I pull on my jogging pants and tighten my Asics Gel Kayano’s for the Supinated Foot. Then I pull a long tee shirt over my million dollar baby weight and head out.
I jog past the hedges with the bright orange berries
past the funky … tree (is it?), and the persimmon tree
past the Q-tip tree.
I jog past vine-covered houses
and other houses with lunatic dogs
(er – ding dong – you sure it’s your dog that’s the lunatic, Monsieur?).
I jog past farms,
past more farms
and I head over to the Seine.
Aaaah … the Seine, the Seine.
The water laps against the low-lying branches, gurgling, cajoling.
I run past the willows – weeping with you as you mourn, tickling you delightedly when you’re gay,
past the ducks paddling around the Seine
past the benches to sit and watch the ducks paddling around the Seine
past the road flanked by stone walls.
walk run, walk run, walk run
My soft flesh is a half-second behind each jolting step.
I head home now, my joints protesting the unnecessary efforts,
my heart as feathery as the willow.
At least you’re suffering – ahem – jogging in a beautiful area.
I walk run, walk run, walk run myself. It’s much easier on the joints!
I love willows! And the q-tip tree sounds seussical.
Um… do you jog in Paradise?
Sure – if all you buddies were living across the street.
I want to do that!!!! Yeay!
I am in France through you blog! Merci! We are following each other on twitter.
Where do you find this energy???
Wow! What a scenic route! I’d like to think I’d be more inspired to jog if I could run in such a beautiful place – but, knowing me, I’d just come up with excuses to sit along the Seine and eat a croissant!
Maybe I’d jog if I had the Seine. Of course, Lake Michigan is pretty gorgeous too and that hasn’t motivated me to work on “my million dollar baby weight” (hilarious descriptor).
Loved “jogging” with you, but I’m tired now and need a snack.
The hedge with the orange berries might be Firethorn (check for thorns on the stems) and the funky tree is called Monkey Puzzle Tree.
I can’t believe you know that. I had never seen either of those things.