“C’est moniversaire!” yells William as he runs up the stairs at 6:30 a.m. He has this tendency to drop the first syllables of his words.
“Mon maillot de bain” (my bathing suit) becomes “mon yo de bain.” So bathing suits are now called “yo de bain” in our household. And why bother enunciating “mon anniversaire” (my birthday) when you can just throw all those pesky syllables together and get “moniversaire.” He’s defining the way we speak.
So William has turned five.
He’s a young five, I’ll admit. Or at least he seems young compared to his older brother and sister. He seems young compared to his classmates too (who are mostly older since he was born at the end of the year).
But he keeps us laughing constantly. We’ve had a battle to try and potty train him at night, and he just doesn’t seem to want to. He says, “Je suis petit. J’ai besoin de couches.” (I’m little – I need diapers). We tried for six weeks straight and I ended up washing the sheets almost every day.
We said, “William,” why can’t you just wake up when you want to go to the bathroom?” And he replied, “Jesus didn’t help me.”
And then, as an afterthought, “Jesus was sleeping too.”
There was a buy 2 get 1 free special on pull-ups (cough – diapers) at the grocery store today, and I ended up succumbing, which is probably rather pessimistic of me.
And then he says cute things like (excited, eager tone) “Mom! When I blow, there are little crumbs of water that come out of my mouth!”
“Yes, honey – that’s called spit.”
I brought 36 cupcakes for his class, and then he’ll open his presents from us and his grandparents tonight. Then next week will be his circus birthday party with friends from school and church.
Juliet found this old video of me and William on my iPhone from when he was 2. He’s basically saying “crocodile” and then when I sing the crocodile song, he says no. So I switch to the fish song and he wants to go back to crocodile. It’s completely silly – a complete representation of who he is.
We’ll have a circus birthday party for him.
But we already have the clown.
Happy Birthday sweet lil man!!
Merci! xoxo
Happy birthday to your sweet boy! I know what you mean about a “young 5.” My four year old girl seems so much younger than I remember her older siblings at that age. I think it’s just because she seems young compared to them NOW and I’m confusing how I remember them.
Nina recently posted…How to Give a True Compliment
I think you might be right. I might be confusing them with what they actually were compared to how I remember them, and the comparison doesn’t do William justice.
I just love that video. Such a sweet face and personality. Happy Birthday William!
Andrea recently posted…Blink
He’s completely hyped up since the birthday is not over yet. There is also a PARTY. With FRIENDS!
It’s a wild ride over here. 😉
“Jesus was sleeping too.” I love it. How could you possibly argue with that logic? 🙂 Happy birthday to William!!
Mama D recently posted…To Each His Own Form Of Insanity
Thanks Mama D! I know. He’s completely unpredictable in the things he says. 🙂
Y’euxversaire pour William!! (Joyeux Anniveraire/Happy Birthday);p
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…Back in business!! Bellini anyone?
Tinne, this made me laugh out loud! 🙂 Sorry I’ve not been by. I need to get over this hump of getting my book done and to the printer, and hopefully after that will be more free.
That’s true! One full hand. I hadn’t though about it that way.
Wish my French teacher understood me as well as you understand dear Birthday Boy.
Happy Birthday to your boy!
Isn’t it fun when the whole family picks up on the cute things that our little ones say? 🙂
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Over-Packing Heroics
I bet he and my five year old would really hit it off.
Jennifer recently posted…Burning Eyes and a Sledgehammer to the Temple
There’s a French expression that kids will do the “400 blows” together. It means raise the roof, and I think that’s exactly what our two would do. 😉