I don’t think I’ve ever sat down to write a post in so tired a state – so completely devoid of words. And yet here I am feeling like I should say something. Anything!
Ever felt like that?
There. I went and got an apple and now I feel better. Blood sugar and all.
You see, it’s just been so dang HOT! I had no idea how spoiled we were in Bretagne where it was, like, 20° cooler. The wall of heat smacked us with an unwelcome blast as soon as we stepped out of our car in (near) Paris.
(I’m dreaming of better days in St Malo).
When we got home, we discovered that the water pump, which automatically draws water from our well to water the garden, had broken so that our house plants were all dead (placed strategically outside in the sprinkler radius) while our tomatoes were a jungle of weeds from having been over-watered.
And William got an ear infection combined with a virus that mimics meningitis (but is not). I’ve never seen him more unhappy, poor dear. Thankfully, I picked him up from Centre and the pediatrician was willing to see him if I came right away before she rushed off to the airport for her flight to Lebanon.
Then we had our niece and nephew over to spend the night. And this morning we hosted house church at our place with an amazingly big crowd for the middle of summer. I made a lot of brownies and we grilled chipolatas.
And, you know, apart from squeezing in a hair appointment before William got sick …
I usually love getting my hair done.
When I sent this photo from my iPhone and labeled it “hair,” my French phone did the autocorrect and added the Trema over the i to make it haïr, which means to hate.
And while I didn’t precisely hate my cut, I learned that the word for “to thin out” (to reduce the thick bell shape just above my shoulders from having hair that is too thin on top) – éffiler – is a different word than “to layer” – dégrader. I kept telling her to dégrader more and more, and it kept getting shorter and shorter and now I feel … well, like a bobble head. A degraded bobble head.
But I did get a little espresso and got to read magazines, so there’s that.
And this afternoon I had to cut the lavender into little bowl shapes so that it doesn’t grow all woody next year, and now my hands smell like lavender. And the dog got into the chocolate stash I had bought for gifts to hand out in the States so I have to buy more (and cross my fingers that he doesn’t get sick). And tomorrow will be the day to sort out packing for the family members who are ALL going to the States this year, although they will stay with friends in NJ while I go to Chicago.
And Friday will be the day to get my eyebrows waxed and – (whispers) wax those rogue hairs coming out of my chin that have caused me to duck my head in the bright sunlight lately should anyone see them waving and glinting in the sun. Too much information?
You know … la vie ou quoi! (it’s just life).
So this is pretty much what’s going on. Hunter goes to his summer camp on Tuesday in a four-acre gated property that did not come cheaply. And we leave on Wednesday morning, which will bring me to Chicago some 12 hours later all rumpled and smelling of last minute toothpaste.
But if … IF you should be going to BlogHer and we haven’t already talked about it together, I’m going to HealthMinder on Thursday. And I know I’ll be at the LTYM Open Mic Night on Saturday evening. I’ll be sitting at one of the front tables (but not reading) for VOTY. I’ll probably go to the Karaoké Friday night and I’ll definitely be in the Serenity Suite in the Sheraton at 11:00 on Saturday morning.
Come say hi? 🙂
PS. I know. That was a lot of words for someone devoid of words.
Love this and am looking forward to meeting you at BlogHer! I will be at one of the front tables for VOTY too (not reading, either) so we will have to compare haircuts and eat chocolate.
Lois Alter Mark recently posted…Finding My Oasis in Africa
Oh yay! It will be so easy to find you then Lois. 🙂 Thanks for coming over to say hi.
You are coming to CHICAGO?!?!!! How can I have you 30 miles from me, and not see you? I am not going to Blogher (a little out of my price range this year – heading to Italy in September, and all coins are going into that jar right now!). But . . . Can I come in to the city for a brief moment and say hello? Let me know if you have a 1/2 hour – and I can meet you in the lobby at the Sheraton!!! (How very exciting!!)
Of course! When are you free? I know that I’ll be free Wed late afternoon (but that might be hard for you with the kids?). Friday morning before 10:30 or Sat morning before 11? E-mail me! 🙂
I can’t check my schedule at the moment because Max has my phone, but I think I might be helping in the Serenity Suite immediately before you, so we’ll have to say hi and hugs and stuff then!
Lizz recently posted…Enter to win a #Shaklee180 Turnaround kit!
Cool! Do I remember correctly that you made the badges for hugs or no hugs? Or am I completely off base?
Either way, definitely a hug from me. 🙂
Yup, I am the person for #Hugher13! Just ask for a button!
Lizz recently posted…Enter to win a #Shaklee180 Turnaround kit!
I wish I was going! Would love to meet YOU and so many others who will be there!
Nina recently posted…My YouTube Debut and The Problem of Mementos
See you soon, sweet lady. xo
Alexandra recently posted…The Hospice Food Pyramid
Have fun in Chicago and say hi to our girls for me!
Alison recently posted…Don’t
I’m so excited to see you this week. I can’t wait!
Jennifer recently posted…Summer Loving {Creative Writing}
–Have fun in Chicago! WOW! Xx
My Inner Chick recently posted…Just For The Pure Fun Of It
I CANNOT WAIT! I mean, of course I CAN, but it’s definitely getting harder.
Arnebya recently posted…Guest Posting at Things I Can’t Say
Okay, Saturday 11am I will be coming to find you!
Jackie recently posted…What I hope… #BlogHer13
I’m going to BlogHer too! I feel your hair woes. I speak English in a country where everyone speaks English so there are no “lost in translation moments” at salons – however, I still *may* keep my stylist in New Jersey even after I move to North Carolina next month. Will look for you in Chicago!
Have a great time. Wish I was going so that I could meet you. Next time… I hope!
Elaine A. recently posted…Going Back in Time…
Have fun in Chicago!
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…Three years ago my very own princess was born.
Traveler’s mercies, my dear. I can’t wait to see you.
I’ve been too busy to be crushed about not going to BlogHer.
Until now.
Please imagine me hugging you warmly anyway and wishing you well and holding your hand while your rogue hairs are waxed (because DARN SUNLIGHT!) –
And then, when you are home and rested, we must catch up.
Much to share. Most of it about being tired and devoid of words as well.
Love to you, my friend. Safe travels.
wow… that is a busy busy schedule you’ve got :p enjoy your time at BlogHer 🙂
iceprinxess recently posted…A day of shopping in Dongdaemun at Doota Shopping Mall
I wish you were coming to NYC and not Chicago! Would love to meet up, finally.
Why no pics of the hair? I bet it looks fantastic.
Have a fantastic time at Blogher. I’ve never been so I’ll have to live vicariously through your recap.
Ameena recently posted…15 shirts
The description of the bell-shaped hair caused me to nod in solidarity. Yep.
And why does something ALWAYS break at home while we are gone? Does it follow the same rule of the smoke detector, which only malfunctions at 4 am? Come one, house. Get your act together, man.
Andrea recently posted…Five Things
I hope you had an awesome time! Based on all the posts I’ve been reading, it sounds like it was amazing! I hope I will get to attend in the upcoming years!
Alexa recently posted…Home Again, Home Again