So it’s Saturday morning and the cartoons are on. That means my kids are glued to the tv and my house is messy from them throwing things at each other.
We’re very civilized here.
But it’s time to draw the names for the grand supermarket cd giveaway. (yaaaaay)
First, just to draw out suspense and because you are forced to listen to me, look at my orchid,
And let me also take this time to tell you that my mom, her husband and my sister are all visiting so I am a bit MIA. And a bit crazy. In a good way.
Ooh pretty – you can see the reflection of the overhead lamp.
Oops. Julie you were hiding underneath someone else, but I did not forget about you.
Approach the savage animal cautiously.
Gratuitous exhibition.
No. It’s Ado who won. Hi Ado! Send me an e-mail with your address and Mr. Brel will race off to swoon you.
Awe!!! congrats to the winner! (and how did I miss the opportunity? Bummer . . . I so would love to see my name written on a piece of paper with such lovely handwriting!!! BEAUTIFUL!!)
I wasn’t even in that drawing and the suspense made me laugh.
Oh shucks! Next time! (And thanks for visiting Maggie). 🙂
Wonderful suspense… and I LOVE your photos!
Yay! Congratulations Ado!
Love the way you picked. So much more civilised than using a random generator!
I can’t believe it! No seriously, first thing I’ve won in – well, in forever! I am so excited! Yay!
My daughter who is supposed to be asleep asked me why I was smirking and giggling here in the dark – I said, “I’ve won me a crooner!”
This REALLY tickled me. Is that pathetic? (-:
The last time I won something was in the 3rd grade I think!
I will email you my address you nut. (-:
PS: I am totally in awe of how beautifully you wrote everyone’s names on those cards – and took the photos. I loved the “look at my orchid because you have to” – v. clever.
Congrats to Ado! And I love the way you revealed the winner. Too cute. 🙂
I spend a lot of time hiding under people so this was perfect ~
Congratulations to the winner…
Those gorgeous pictures of the orchid were enough for me!