Did you ever see the Simpsons episode when Homer sold his soul for a donut? And then he proceeded to tempt the devil by eating most of the donut, but not all, so that Satan couldn’t actually steal his soul? And then he started sleep-walking to the fridge for his nighttime snack (where the rest of the donut remained)?
Well. Would you please vote for me for Circle of Moms Top 25 European Moms Blog? You can vote every 24 hours until October 4th. It’s a little soul-sucking to ask for votes, but it turns out I have no shame.
After having killed all of my houseplants but one, I decided to order a sampler of house plants.
I had no idea they would be so ridiculously small.
I thought they would look foolish by the time I repotted them, but it turns out they’re not so bad. I hadn’t realized none of my ceramic pots had holes in it and I didn’t have the right-sized plastic pots to put inside them so the plant could drain properly. I had to get creative –
piercing holes in an old tupperware and balancing the interior pot on a little shelf so it wouldn’t sink too far into the ceramic pot.
I mentioned in my post on angels that I would be making some blog changes soon and I thought I would lay it out a bit more clearly here. This is supposed to be accompanied by a new look, which I’ve been so excited about. But it’s still touch and go on whether or not that’s possible.
I just had a 1000€ crown put on my tooth – had no idea what a crown was going in, no idea how much it hurt, no idea how much it cost (and how little of it was reimbursed). Then our dog barfed on our silk rug and it will be 600€ to clean, and the brakes on the car I drive were about to give until the garage caught it (thank you God for timely miracles) and that will set us back to the tune of 450€. So I’m waiting for my ship to come in, and hoping I’ll be able to find the money to still get a new design.
But in terms of changes, which will go forth regardless . . .
I’ve decided to post four times a week, the same genre of post on the same day so people know what to expect. My main reason for doing this is because I’d like to start writing about faith but I want everyone to feel welcome here. If you’re not into faith, you can skip the Monday posts, because that’s the day I will write on faith.
This plant is going to be a hanging one when it grows up, so I put it up on a shelf across from my other hanging plant in ceramic blue.
On Tuesdays I will do a recipe post. I am never out of ideas on what cool French recipe I could post, but I am unorganized. Tuesdays are generally an easy day for me, so I should be able to get my act together to share some of those delicious French recipes you might never discover unless you live here. If you know that you will never, ever make the kind of things I’m making, and in fact you hate recipe posts, you can skip Tuesdays!
This lonely little plant here will go in the kitchen. But my kitchen is too messy for me to take a picture of it there. (See above comment on being unorganized).
Thursdays I will post something on France. I am generally a bit of a homebody and don’t wander into Paris as often as you might think – as often as you might if you lived here. But I should be able to drum up something! A photo? A French expression? A history lesson? A venture in tourism? I am called A Lady in France, after all, (even though we all know it’s bit of a stretch made possible only through geography).
We’ve had this câche-pot (plant holder) for years now, but it’s been stored in the cupboard.
The bashful faun.
I have no idea how old it is – at least a century or two – but I never dared to take it out with all the small kids running around. But it should be safe here in the stairwell. I hope.
And finally, Fridays will be my day – the family, the naughty dog, my neuroses. Can’t escape the voices in my head. If you read my blog regularly, and if nothing else appeals to you, hopefully Fridays will be a bit more of the same.
This pot came attached to a similar looking plant that was four times its size. It looks a little silly now all scrawny, but it will probably grow. I mean, we all keep growing as long as there’s life to live, right?
So the rundown on blog changes (starting in October) is:
Mondays – Faith
Tuesdays – Food
Thursdays – France
Fridays – Family
I know myself well enough to put a disclaimer in that if I have absolutely nothing to write on a particular subject on a particular day, I’m not going to force it. And if I find that I am so far behind I don’t have time to clean my kitchen . . . well . . . in that case it’s pretty much 50-50 whether I’m going to post something or not. But there will be a degree of flexibility involved so that blogging remains, as always, a joy.
And as for you, friends – thank you for reading. Thank you for caring about me, my family, for listening to my words and for responding.
Love your new plan … And especially Monday xxxx
sisters from another mister recently posted…Theraderm and best friends.
