙂 Merci!!!!
I did very much think of your father when I wrote this. I didn’t remember that he had escaped over the mountains from Austria though.
Wow. Wow. This is special. So very beautiful. Amazing to read how your family’s roots and such a historic time in world history intertwine.
You children are growing up – and so gorgeous, by the way.
Thank you, lovely friend.
Hey this is great. Such an informative and well written story. My Dad was in WWII on the front lines but in the South Pacific and not part of D Day. He was wounded in action and operated on the field but somehow survived. He rarely talked about the war although I know a few choice tidbits that were relayed by my Mom. I can’t imagine what he saw and what he was required to do. When I was a child and would hear some of the stories I would think – but why did you have to shoot – why couldnt you just each run the other way? The pure mind of a child – if only life were that simple! Give me a call when you can.
My grandfather was in the South Pacific too. I’ll give you a call – we’re around.
Ok…you have me in tears this fine Sunday! I would love to see all those places…I will, one day! Whenever I am feeling whiny…”gas is so expensive!” “will I have a job tomorrow?” “what is this world coming to?!” , I watch Band Of Brothers to get my head straight…NOTHING we face now compares to what was happening then. And we have no concept of the price paid by those men and their families and I don’t ever want to take that for granted. Their blood paid for our freedom and prosperity and we owe it to them to make the most of what they won for us.
Awesome post!!!
I know – I feel very passionately about it too, especially being here and seeing the area firsthand. I hope you can come one day. You know, I forgot to mention but there were also 18,000 French civilians killed in Normandy on that day.
I wish I weren’t in this BlogHer tizzy, getting ready, so I wouldn’t miss posts like these.
You know who’s going to LOVE this, right?
It’s big boy.
I love our soldiers, all soldiers, and I would read to my son, with the same passion that you’ve written here…and now he wants to be one of the honored who fight for our country.
This was beyond excellent, THANK YOU.
I just knew your awesome boys would love it and then when I saw your handsome oldest in his cap, it was confirmed!
Great post, Jennie. The photos made it all come alive for me. I really want to visit the area now. Thank you for sharing.
I feel that same ache and sting reading your words.
I am continually awed by the bravery of soldiers in such times. I do not know how they are able to propel their bodies forward into such imminent danger; from where do they draw their courage?
How do they have the strength to carry on when I assume I would fold, dissolved completely in fear?
My words can’t do it justice.
So thank you for this beautiful post, for the pictures and history.
I remain humbled.
Interesting post, thanks! My mother-in-law’s father was an American WWII pilot based in Europe. He died back in the 1970’s. She was just going through his things last week and found an elementary French grammar book and inside it was an identification card for a Nazi. We have no clue why. The picture is not of him. Now we have a mystery on our hands.
I wonder if it was a fake ID card in case he got caught? But then they would expect him to speak German …
Ronald Reagan gave an amazing speech at Pointe du Hoc commemorating the 40th anniversary of D-Day. Some of them were still alive and in attendance.
“We stand on a lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France. The air is soft, but 40 years ago at this moment, the air was dense with smoke and the cries of men, and the air was filled with the crack of rifle fire and the roar of cannon. At dawn, on the morning of the 6th of June, 1944, 225 Rangers jumped off the British landing craft and ran to the bottom of these cliffs. Their mission was one of the most difficult and daring of the invasion: to climb these sheer and desolate cliffs and take out the enemy guns…These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war. ”
Brings tears to my eyes every time.
Ah – beyond beautiful. It has been so important to me to have done the research on this to be in touch with what really happened.