It’s finally starting to feel like Fall so I’m making a traditional Provincial summer dish called Gratin d’Aubergines. A gratin is any dish with bread crumbs or cheese that has been baked to a golden brown. Call me crazy, but eggplant parm (which is a pretty close equivalent) feels like Fall to me with those deep purples and reds and hot tomatoey… Read More
Buckwheat Galettes
I think this might be the first time I wrote two food posts in a row, but I was just so inspired by the success of these galettes and … since they’re hot off the grill, I thought I’d share the recipe with you. What is a galette, you might ask? It is a crèpe from Bretagne (Brittany) that is… Read More
Dijon Mustard Tarte
Ahem. Notice anything new? I have included a new tab on my landing page entitled “Cuisine” and it has all the recipes I’ve posted on my blog, almost all of which are French and fairly easy. (If you click on the word Cuisine it will take you there). I’m very excited about it. I hope you will try some of… Read More
A Tutorial on Artichokes
I went to the market the other day and came home with some delights like this and this celery root. If celery root were a dog, it would be a pug. I also came home with artichokes. Artichokes from Bretagne (a region famous for them) are huge! I can barely squeeze three in the pot. Now, if you’re going to… Read More