Yesterday evening, the waning sunlight was so decadentΒ in the garden, I had to run back inside to get my camera.
Summer is pretty much over, isn’t it?
And yet we’ve only had 5 red tomatoes all year.
The snails and slugs did a number on the entire garden.
I’m not sure these melons will ever ripen to where they need to be.
Meanwhile many things ripened too quickly.
But the roses have bloomed again –
adding their perfume to the medley of scents –
and the kiwi is climbing along the fence.
The wildflowers are still working their magic
and the planted flowers retain their vibrancy.
We can still have tea on the patio for a bit longer
and Hunter still runs free.
But there is definitely an end to the summer era
and school has begun.
And I just never get tired of all this bounty.
Jennifer says
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
Jennifer recently posted…Hallmark Poster Cards for Kids
ladyjennie says
Thank you, darling friend.
Ann says
I love your photographs! I definitely agree with you about summer being over (too quickly). Even though you’re half a world away from me, I noticed yesterday afternoon–the air was much cooler/crisper feeling, even though the cement was still warm.
Fall is definitely on its way!
Ann recently posted…Fresh Brothers Pizza arrives in Newport Beach
ladyjennie says
Thanks Ann! I like cool weather, but I really and truly had fun this summer. I’ll miss it.
Alison says
I love your garden. Beautiful.
And your kids! So big.
Alison recently posted…Why Don’t You…..
ladyjennie says
I really wish you could see it at THIS time of year.
Nina says
Beautiful! It’s a gift to be able to *see* good light– to truly see it. I cannot! I mean, I know when it’s really too dark, but different kinds of light are beyond me. I’m not great at color either, which is related! Happy school year. Woo-hoo!
Nina recently posted…3 Ideas For a Meaningful Holiday
ladyjennie says
I don’t always. My senses can be very dull, excepting perhaps, music – listening.
Happy school year yourself, friend!
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes says
Actually I love the whole summer-turning-into-fall time of the golden light. Sadly it often rains here. Then I hate it…
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…How to relax in the Provence.
ladyjennie says
Does it? I’m trying to remember our short visit. I think it was grey, but not rainy.
Andrea says
Your kids look excited to be going back to school! I mourn the summer a little when it ends, but then things get going and I look forward to the fall.
Andrea recently posted…So Iβm An Idiot
ladyjennie says
Yup. Those describe my feelings perfectly!
dad says
Hey Jen
Hold on to those kid photos at this time of the year! Seasons come and go but you only see them once. And also, there is always joy at this time of the year even when a few things disappoint.
ladyjennie says
That’s true. Love you Dad. π
ladyjennie says
Hi Rita,
We have a lot of aphids too. I’ve tried a number of natural remedies, but truthfully, the best are the years where there just aren’t that many.
Elaine A. says
I’m coming for tea! Wait for me!! π
I love your garden…
ladyjennie says
I’ll make the cookies!