Oh good, another vote for Monday. Thanks Nicole. 🙂
I like checking in on everything you write. But I love the plan and the schedule. I should think about doing something similar since it’s been over 10 days since I posted AT ALL 😉
anymommy recently posted…Something right
You write so beautifully, I’m not sure you need a plan to keep on doing that, although it would be nice to see a new post from you on the radar! 😉
See, I’m all anal and stuff, but when it comes to blogging I’m all about scrambled eggs. Like my head.
I think it’s cool though that you’re giving readers a heads up…not that we need one because the true readers will read what you write even if it was about your menstrual cramps.
I would.
Cause i’m weird.
I’m sorry about the tooth. jeesh! I have heard that those are super painful too.
I have two plants in my kitchen. My boy loves hiding random toys in the dirt. Silly kids.
Kimberly recently posted…Babies Come From The God Store
I love your scrambled eggs head and your scrambled eggs posts. I relate.
All those expenses – ouch!
I like your plan. Though I will read everything, as always. 🙂
Alison recently posted…Coffee Buddy
I know. It has a bite and an after-bite.
I voted for you 🙂
ayala recently posted…Patron Shots With My Brother
You’re the best Ayala!
That’s way more organized than I think I could be with my blog. I’m impressed! And the tiny plants are cracking me up.
Korinthia Klein recently posted…Music Clocks
They are totally puny, aren’t they?
You’re new plan sounds great!
Connie Keller recently posted…Standardized Testing, Better Than Milton
Thank you Connie! 🙂
You plan is very impressive and I can’t wait to enjoy!!
Thanks Viviane! 🙂
Wow your plan is really impressive! But do not worry, I will tune in whenever you write. Like – nearly – always. 🙂
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…Apple Muffins with Honey and Cinnamon
Like – nearly – always made me laugh. It is so hard to juggle all the balls, isn’t it? Even with the best intentions? 🙂
I just LOVE your posts on faith! I am a naturopathic doctor and don’t really have much time to interface with people at the friend level, let alone bare my soul about my spiritual conflicts and challenges.
I grew up with a pastry chef mom, and a dad of European descent, which means a mom who loves to bakes all things European, but typically specific to Dutch, Belgian and German themes.
I have always been fascinated with France, and always envied the girls in college who could speak it fluently. They seemed so much more elegant and beautiful because of it. Because of mom, I grew up able to read enough French to get through a menu, ok, but would never dare utter a word to anyone other than a waiter 😉
Finally, my whole family is gluten free, which is why, Lady Jennie, you are just a little bright spark in my life.
A little Jesus, balanced with tantalizing me with some GF French delights—most of which I could never partake of even if I did make the journey across the pond—and your thoughtful stories threaded with transparent reality—I mean, seriously, Girl—what is not to LOVE?!!!
And I love your new plan of intention, but seriously, if you ever want to dish up some Jesus time and throw in some eclairs au chocolate or pot de crème—far be it from me to remind you of what day of the week it is.
I never post, because I am usually reading on my iPhone when I’m in the carpool line or something; but today, I just wanted to let you know, that I routinely enjoy YOU.
Celebrating you with gratitude today 🙂
I had a big ole teary, sloppy grin when I read your comment. Way to encourage! 😀
Thanks Marlisa. Hugs!
I love your plan! I can relate to your feeling that a little structure in blogging is worth trying out. And, yes, I’ll vote!
Jessica Smock recently posted…5 Lessons From Elizabeth Gilbert (That Have Not Much To Do With Eating, Praying, or Loving)
Thanks Jessica – for the encouragement and the vote! 🙂
I couldn’t function without a plan or schedule or lists. Bravo!
Also? I love your plants. I have no green thumb and have killed almost every living thing that has entered my home a part from a tiny cactus. Sigh.
Tonya recently posted…You Know You’re A Blogger When…
Yes, but I admire your discipline in all these other areas. Seriously!
Your pants are very cute. I am terrible with plants but so far have been doing well with my current batch – they seem to be able to cope with my watering issues. I think it is awesome that you are doing a schedule. I like knowing what I should be working on.
Sorry – plants, not pants. I think I need more coffee. 🙂
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Introducing: In-Flight Food
Haha! I just totally read Kim’s comment and was like “Pants? I totally didn’t read this post well enough, clearly.” 😉
Laura recently posted…Starting Daycare
No, you saw she meant plants, right?? That was funny. High five back.
hee hee 🙂
I am particularly happy about your new blog schedule…as I have found myself to be wound this way—scheduled/organized, as life went on…and on and on. It cuts the chaos in my mind. And I do believe a decluttered life to be a more peaceful one. And there is a bible verse that goes along with that….I am certain! 😉 Look forward to knowing what’s coming. Or not. Because being flexible is also an avenue I find myself wandering down from time to time!
