Okay, I clearly have a lot of time on my hands this week because here is another post, hot off the presses, for the Old School Blogging, brought to you by Elaine and Jennifer.

The Alphabet Meme
A. Attached or Single? Definitely attached – the whole “I dreamt I married a French man” bit. By the way, should that be dreamed or dreamt for you grammar experts?
B. Best Friend? My husband, for sure.
C. Cake or pie? Cake, if it’s really dense with tons of frosting. Pie, if it’s pecan.
D. Day of choice? Saturdays during school vacation because then I don’t have to teach English, and the day is actually relaxing and devoted to family.
E. Essential Item? Laptop. Perhaps even more than phone.
F. Favorite color? Periwinkle. I also like Forest Green and Bordeaux.
G. Gummy bears or worms? How about Godiva? That starts with G.
H. Hometown? Syracuse, NY
I. Favorite Indulgence? Napping occurs on the most regular basis, however lying in the sun next to water, and getting pedicures, are right up there.
J. January or July? July, because school is finally out and we go to Bretagne as a family.
K. Kids? Juliet the talented, Gabriel the industrious, and William the Conqueror … unless it’s conquering the nighttime potty training. Um, let’s just say William the Dreamer.
L. Life isn’t complete without? God, love, my husband and children, grace, and lots and lots of humor.
M. Marriage date? October 28, 2000
N. Number of brothers/sisters? 1 biological brother, 1 adopted brother who died, 1 adopted sister, 2 step-brothers plus one wife (step-wife?) ha ha, and 4 brothers-in-law plus their significant others.
O. Oranges or Apples. Apples. I’m too lazy to peel oranges.
P. Phobias? Having to go to the bathroom when there is none available.
Q. Quotes? “The lazy always work double.” Are we sensing a theme here? (also see letter W) Or about about this one? “The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he will not even bring it back to his mouth!” Proverbs 19:24. Who says the Bible is not funny?
R. Reasons to smile? I wrote a whole book!!!!!!! Plus, I’m excited to go to America this summer, and to go to BlogHer.
S. Season of choice? Fall – my birthday, my wedding, birth of one of my children, golden leaves in Paris. What can I say?
T. Tag 5 People. Despite being very honored, I’m always troubled when people tag me because I know I’m going to let them down. And then I don’t want to choose some people and leave out others, so … I’m on strike.
U. Unknown fact about me? Oh gee. Is there anything I haven’t already said? Hm. I played piano, oboe in the band, viola in the orchestra, and flute in the marching band.
V. Vegetable? Like my favorite? Ratatouille – the mix of onion, eggplant, tomato and zucchini is delish.
W. Worst habit? Leaving dishes in the sink (and on the counter, and on the table). Leaving clothes on the floor.
X. Xray or Ultrasound? huh? How about xylophone? The toy one where all the keys are different primary colors and you give it a satisfying whack with a wooden mallet to produce the sound? Much more fun than X-Rays.
Y. My favorite food? Roast chicken with the juices over flavored rice.
Z. Zodiac sign? Scorpio (rah)
Now it’s up to you – all those people I anonymously tagged from my heart. You know who you are.
I love that all of your favorite colors have fancy names.
Jennifer recently posted…Old School Blogging: The ABC Edition
Apples because I’m lazy. Jeesh.
So you were a band geek then? Kidding. I tried playing clarinet but gave up because I couldn’t handle the spit that collected in it. Gah…
Kimberly recently posted…Hide
Brass instruments are worse. At least with reeds it drips out naturally and you don’t have to empty it.
I adore your answer for G, why didn’t I think of that!? 😉
And yes, humor is a MUST!
Thanks for playing along, my friend!
Elaine A. recently posted…Old School Blogging, June
This was fun, Elaine. I’m off to check out some of the other linkups. (I haven’t had time yet).
Always fun to learn a little more about you!!
anna whiston-donaldson recently posted…Love like a Mother!
It’s scary how many of these we share. Seriously, who has the energy to peel oranges?
Andrea recently posted…Quitter
Ha ha. This doesn’t surprise me Andrea. 🙂
School doesn’t get out until July? That’s a really long time…how interesting!
We got married in 2000 as well…we are about to celebrate 13 long years. 🙂
Ameena recently posted…finally
Happy (early) Anniversary. That was a good year to get married. And now it makes sense that our daughters are the same age.
If you live in the South where citrus fruit is incredibly sweet and delicious, you won’t mind peeling it. Drop the peels into a dirty dish while you’re waiting for your morning coffee, then wash the gunk off your hands. Oranges taste great with coffee.
That’s true. If I knew it would be worth the peel – nice and sweet and ripe, I would like it a lot better.
