I’m very honored that BlogHer has picked up my Crockpot Boeuf Bourgignon post to feature on their website today. If you don’t see it by clicking on BlogHer, then it’s not up yet. It will appear by 9am PST (which is nearly the end of our day over here, and since we will be having dinner at a friend’s house, I won’t be able to participate in the twitter stream).
I couldn’t help but notice that most of the “recognition” I get for my blog comes from my food posts and not my writing (BlogHer – close your eyes – I’m definitely not complaining!). But it made me wonder if that is something I should be focusing more on.
If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile now, would you kindly indulge me by leaving a comment to say why you read it?
Is it the French recipes? The family and/or personal stories? Is it to “dream a little dream with me” as you’ve been a long-time francophile? Is it because I comment on your blog, so it’s only fitting that you should respond in kind? (I’m kidding – I hope that’s not the reason).
This will help me going forward – it’s not like I will stop writing on pretty much the same topics, but if I find that there is more interest in one area than another, perhaps I will make more of a concerted effort in that area.
While you’re giving that a little thought, here are some pictures of the children throwing leaves. Do ignore the chantier (means construction site – pronounced shawn-tyay) in the background.
You know how websites alternate feature stories – they flash one image after the other? And you try to click on a story but it’s already moved on to the next thing?
My life feels a little like that at the moment. There are these impressive stories that come up and grab my attention, but they don’t stay up long enough for me to be able to click over before I am presented with the next issue.
There are my six English classes – which take preparation (and vacuuming) since they are held in my home. There is my blog and social media – I care about the relationships that are made through blogging, but that also means that, like many of you, I spend a LOT of time reading and commenting. And I know many of you are way better at it than I am.
There is our dog (yes I’m very excited, but I cannot deceive myself by not recognizing that it will be like having a toddler again). There is the devastation around us – people beloved to us who have been diagnosed with cancer, who are in extreme financial difficulties, who find themselves in distressing situations too personal to recount, even anonymously. I want to be there for these loved ones.
There is our church participation – hosting weekly Bible discussions and teaching the children’s class once a month. I know I make it sound like a burden, but we do love this little group and there is joy in what we do. There is my husband’s very involved profession – even the dream jobs can be stressful. And then there are the family things that must be taken care of – cleaning, shopping, gardening, doctor’s appointments, activities, homework (it’s like trying to get a university degree here). It’s a lot to do.
And, you know, there’s my book too. I got my first and only rejection letter (I’ve only attempted one publisher), and while I’m in the throes of editing, I do have a plan for that which I will announce soon. Still, it’s another thing grabbing my attention – a feature story flashing before my eyes.
In that elusive attempt to stop and fixate on just one feature at a time,
hi Jennie– I started reading your blog because you are my longtime friend and we practically grew up together, but I got hooked because your writing is so engaging, delicious, moving, and funny! (does that cover all the types of posts you do?) I love the variety of posts– I would probably get bored if all you did were food posts, but I always drool over the recipes and sometimes make them myself. I like the stories about your family, and I do get a vicarious (and wistful) pleasure from your travel posts from family vacations. So, keep them coming! And a book… wow! Look forward to hearing more about it!
Thanks Lia. It’s nice to have a blog friend that you used to play barbies with. 😉
I can’t say for sure how I even got to your site. I might have been forwarded from a comment you may have made to another blog, if your on an expat forwarding thing, then maybe that. I haven’t really even started to read much of your older posts. But it’s probably the expat thing, I’ve always wanted to give that life a try, but never have so I live vicariously through other expats. If you want more traffic to your site, have you tried joining pinterest.com, instagram, or even tumblr.com
I am on Pinterest, and apart from pinning other things, I do put my recipes there. But I don’t know much about instagram or tumblr.
I like the recipe posts (and have tried many of them!) but I have to say that the ‘regular’ writing posts are my favorite….so often I find that you make me think about something in a new way or make me smile with a post!
Thanks Mama D!
I read your blog because I want to sit and hug you and have a deliciously strong coffee with you. But since I haven’t gotten to do that, reading the stories of your life make me smile. I find the food posts interesting, but I am (unfortunately) very safe (and maybe even lazy) and make the same several meals over and over.
Whatever direction you take your blog, I’ll read, because whether you’re talking about food or holidays or photos or life, your heart shines through, and I love that.
I wish we could – a long run (well, for you – I would be huffing and puffing behind) followed by a nice strong coffee in front of the fire. That would be great huh?
I know this “too much going on” that you speak of. The elusive ‘balance’, yes? I don’t think we can achieve it. It’s a day to day thing – one day, this thing will get more of us, the next, less. And so on.
Excited to hear about what you plan with your book!
Oh, also? Congrats on the feature! And I love everything that you write. Because you’re brilliant.
Aw thank you my dear.
Congrats on the BlogHer feature! And I like to read your blog, because it’s a glorious patchwork of all your talents and loves, my friend.
I’m so grateful you’re my friend Shari.
OK, if pressed as to why I read your blog: my kneejerk answer is “Pictures” and then “her honesty.”
A more developed intimate response is my love and loyalty for you. The fact that we share tragedy. How we can share stories on everything.
Because you made my abuelita’s corncakes.
Probably that last one sums up who you are to me. Someone who honors my grandmother, from across the seas.
You warm my heart.
I recognized a kindred spirit in you right from the start. 🙂
Except you’re funnier than me.
My dear sweet friend…I read everything you write. Your photos are simply amazing, your recipes are fab and I just love how your words bring France to life.
Keep plugging on that book and congrats on your BlogHer feature!!