You’re right. I hope so much that this organization will help me. My brain is constantly in a whirlwind!
Love your new plan! 🙂 I can’t wait to watch it unfold. And also, high fives for shamelessness! 🙂
Laura recently posted…Starting Daycare
I love your new schedule and I think it is going to be fabulous.
Jennifer recently posted…Dear Men, You Get Three Days
Thank you! 🙂
This is going to be good, really good. I’m sorry about all of the unexpected expenses. Isn’t that the way it works… everything happens at once?
Greta recently posted…Project 365 (Week 38)
Yes. Bills sweep in fast and hard with sharp beaks and claws before retiring to a nearby branch with greedy glittering eyes, awaiting their next opportunity. #poetryindestitution
You have a centuries old cache pot? I’m so jealous! Love your little plants and your new plans for the blog. 🙂
We have a bunch of centuries-old things. My husband lucked out in marrying an American who was starved for history and actually appreciates it all. His whole family knows I love antiques (and they laugh at what I consider antique – like that cache pot).
I like the plan!
Voted. 🙂
Carole recently posted…Reflections at Parque de María Luisa
Thank you! You’re always so supportive.
I have to try a gluten free version of that thing called … what is it? Wernerschnitzel? I’m sure I botched the spelling?
When the girls were babies, I had them on the MOST rigid schedule. Now, schedules stress me out. I have become a go with the flow kind of person, and my blog is the same. Which means there is no rhyme or reason to anything I do. 🙂 I’m looking forward to reading more about your 4 Fs!
Also, those plants didn’t look that tiny in the first photo, but in relation to your hand? I LOL’d. 😉
Leigh Ann recently posted…The last glimpse of summer
Thanks Leigh Ann! You seem to do just fine without a rigid schedule. But I have screws popping out of my head.
Hi Lady Jennie,
I’m the new girl around here, but I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now and I really enjoy it. I’m very excited about your new schedule. Faith, Food, France & Family… you had me at hello! I have especially loved your more recent faith posts, very well written and thought out. I’ve been to France twice and just adore it! Happy Tuesday and thanks for sharing your new plan!
p.s. I added your button link to my blog … so more people can enjoy your site. 🙂
Jenny recently posted…Did I do enough today?
Welcome Jenny – I’m honored to have you here. (I’m late on replying – I actually visited your blog before I could send a reply).
Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!
I love the idea of a schedule like that!
Shell recently posted…Conquering Mt. Washmore: 7 Tips to Stop Laundry from Taking over Your House
I just adore your idea of a blog schedule. I have always wanted to try that. Maybe someday. I love reading your posts and can’t wait to see what you have in store.
Jayme recently posted…Essence of Dave: AAAAAANNNNNDDDD… We’re Back!
Jayme, thank you so much for reading. 🙂
Voted! Loved the picture of the plants with your hand for some size perspective. 😉 I think this happened to me once for food I ordered at a restaurant!
And thanks for the 1 Kings reference. 🙂
Ha ha – that definitely would have happened in France (the miniature food).
Can I tell you how much I love this post? I feel like we’re having a conversation at your house while you repot your new plants.
I think that your new blog plans will help you become more organized (you can sigh in relief, knowing what’s coming), and I can’t wait to jump in with you!
Andrea recently posted…The First Day of Fall
I still think about your schedule and wonder how I can imitate it in some way for sanity. I agree that this might help.
I just discovered your blog and love it! I, too, married a French man and always dreamt of it. However, it’s my second marriage and he’s lived in the States for 40 years. But still…my dream has come true! I enjoy your posts and love your enthusiasm! You have my vote!
Welcome Lori! And thank you so much for the vote.
Voted!!! New plans sound good. I’m impressed with how much you post. I can’t manage more than once a week. And I always feel welcome here though I’m a different faith. Just wanted you to know!
Nina recently posted…Helpful vs. Helpless Kids
That means a lot to me Nina (the fact that you feel welcome here – not the vote, although the vote was greatly appreciated too).
just voted, Mrs. Plant Lady! Xxx
My Inner Chick recently posted…The Poem I Read At Your Funeral
Thank you love!