I loved reading more about you… great answers. But what was with X… x-ray or ultrasound?!? Strange question. 😉
I think they were trying to think of something that started with X … and struggling.
Trips on the horizon are always something to anticipate! I like your response to G – I was thinking along the same lines. Candy is OK – but chocolate is better. 🙂
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Old School Blogging: A to Z
There is nothing like a beach vacation, right?
Fall is my favorite season too. If only it weren’t followed by winter!
anymommy recently posted…A friend in me
Winter has its plusses, but they’re usually buried under grey sludge.
I’m really feeling like I should have picked laptop for my essential item – it’s really most important to me.
Haha…love your Godiva answer. I’d choose chocolate over gummy anything any day.
Dishes in the sink and clothes on the floor a problems for me too.
Roast chicken over rice…yum!
Katie E recently posted…Old School Blogging – Alphabet Edition #OSBlog
Hi Katie – welcome! I’ll come and visit your list too.
I love that you are on strike when it comes to tagging. I laughed out loud at that answer! Also, I don’t think anyone cares if it is dreamed or dreamt if you actually GOT to marry a real French man. That breaks any and all grammar rules. 😉
This comment made me smile big. 🙂
I’d take Godiva over gummies too.
Robin | Farewell, Stranger recently posted…A To Z: Old School Blogging
Oh yeah!
Hello, Jennie — from a fellow World Moms Blog-er 😉
Love your favorite color. I confess, I am a pink girl though. I tried to love purple, but she said I was a “pink girl” and couldn’t be anything else!
I’d love to go back to France, this time with my family. Who knows? Maybe in the next few years!
Well hello back Martine! Actually I’ve left WMB because my memoir writing was taking too much time, but I keep in touch with Jen and still follow that fabulous collection of international writers.
You know pink – everything goes with pink. No wonder you love it.
Oh yes, I remember you left a while ago! I meant that it was good to connect outside of WMB, too! 🙂 Wishing you well today.
Martine | WAHM. Wife. Blogging Belle. recently posted…Long Looks, Last Glimpses
See, I’ll eat the membrane, but I don’t want to go through all that effort only to find out the orange is sour (which it often is).
I know – just gorgeous. I think Mont St Michel might be in Normandy, but they’re so close they share all the same sights. I don’t know anything about Rennes though. There’s not much to bring me back to Syracuse anymore but I still have friends there and my brother is not far away from there. But we usually visit the grandparents. Boulder is nice (I’ve heard).
Once again I find we have even more in common! Your phobia? I have that one. Also, flying is not an issue, but fear of feeling sick on a plane? Way up there 🙂
Love the old school meme!
SassyModernMom recently posted…Hearty Bacon Potato Chowder
You have that phobia?! You are the first person I have ever met who had the same one. Cheers sister. 🙂
(Can make traveling a bit of a bear).
Bretagne for the holidays! We too, but in August.
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…Why my husband is an awesome dad.
Oh, it’s really too bad we’re going to miss each other. The weather is better in August though.
G is for Godiva.
Yes. Yes it is.
I knew there was a reason I like you! 😉
Soul sister!
I am with you on changing G to Godiva!
And also… WOOHOO! You’re going to BlogHer and that means I get to meet you!
Jackie recently posted…The A to Z of me – Old School Blogging
Yes! I’m so glad you’re going too this year.
Golly, Godiva yes please! 😀
Maureen@ScoopsofJoy recently posted…I Am Not Fine
Maureen, I always see your picture (at Alison’s and I’m sure elsewhere) but I didn’t connect it with you for some reason. Very pretty pic.
And yes, chocolate – always chocolate.
N sounds like it could be one doozy of a blog post. And I want to read it. Like, now. And W. YOU ARE MY SPIRIT SISTER!
Arnebya recently posted…Old School Blogging
I think my darling we do, indeed, have very much in common. W’s UNITE! (and hire maids)
First of all, it cracked me up that your fave colors are not blue and red, but periwinkle and bordeaux. I loved that! Secondly, I so wish I was going to BlogHer so I could meet you! You have completely intrigued me. 3 – my hubs’ family is from upstate NY – I get the pleasure of driving or flying through Syracuse 1-2 times per year. I really wanted to go to the Maxwell School, but while I was applying, I found out I was pregnant with the twins. No PhD in my future…
And you definitely had me at Godiva!
We have a lot in common. I really liked reading this and glad you took the time to do it!
Alexa recently posted…Pin It! Tuesday! {Pinterest Linkup}
I just had to use those colors because periwinkle is different – it’s blue and purple mixed together. And bordeaux is red and … black? or purple? mixed together. 😉
I wish I could meet you too, but at least we’re blog buddies now. I’m going to have to find you on bloglovin now that the feeds are going away.