You know how it is when you give birth to an innocent dewdrop of a baby, and everyone else’s kids suddenly become gargantuan monstrosities that revile and disgust no less than the giants in Gulliver’s Travels?
Well, my sister came to stay with us with her petit chou (little cabbage) of a newborn and managed to still love my children. Somehow even her husband managed to still love them. too
They played with them, hugged them, talked to them for hours and hours (and hours) on end …
Well – they tried to talk to them, but some of them, ahem (no matter how many times you repeated yourself), could not get it into their gargantuan monstrosity of a small head that their auntie and uncle didn’t speak French. This challenge coming over jetlagged, weary, sleep-deprived brains. My poor, poor sister.
You’re cute. But I have no idea what you’re saying.
Oh my word, adorable! xo
petit prince is indeed very cute. But what about pictures of Stephanie and petit chou? 🙂
I would, I would, but my sister and hub decided no social media for their darling girl.
awww. Very smart, but too bad for me.
Oh my gosh! I could watch him tell me a story all day! Alors!
Good! Because they go on for hooooooours. ha ha
He’s such a good storyteller! It’s about a duck and a prince right? (no idea, just a stab in the dark)
ha ha ha ha ha – no. A dragon and a rotten spider.
That is the cutest thing I’ve seen all day. I would encourage him to go on and on; it’s full-on immersion learning,petit prince style.
Future entomologist/army captain? What an imagination!!!
And I want those pajamas.
Well I caught the “avec” and “alors” but not much else. But I could have guessed he was talking about dragons.
I thought the kids were going to be BILINGUAL ! ha ha!
Haaaaa. Cute.
I think he’s speaking Russian! Xx
Honestly, is there anything cuter than little ones speaking French? Wish my accent was as good as his!
It’s even more adorable because I have no idea what he’s saying.