That’s Paris is out!
And I’m in it!
See that?
Oh là là is right!
This book is the brainchild of Velvet Morning Press, and all proceeds will go to charity! Woot! Woot! (I love that part). 🙂 The details about the charity are quoted from the VMP website:
Author proceeds from anthology sales will be donated to Room to Read, a charity that partners with communities in the developing world to promote literacy and gender equality in education.
Room to Read seeks to transform the lives of millions of children in Asia and Africa by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education. Working in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations and governments, we develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children and ensure girls have the skills and support needed to complete their secondary education. Learn more at
My submission about the hair-tugging process of getting a French driver’s license is in distinguished company. Stephen Clarke, author of A Year in the Merde, writes the forward, and I recognise bloggers from the list such as Lisa Webb from Canadian Expat Mom and Emily from Tomato Kumato. I also know Vicki Lesage, Amazon best-selling author of Confessions of a Paris Party Girl. And then the rest of the contributors, listed here, are (amazingly) script-writers and moms, astronomers and chefs, adventurers and tax lawyers, self-sufficient farmers and political ghost-writers, stylists and corporate execs …and the list goes on.
I mean these are some really cool people.
I hope you will buy the book and support the charity and do all the stuff authors love (which is to leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads and tell others about the book and all that fun stuff).
But I also want to offer a copy of That’s Paris to someone who wants it. If you want to win, do leave me a comment below and let me know. And perhaps you could also mention the book launch on Facebook or Twitter (or G+ or Pinterest) just to spread the love?
Whenever I do a giveaway, I usually pull a name out of the hat because I’m high-tech like that. And I’ll announce the winner on Monday, February 9th.
I just know you’re gonna to love it.
Awesome, what a great cause too! I hope I win! 🙂
Elaine A. recently posted…Furry Friends & Netflix
Cool! I would love to win. And I could pass it on to my Paris-loving sister when I’ve finished it.
Hillary recently posted…Identity Crisis….On Paper
Wow! That is so exciting! I look forward to reading!
Congratulations!! I’m excited for you! I’ll be in a new book in the spring, and I can’t wait to talk about it. I look forward to your book!
Tamara recently posted…The Long and Winding Road.
I loved it!!
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