I’ve just a few more postcards for you from our trip to Bretagne.
They’re about as orderly as this.
Random clouds of sand kicked up with no order.
There was our usual trip to Dinard, just us.
Ice-cream before the photos = not very wise.
The pursuit and the hostage negotiations.
Another getaway, followed by an aborted effort.
Sure Bretagne was often cold and rainy and grey,
but Sir’s family of five brothers never fails to come up with a plan.
Everyone join in! Even the big ones!
(I wish I could show all the participants, but I forgot to ask permission).
I should know not to side against these two.
And we ended with the usual bang.
Fireworks for Bastille Day on July 14th. Greatly anticipated by some …
… met with trepidation by others.
Sure Bretagne was cold and rainy and grey. But then …
The temps seems…unusual for that part of the world, right?
You are amazing at making lemonade out of lemons. Learning a lot on what I need to work on here…
Actually, global warming cannot claim Bretagne weather – it is always like that. We did get quite a cold and rainy spell this Spring though for Paris.
Beautiful. Beautiful. Family. xo
Wow – what a fun trip! And the Olympics idea? BRILLIANT. (PS… might be stealing *that* one for a family reunion I have coming up…)
Go for it – did the wheelbarrow races, carry the kid races, hop on one foot (don’t recommend it for the old people like me), jump as far as you can and throw as far as you can – each teammate starting where the other landed so that you measure the distance of the whole team. Running backwards … I can’t remember what else – it started to rain.
Your posts are always a whole lot of ‘Beautiful!’
Oh shucksh – shank you.
So much fun!!
Gorgeous! Olympics were a great idea, but I am even more fond of the thought of those lovely bowls of ice cream
If it’s any consolation (and very surprisingly because it’s hard to mess up) the ice cream wasn’t that good.
Oh looks like good old fashioned family fun!! (and why is it that children never want to sit still when you have a perfect photo opt moment? ) lol
Just gorgeous! Matt and I are marveling at how big your cherubs are getting, especially the Young Lady! Of course, we both agree Sir still looks the same as I’m sure you do (no picture of the Lady?) – no doubt.
Makes us miss you guys tons!
I had trouble commenting on your blog – again. Our connection is very slow and I think that’s the problem. But I was going to say the same thing about yours!
Thanks for sharing. It looks like a LOT of fun.
a double rainbow is an omen of tremendous wonderfulness. i love bretagne – the huge tides, the rain, the trees. lovely
Oh, how you capture fun and joy and family.
{I’m over the moon for those photos on the stairs! *swoon*}
Happy vacationing, friend! Enjoy every single moment!
Gorgeous photos but I have to say I love the rainbow most. xo
American size portions of ice cream! No wonder the Olympics were so heated.
Your pictures make me miss the Oregon coast! Looks like a fun vacation.
I am loving Young Lady’s sandals….very cool……
They’re Monster High sandals (ooh ooh)!
Your family is just so beautiful, my friend. Such lovely pictures!