Thanks Kelly dear. That warms my heart.
Sweets…I am so proud of you. Of course you should be syndicated on blogher. Your writing is spot on and that’s why l come here. You write from your heart and it is so engaging. I love that you try to teach us more about your surroundings too. Makes me feel like I’m living there with you…in a non creepy way…LOL xo
Thanks dear friend. I love you in a non creepy way, heh heh. 🙂
Ok. I have to confess that I sort of started reading your blog when you offered up a box of chocolates. There. Said it. That’s all it takes to win me over. Fine chocolate. And when I won them, then of course I had to keep reading because it would have been in poor taste to “eat and run”! But it wasn’t really out of obligation because I fell in love with your writing style and your photos. I continue to follow for that- your heartfelt writing intrigues me and gives me a better glimpse into the sorority sister from those crazy years gone by. The recipes are a bonus, and after a good experience with the crock pot beef, I will certainly try more.
And of course, every time I read A Lady in France, it does bring back the memories of my love affair with a certain divine and delectable box of chocolates….
Aaaah – the chocolates! I knew I was on the right track to bribe more readers. 😉 Thanks Heidi – who would have thought all those years ago that we would both love so many of the same things (cooking, kids, etc).
Hi Jennie! Well, you asked for comments. Hmmm……let me see. I especially love reading about your life in France~ Like the remodeling of your house, the friends you and your children have made, and the way you have beautifully integrated into the (not always easy) French way of life. I’ve enjoyed reading about your accomplishments (crockpot beef) and your disappointments (Alistair). Your writing enables me to feel all of the emotions. You touch me.
So, thank you for all the time and effort you spend in your writings. Keep up the good work! p.s. did I mention how I love reading when you write about French history? Didn’t think so. Blessings, Susan
Thank you so much, Susan, for taking the time to leave a comment and for the sweet things you said. I blush a little from everyone’s nice words, but then, like you said – I asked for it! 😉
Congrats on the BlogHer feature!!! I like your variety of posts from family life, to France, to faith. I do not enjoy cooking, but of course I would keep reading, friend, if you shared recipes every day. I am so looking forward to reading your book! I love your writing style and of course am eager to know more about your journey.
Thank you darling. Hopefully one day I’ll get to cook for you while you kick your feet up! 😉
I read your blog because I miss France, so visiting with you brings a little French into my life. That said, I think you’re a lovely writer and your pictures tell your story. I would’ve loved to live there longer and get to know you even better. I considered you a friend, but I never realised how much we had in common until I started reading your blog.
I know – I feel the same way. I discovered through FB and through your comments here just how much we had in common. It’s too bad we didn’t make that connection in France!!
Congrats on the feature! That’s so awesome. Hug.
Thanks Missy! 🙂
I love everything you write. I just wish you would come over and cook for me! xo
I know! We are going to have to arrange that!
So many congrats on BlogHer, girl!
(And I read your blog for the slice of life from another country, and for *you!*)
Also, those leaf photos are phenomenal!
Hi dearest – thank you. 🙂
hello…….i have never commented before…..i started reading your blog when i just happened to click over from alexandras blog…..i read the whole thing up to present day……i think your life is interesting….you are funny sensitive and i like you!!!!!!…….by the way…..i made the beef bourgignon but not in crockpot in oven and it was delicious…….sorry for lack of punctuation….i،m lazy and not very computer lit………
Hi Melissa, Thank you so much for your comment! I love hearing from people who read. And thank you!
You made the boeuf? I’ll bet you have a dutch oven, huh? I’m not so distinguished so I have to settle for a crockpot. 😉
I’ve been reading for a long time, friend. LONG before you were “A Lady in France”. Oh, I can’t seem to remember what your blog was then . . . remember? I started reading because I was fascinated that you (the American) found love with a Frenchman and moved your life across the seas. I was interested in reading about the stories of your life there, and then with time, truly felt we became friends through our blogs. I do not visit daily, but when I come, it’s like sitting and having a cup of tea with a dear friend, and I read up on as many of the stories you have written as I’ve missed. I love your photography, I love your recipes (oh, dear, there is that darn rabbit stew thing we’ve talked about), but more importantly, it’s YOU who I enjoy. Your words, your outlook, your humor, your challenges, hour triumohs, your history, your recipes, your writing, all of it. THAT is what I come here for, and that is what I continue to come for!! Hugs, my friend!!!
It was Perfect Welcome – remember? I know, it’s been so long. I love that. Thanks for your comment and I promise (at least I think I do), no more rabbit.
Hi Momma – I like you too! 🙂 And oh gosh, I still haven’t gotten my act together to invite you over. I’m not a very organized person, in case you haven’t been able to guess.
Jennie, I think you do a wonderful job of combining serious writing with stories about your family life and recipes. No changes necessary in my opinion.
Thanks Carole. 🙂
LOVE your blog! I’m a long-time francophile, adore your writing, and am crazy about your photography. Lots of gushing from a stranger, but there you have it! Keep doing what you’re doing….
Connie, it’s so great to hear from you, and thank you!! Thank you for all the gushing, which totally made my day. 😉
I follow your blog religiously and it is ultimately you that I enjoy. And it is your writing style that conveys your personality. You are my friend that I haven’t met yet.
When I see your latest entry in my inbox, I wait to read it- really sink into it- with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine when the kids are quiet. Much the way I would savor a chat with a friend in person. And as for topics covered in your blog, I like the smattering of it all. Just the way it is when you catch up with a friend in real life. A bit of this, a bit of that but you care about the “this and the that” because you care about the person.