I’m sort of out of commission this week. Remember that walking pneumonia or bronchitis thing I had a couple of months ago – right along with the UTI, burglary, rat in the toilet, and having to give up our dog?
Well, I have it again, and I’m not at all comfortable. I’ve canceled the teaching gigs for this week, but I can’t foist my own kids on anyone else – I’ve tried – so I’m not completely off the hook. 😉
And there’s something else that puts me under – if the bronchitis and cold gloomy drizzle hadn’t already done the trick. And this is something I just can’t properly preface or find the right words for.
My friend’s little 3-year old girl, Taylor, died yesterday. Yes, I know. I cried. I prayed. I cried some more. Her mom and I are friends from New York – not bosom friends because we were separated a bit by age and activities at that time, but we were in the same ministry in NY together. She moved to Atlanta and met her husband before moving on to Texas. And right when they got there, her little girl was diagnosed with cancer. She endured a life-threatening surgery with people praying for her all over the globe, came through miraculously, danced and sang Frozen with her adorable little bald head, asked for Chick-Fil-A as soon as she could eat fried foods again …
And then, and then … an accident? A minor routine surgery gone wrong? I don’t even know the details … but this horrible accident – unrelated to her cancer – left her on life support with no brain activity. Yesterday morning’s tests showed that she had definitely gone, so they had to unhook her support. And her heart beat its last.
I had been praying for an 11th hour miracle, along with hundreds – even thousands – others. But as many of you already know, sometimes God says no. Sometimes he says the loving thing in this particular case is not to bring her back. And no one understands it. But her parents trust, and so I will too.
It turns out our 3 and a half yrs with her, was our miracle.
Since I can’t say anything that can properly do justice to earth’s incredible loss and heaven’s glorious gain, I’m going to tell you about household stuff – mundane, routine, stupid household stuff. For me, it’s an act of worship to keep going, and keep living, and keep investing rather than giving in to despair. I began in a very prosaic way today. By cleaning.
We also have curtains now, which is new.
It was the sale season and I’ve waited for 6 years to have them.
They look horribly gloomy in this weather, but at night with the lights on they are cozy, and they are pretty when the sun streams through in the daytime as well.
The only thing is, I felt like it was a lot of white, and I was starting to feel a bit mental. So I got some red daisies to add a splash of colour.
And then, Matthieu is helping a guy from church with something every Tuesday night, so I cook for them as well, knowing how valuable a hot meal is to a single guy. And last night he brought me yellow roses. So I have been blessed with even more colour!
My husband is in the process of installing a second-hand bed right now. It’s from people in the English-speaking group, so not exactly complete strangers. Our old bed was 14 years old, and this bed is just 7 years and was in a spare room, with infrequent use. It’s also a Sealy’s Posturepedic. We don’t have the means for a brand new bed, but couldn’t resist this 75€ deal. Perhaps it’s not too late for our ageing backs to recover with the right support.
And to continue my flighty ramble, I’ve wanted to show you this cute little teapot my husband gave me for Christmas. I was afraid the boiling water would break it, but I’ve been using it every day, and it holds fast. So I feel like I’m surrounded with cheerful little things, and I’m determined to enjoy them.
So it’s just household stuff, you know – inconsequential material stuff. But sometimes that’s the only stuff you have words for when the important things leave you speechless.
Bye, sweet Taylor.
I’m so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with your and your friends. What spoke to me about this post is that your act of worship is to move forward with your day. I think in times of awful pain, that is all God expects – just to keep going. It truly is the best you can do right now. I had this happen with a painful incident last month. At some point, I just needed to keep moving and I did. It is an act of grace how the Lord gets us through this. Peace & comfort to you.
Gina B recently posted…“Nourished”: A Book for the Struggling Mom
I’m glad that came across Gina. I was afraid of sounding flippant. But really I just had to keep going, but my thoughts and prayers continue to be with my friend through this loss.
And I have no words.
Children should never have to suffer illnesses as fierce as cancer.
Parents should never have to suffer pains as fierce as grief.
I just don’t even know what…my heart hurts for them and every ounce of strength I possess is going their way.
Kimberly recently posted…I Will Fight For You
I know Kimberly – and thank you. No matter how fierce your battles are, you always have enough pluck to jump in for someone else. As a soldier, I want to be in the trenches with you!
I’m so sorry for this incredible loss. Sending love and light. xoxo
tracy recently posted…Blurred Lines
Thank you love.
It is so hard when a little one passes away. I experienced it several years ago when one of my friends little boy passed. There just never is anything to say, but just being there in the silence is enough. Prayers for your friend and her family and also you.
KC recently posted…Ages and Stages #4
Oh dear. 🙁 My heart goes out to your friend.
What a terrible loss for your friend and all of your who knew this little girl. I’m so sorry.
Nina recently posted…The Review Review: Tips for Writers
I know. 🙁 It’s unbearably sad. But it’s nice to see on her FB page that friends are coming over and helping her other daughter to laugh – to know they are being surrounded by love.
I cannot pretend to know why these things happen. My heart breaks for your friends. And heaven has another angel. xo
Elaine A. recently posted…Furry Friends & Netflix
Thanks for your words, Elaine.
Oh no, this is too sad for words.
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…Clowning around: the class mascot has a night out
I know. 🙁
oh, how tragic. Several years ago my sister’s best friend beat cancer, only to pass away from something unclear to me. A hospital accident or mistake. It killed me inside.
So sorry for all.
The teapot is amazing!
Tamara recently posted…The Sad Airplane Ask Away Friday.
Those are the hardest Tamara – the sudden and inexplicable. 🙁