Three French children’s songs brought to you by …
Petit Prince!
Click here to hear him sing: Petit Prince Petit Poisson
(and please don’t kill me, but you have to click the link a second time when it shows the attachment page in order to hear it, and then you have to back-click twice to get back to the post – I’m sooooory – so not tech savvy … and while we’re at it, I never look at spam but I did today, and out of the ten spam comments I got, THREE were from people who have commented before – what’s going on? So if you don’t see your comment, shoot me a mail. I probably did not edit it out, but it’s lost in spamland. okay, back to our regularly scheduled programming …)
Les petits poissons, dans l’eau nagent, nagent, nagent, nagent, nagent,
Les petits poissons, dans l’eau nagent aussi bien que les gros Les petits, les gros nagent comme il faut,
Les gros, les petits nagent bien aussi.
The little fish in water – swim, swim, swim, swim, swim,
The little fish in water – you should swim as well as the big ones.
The little ones, the big ones – swim as well as you should
The big ones, the little ones – swim well too.
Loses something in the translation, don’t you think?
Young Knight!
Click here to hear: Young Knight – Green Mouse
Une souris verte Qui courait dans l’herbe Je l’attrape par la queue, Je la montre à ces messieurs Ces messieurs me disent : Trempez-la dans l’huile, Trempez-la dans l’eau, Ça fera un escargot Tout chaud. Je la mets dans un tiroir, Ell’ me dit :”Il fait trop noir” Je la mets dans mon chapeau, Ell’ me dit :” Il fait trop chaud” Je la mets dans ma culotte, Elle me fait trois petites crottes
A green mouse runs in the grass
I catch it by the tail and I show it to these guys.
These misters tell me “Soak it in oil, soak it in water – it will become a snail, all nice and warm.”
I put it in my drawer, it says it’s too dark.
I put it in my hat, it says it’s too hot
I put it in my underwear and it does three little poops
(lyrics added by Young Knight – I put it in a saucepan and it does rock-n-roll).
This, now, loses nothing in the translation as it’s quite ridiculous in French too.
Young Lady!
Click here to hear: A Young Lady’s Colors
Dans le jardin, ciel bleu arbre vert
les enfants jouent, ballon rouge, caillou blanc
Et au soleil pomme jaune, l’oiseau noir
danse une abeille
ciel bleu arbre vert
ballon rouge, caillou blanc
ciel bleu arbre vert
ballon rouge, caillou blanc
In the garden – blue sky, green tree
The children play – red ball, white stone
And in the sun – yellow apple, black bird
dances a bee –
blue sky, green tree
red ball, white stone
blue sky, green tree
red ball, white stone
Gros bisous (big kisses) from us to you!
So cute!
At least the mouse has the decency to wait for his trip into the underwear to poop. Three times, though?
Seems excessive.
(This is adorable. And I agree that saucepans are conducive to rock-n-roll.)
Julie, you’re comments always make me laugh.
Too cute! But I think I’m going to refrain from playing my boys the second one. “Poop” is their favorite word and I’m not sure I want to fuel their fire in another language. 🙂
Really?!! (chuckle) If you’re interested, fart in french is “prout.” Proust without the s. Except I should add that it’s pronounced proot.
So sweet!
Hey Anne – as I mentioned in the comment above, they might also like to know that fart is prout (proot). We get a lot of that. It’s the age and stage in this family. woo hoo
Okay – I was able to hear these and so glad I did! There is something SO charming about children speaking in French, AND SINGING! Oh my goodness!!! Soooo adorable!! (My inability to get the link was user error.)
PS: Thanks for teaching us to say “fart” in French. I hope Proust isn’t offended!
Thanks Ado. 🙂