I have a faith post and a food post that I want to do, but there’s enough family news (and more) to make it a priority.
Juliet got bangs.
She’s quickly leaving the baby girl years
and is heading into the murky waters of the pre-teen.
Send chocolate.
William is looking forward to finishing with maternal school and heading into CP (the 1st grade equivalent).
It also means he will be able to do soccer like his big brother.
I usually teach on Saturday mornings so I can’t go to the games.
But I’m so glad we could finally go and watch him play.
Since he won’t read this until he’s older – if then – I can say in confidence (between you and me) that he’s not a strong soccer player.
But he loves it and he gives his whole heart. And what is more honourable than that?
This dog.
He looks so innocent, but he bit our neighbour without warning and drew blood. I’ve been sick about it today, but they were very gracious. I’m going to bring them a card and cookies and we will make sure it never happens again. Juliet was walking him, but from now on, only we will walk him and he will be on a tight leash the whole time. I’m pretty sure he was afraid of the hedge trimmer the neighbour was using. We’re also going to get advice from three dog experts before we rashly give him away.

Gabriel does usually hold the trumpet correctly.
Gabriel, while not super strong at soccer, is amazingly good at trumpet. In France you have to go before a jury each year to pass to the next level in the conservatories. He got the highest mark, with a special mention from the judges. And it’s true his sound was so sweet and pure. And he had the hiccups when he took the exam! I was so proud.
In other family news, I’m enforcing 15 minute reading sessions daily. I brought a wicker basket upstairs for that purpose so they would have a good choice every time they sit down to read. They do seem to be reading more.
Our garden is green and sweet-smelling right now. I took these at night, so here is the light through the kiwi
and the fence with kiwi growing up and hazelnut leaves hanging down.
Here are the hazelnuts
and the peaches.
and the weaker apricot tree, which has never successfully brought apricots to maturity. They always fall out of the tree. I notice that a lot of the branches are dead and the leaves curled inwards. I’ll see if a radical trim will do the trick.
I think this is Rose of Sharon, which immediately makes me think of Grapes of Wrath, and Roseasharn, who breastfed an old man.
A neighbour gave it to us and it just blossoms all summer.
The most beautiful blooms!
Over here, this moss-covered weed-fest looks amazing now. I covered it with tarp, and then covered that with bark. I poked holes to let the geraniums through
and behind it the lavender is really thriving, despite the fact that it doesn’t get all that much sun.
I love the purple against the white lavender.
I do plan on planting bright red and yellow annuals in a wooden box my husband built for me, but for the moment I am really a fan of blue, pink and white flowers. These are the petunias I planted near the studio, whose shutters will one day be painted bright blue.
Oh yes, and there are the bright orange nasturtiums that pop up on their own each year. I kind of like those too. I like how they close up each night and open again each morning.
Those will stay . . . and that’s about it for news.
Wait! That’s not true. Our area got hard-hit with a hail storm last night. Here is one of the bigger ones we found after it was safe to go out.
Tonight it’s supposed to be a more severe storm with even bigger hail and for a longer time. It’s a good thing I took pictures of my garden
because I don’t expect to see it in such good shape again this year.
Love your news! If they ever have a hiccup attack at a bad time, I have two easy tricks that really work:
You can drink water, hold it in your mouth, bend over at the waist (so your head is upside down), and then swallow.
Or scoop out a big teaspoon of sugar and eat it all in one gulp.
Seriously… both work. Crazy, huh?
I know! I know about that! But Gabriel was backstage and I didn’t know he had the hiccups until he started playing. Can you imagine? 🙂
Love these gorgeous photos and this update. And Rose of Sharon always reminds me of The Grapes of Wrath, too.
anna whiston-donaldson recently posted…Note to Self-ie
Thanks love. I actually really liked that book. It was so eye-opening to the events of a particular time in America’s history – one I was not at all aware of.
Lovely to catch up on all your news!
It was about time, huh? Sometimes I get distracted by all the other themes on my blog, but I love reading other people’s family news too. So I need to remember that on my own.
I love Juliet’s bangs! I also love the updates from the rest of your family. 🙂
Laura recently posted…That Time I Talked with John Green
Awww! Thank you Laura. Love you.
Juliet looks so teenager-y!!
Love your garden. I hope the storm wasn’t too harsh on you guys.
Alison recently posted…A Few Good Things
I know! And we went shopping together so she could buy earrings with her own allowance! I’m freaking out a little.
Holy hail! (don’t you love saying that? Maybe it’s just me)
Nice bangs, Juliet! That was our second girl’s name all picked out, but then the ultrasound revealed a Des.
And Hunter is adorable, biting and all.
Tamara recently posted…A Face In The Crowd.
I’ve never said holy hail. (grin). But I say holy cow all the time. Juliet is such a pretty name isn’t it? This was what Matthieu’s parents were going to call their girl. But they had 5 boys.
Oh I love hearing about your “doings”…
Her bangs are lovely.
You know, sports isn’t just about being good. There is so much to learn. Socialization being one of them and being confident in yourself. Can’t forget determination!
And holy hail batman! We are supposed to get storms tomorrow. Save the plants!!!
Kimberly recently posted…Plastic Lawn Chair Sweat
You’re right! And I wouldn’t care about it if he didn’t often come home discouraged by the fact that he’s not as good, or missed the ball, etc.
Love your post! It makes me feel like you live next door. You have such a way with words. My perennial garden in the front of my house has always been blue/purple/white. This year, my son wanted to expand it, so now we’ve added pinks and yellows. Kindred spirits!
Laurie recently posted…A Family Post
I find the blues and purples so refreshing. So soothing to the soul. But yes sometimes a little bright colour is a good thing. Yes. Kindred spirits. ((hugs)) Laurie!
Oh dear, had a visit from the mother of all hailstorms too? We were lucky to escape the worst. I hope there was too much damage?
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…A Pentecost weekend in numbers
I know. I saw that Belgium got hit too. We only had a few glass panes broken from our marquis above the door and a few pockmarks in the car. More important than that, I was glad to know that no one was seriously injured or killed.
Oh, sweet Gabriel.
My son was not very good at soccer, either – but he was WONDERFUL at the after-game snacks. (This was always his favorite part of any organized sport, if I’m being honest.)
Your children are lovely, every one. And Hunter.
Oh boy. I’m glad you’ve got a plan in action and wish you well, since we are unanimously terrible at doggie discipline around here.
Thanks for the update. From the bangs to the breastfeeding Roshasharn. Yep. One of my favorite books.
Even though…
julie gardner recently posted…On Having to Write
Ah the bangs and the pre-teen-ness of it all. My oldest will be 13 in a few months! Great pictures of your flowers, the spring and summer have made me really miss a yard.
Tsoniki Crazy Bull recently posted…Fabric Stash in France
Love seeing all of yous – and my word, Juliet looks about 16 now. Just tell them to stop growing. xoxo
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted…Fashionable And Eco Friendly Clothing from Ecoths (Giveaway!)
I know, it’s insane. Can’t wait till our kids can meet one day! 🙂
I just love the pictures of your life, Jennie. Thank you for sharing all the beauty that surrounds you. Especially those lovely kids.
Andrea recently posted…Gone For Now