I have made some author and blogging decisions lately that almost warrant being called news. And since we’re friends, you and I, it’s time to fill you in. (Plus, I can’t seem to get my act together and write my family, so this way they’ll get news too). 😉
I read a publishing/marketing book, written in a conversational style and chock-full of good tips – particularly for self-publishers, but also for traditionally-published authors. It’s written by my friend’s relative, so I’m giving it some free promo on her behalf – you can buy it here.
Basically, it cinched an idea I had been toying with for months and months now: that it’s never too late to redo the parts of your book you’re not happy with. And I’ve decided to redo my memoir.
I had begun recording it for an audio version, but it was discouraging because I kept thinking
– it’s too long
– the cover image doesn’t clue you in that it’s a memoir
– the title doesn’t clue you in that it’s a memoir OR that it’s mostly about faith OR that 75% of it takes place outside of France. So why am I putting all this extra audio work into it when I’m not completely satisfied with my endeavour?
All these issues are mainly a problem because when my romance novel comes out (it will, it will – it’s officially complete, but needs a major overhaul so its not ready for publishing yet), people are going to look at what else I’ve written, and without close examination, there will be no indication that A Lady in France is not just another romance novel. I’m going to have a lot of unhappy readers on my hands.
So. I’m going to cut my 130,000 tome to somewhere between 70 – 90,000 words. I’m going to choose a new title that somehow encompasses travel, grief and God (any suggestions? pleeeeease leave them in the comments). And I’m going to redesign my memoir cover to look like a memoir, and not like a historical romance. (sigh. I do love that genre).
It will need a new ISBN number so I’m going to lose my 73 reviews and my 2 awards attached to it. 🙁 I might put out a plea for some of you to copy your old review to my revised memoir since the writing won’t change – there will just be less of it). But despite the major inconveniences, I finally feel free! I finally feel like I’m putting my best work out there, and not something I have the tendency to mumble “actually a memoir”, “lots of faith, but for all readers”, “not really a lot about France” whenever I talk about it. See what I mean? I can’t feel confident about something that causes me to mumble.
Meanwhile, A Lady in France is part of a massive giveaway that I want to tell you about. (I don’t get anything out of promoting this – I just donated a copy). But the contest is going on until June 8, and 6 winners will win 10 hard copy books from the list. Not bad, huh? Most of them will be of your choosing since you can put 20 requests and Kim will divvy it up the best she can. If you love to read and love free books, go sign up quick! Click the image and it will take you there.
This last bit of news falls somewhere between author and blogging since I decided to create an author landing page connected to my blog. I will have a jenniegoutet. com page (but don’t bother clicking there because I only registered it, and haven’t created it). That way I can have an author newsletter and book-related news that is separate from my blog. My social media handles will all remain aladyinfrance, and there will be a link to my blog from my author landing page to connect the two. Look at me getting all official.
To be honest, there is less blogging news, but it’s news all the same. After getting published on BonBonBreak with The Future of Small Bloggers, and realising that everyone is feeling the same pressure, I decided to simultaneously stop feeling pressure to meet all the needs and really just write for my readers. When I can comment and support I will, but I’ll no longer feel guilty about it when I can’t. (I feel like I’ve already said this somewhere).
However, I’ve announced that I will be giving up teaching next year for various reasons I won’t go into. I haven’t yet decided about the tutoring I do during the school day, but the other classes won’t continue. My goal is to make money from my writing through both blog and books.
I will be submitting articles to paid websites, for one thing. And for another, I have already started to amp up on marketing my blog – refurbishing old posts and pinning the relevant ones for this season, working on SEO (if you don’t know what that is, and you’re not a blogger, you’re not missing out). Basically, the content is there but the promotion is not. If I want to get paid advertising, I need to be more focused on the marketing aspects. (blah, blah. I won’t bore you anymore with that).
But truthfully? I can easily work until midnight every night. There is so much to do.
That’s it. And if you don’t really care about any of that news, well I don’t blame you! So here are some flowers instead. Peonies from my garden to your house.
So much loveliness in one post.
(Go, Jennie!)
julie gardner recently posted…Lists
Aw, my friend. 🙂
I am excited to see you pushing forward and making new goals. Wishing you every success with your new endeavors Jennie. Also, I read your post on BonBonBreak. Loved it. I really felt encouraged by it honestly. I am at a point right now where I can only manage blogging for me, not any other reason if that makes sense. And your post kind of made me feel better about that.
Amy recently posted…Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies
Thanks Amy. I think you’re off on the right start. As long as you love blogging itself, there will always be readers that want to follow you – you can go quite far with that.
Peonies! Yes, please! I am excited for you, Jennie 🙂
Angela recently posted…Running in the blue
Aw, thanks Angela! I’m inspired by your author-blogging schedule too.
Lots of news and decisions! I loved your small blogging article. Honestly after five years, I still blog the same way. I hope I’ve learned to write better (one can hope) and I’ve certainly learned to cut my posts down from 10,000 words to like.. 800.. but not much has changed. Even my sponsored posts are stuff I’d have written about anyway!
I’ll probably never be big.
Tamara recently posted…Let One Wave Take You Down.
Tamara, you are a queen at visiting, commenting, replying to comments. I don’t know how you do it. And you’re already big to a lot of us – I’m grateful that you still have time for me. 🙂
What a fun read, Jennie.
About the title. It’s been taken: Eat, Pray, Love!
…but you must / will think of something BETTER)) xxx
My Inner Chick recently posted…36 Things Iâve Learned Five Years After Your Murder
That is a good title, isn’t it? Shucks. Too bad it’s taken.
Just dropping by to say, “Hello!” I’ve pretty much quit blogging due to the pressure to keep up with it and just not having the time to do a good job at it. Congrats on your news!
Caren with a C recently posted…Blackberry Recipes
Hi Caren, I was so happy to get your comment! I understand about the blogging, but you do so many other things well pertaining to the home. I admire all your talents in that area.
You inspire me. You also make me think right now how I need a plan. So much to be done. SO MUCH, Jenny, and you’ve done this on your own. You are incredible.
Thank you Alexandra – you have always been super supportive of me right from the beginning, back in 2009. Love you! 🙂
I’m glad Sales & Fails inspired you to make the changes you knew you should do in your memoir. You won’t regret it! Thanks for mentioning my book and thanks for the wonderful review. And I loved “Driving Me Crazy” in “That’s Paris”!
Aw thanks Elle. I’m glad we’re working towards the same objectives, and appreciate all the wisdom in your book.