I’m breaking the cardinal rule of blogging and am writing a post composed entirely of bad photos. But how could I resist sharing with you such a cute Christmas service that we had. And we had no camera with us, just an iPhone in low lighting, which was zoomed in.
Our small church is pretty international and everyone took part.
Our artist from Brittany painted a story while his Korean wife read the words. (She is equally talented, and designed and sewed the most beautiful silk dress I’ve ever seen for her wedding).
There were the African singers (and a Haitian who slipped in), who also started the prayer group in our church about ten years ago. The group is usually about twice as big, but some were away.
They meet faithfully every week to pray for the needs of people in the church, their loved ones, and the world. I have often placed my loved ones’ needs into their care, and with miraculous results (I, also, do not neglect to pray).
How I love these women.
And there were singers from Madagascar, singing in Malgash. (With one singer from La Reunion who slipped into the group by way of marriage). Iza moa io Zazakely
There were songs in Portuguese (Hoje è Natal), and songs in Chinese (Aimer pour la vie).
There were songs in Spanish (Los Peces en el rio)
and ones in English.
Ann and I sang “What Child is This” in two-part harmony. See how I’m not ashamed to put a photo of myself that is not flattering? 😉 This is because I have decided to be gentler to myself.
We had singers from the islands – in this case, Martinique and Guadeloupe, though there are other islands represented in our church – Haiti and La Réunion, to name two more.
I love these people too – they are our very dear friends.
There were scriptures read in Albanian, Italian, Romanian, Indonesian with the translation for the rest of us.
And the children sang Stille Nacht in German with the purest voices.
Only the poorest quality pictures to show you (sigh)
of this event so rich in love.
What a beautiful service!!
The love and grace of God shine through in these photos.
Tracie recently posted…You Didn’t Meet Your Goal. Congratulations?
This looks amazing! What a wonderful service this must have been. I love all these people sharing different cultures.
KC recently posted…There Has To Be An Easier Way?!
What a lovely service. I’m glad to see that all of God’s children were represented. Look’s like your church picked up people from all corners of the world. The pictures look fine to me.
Mary Collins recently posted…Marvelous Mondays for Free Books—December 22, 2014
So cool! Loved having a glimpse of this.
Nina recently posted…My Book Club’s 2014 Favorites
Yes, I agree with the comments above, it looks lovely! I also really like to see so many diverse people together. Happy Christmas!