You’ve read the title and you’re rolling your eyes right now, saying, “Oh geez, Lady Jennie, here’s some fresh content on your blog.” But I promise you some perspective by the end of the post.
So I’ve been a little blog-lonely lately. I know I said something about not really wanting comments on my memoire, but I lied about that. I want you to like it. I want publishers beating down my door to be the first ones allowed to publish it. I want the comments to reach the hundreds and have people say how life-changing reading it has been for them.
Unless, of course … you hate it. Or have nothing to say.
And in my efforts to achieve ultimate pathetica (it’s like nirvana), when I’ve read all the blogs on my netvibes account, I turn in my emptiness back to my lover: to see how my stats are doing. “Oh, only 64 page views since this morning. Okay. Oh well.”
Pretty pathetic, huh? What can I say? I’m an overachiever.
Not wanting to complain once again on my blog and alienate all my friends here (pretend you didn’t just read the beginning of my post), I turned to the fabulous women on the Message website – the English-speaking moms in Paris – and got loads of encouragement there. So you get the ‘lite’ version of my complaining today.
My husband came back from Vegas this morning (where he was having fun while I was busy rushing my son and the two others to the ER late at night because Young Knight’s infected throat was all closed up and he was having trouble breathing) and he told me to stop reading my stats and start spending time with my real life friends, and I was like, “What? You mean I have to leave my house now?”
But that’s what I’m going to do. In fact, I’m going to start with meeting some of the Message bloggers next week, like uber-cool HJ Underway, and we’re meeting at Sugar Daze where Cat will make me some gluten-free cupcakes. (Once I remind her).
Never mind that one of my biggest moans was how I just cannot take off all my extra weight, and as a result I was directed to a health and wellness coach who is using me as a guinea pig to get her certification at a really favorable (dirt cheap) rate. So when some other Paris blogger posts pictures of me on her blog, all bloated and everything, and stuffing my face with cupcakes, just say something like, “Aw, isn’t she all round and cute?” Because I’ve got it all under control.
And the other thing I’m going to do is fast my stats. No more peeking for the entire month of February, baby. And from there on in, I will only check once a week. Or at least that’s the goal. When I get lonely, I’ll call someone instead.
Or I’ll walk my dog.
He smelled poop in the decaying leaves and squeezed through the locked gate with only his leash as a lifeline to me. It was SO FUN pulling him back out. Just like giving birth – only smellier.
And this is the end of my other news.
And the end of my loneliness?
Oh, sweetie, I know what you mean! Sounds like a stat fast is a great idea!!!! I noticed that none of the comments I post on Kate’s blog show up, and I started looking at other blogs I KNOW I POSTED ON, and there’s nothing there either. Am wondering what’s going on. So perhaps you have gazillions of commentors who can’t get through to you! 🙂 Love you a ton, Jennie. Enjoy your cupcakes! xo
I’m encouraged by those gazillion comments I can’t see, as well as the ones I can – like yours. Trust you to think of that. 🙂
Here’s to no stats!
I promise to comment 679 times on your blog, and then I will be the one with the wrist problem…but I don’t care…you are worth it!
When I eventually do get published, you will be on my acknowledgement page for having encouraged me to write a memoire in the first place (and for all the subsequent comments and tweets you’ve already gifted me with), so thank you!
Just want to say I don’t usually comment, but because I’ve been enjoying your memoir I had to comment then and now I’ll just keep commenting 🙂 I really enjoy your blog, your writing, your heart, your honesty, your story…so thanks for always sharing. Hope your son is feeling better and that you enjoy those cupcakes 🙂
Thanks Ellie. 🙂
Oh, Jen, I feel you. There’s something scary and soul-baring about putting a piece of yourself out there and then feeling like you’re only hearing crickets. My (admittedly pathetic) excuse is that I’ve been reading way too much on my phone and it’s a pain to comment from there. But I’ve read and loved every word. I promise next time that I’ll at least leave a “:)” so you know I’m here, reading and cheering you on. Enjoy your cupcakes! xo
Crickets! Yes, that’s it! But I was so encouraged by your e-mail reply that you were reading and liking it. I truly don’t need a comment on every single one. That’s debauchery. (burp).
Thank you Kristen. 🙂
Oh hon. You know I love, love, love your memoir. I want others to love it as much as I do, and I haven’t been sharing it as much as I should have, but promise I will. (I know that you didn’t write this to elicit guilt or promises, *I* want to spread the word)
Yay for meeting online friends in real life, tell Jacki I said hi!
I stopped looking at my stats after someone who has a lot less comments than me, said she had xxxx number of page views, double mine. So you see, it’s not in the comments at all.
You are already super encouraging. I wasn’t talking about you! duh. 😉
Thank you, my dear. 🙂
—-Lady Jen,
I NEVER look at my stats. I DONT” care! DO not look. It doesn’t matter a damn. This does not dictate who you are.
What matters is your writing, your passion, your message, your insight.
The rest will follow.
Okay, I’m done.
From your fan,
Kim Xxx
You’re completely right, of course, and I’m a dork.
Thank you for loving me anyway. 🙂
And stat abstinence (stabstinence) is surprisingly easy!
Truth: I have never looked at my stats. I don’t even know how. So beyond a fast in February, you might consider a permanent ignorance.
It’s bliss.
As are cupcakes. Enjoy.
P.S. You know how I feel about your memoir. And YOU. You do, right? Our fire aftermath has been pretty much a full-time job for the past three weeks but I’m getting back in the saddle soon. Maybe. No matter what, though, you can’t shake me off your horse. Or something like that. Ha!
Considering your gracious encouragement to the jumbled mess of a draft memoir I sent you, and without that I would never, ever have finished, I DO know you’re on my side and you don’t have to do another darn thing for the rest of your life to prove it. 😉
Just get your home back (groan).
Bisous from a real life friend who would love to indulge with you……….xoxo
Aaaaw! 🙂
When I switched platforms, I suddenly couldn’t figure out how to check my stats. So I don’t. And I’m a thousand times happier! Ha! Enjoy your cupcake, darlin’.
So you don’t read stats either? I’m behind the trend! 😉
I tried to read your memoire and nothing popped up. So, you probably have loads of comments just waiting to happen!
Hi Caryl,
Did you try to read the memoire or comment? (Maybe I’ll send you a little e-mail, but thanks for letting me know)!
You know I love your memoir. I’m waiting for more……
Hi, I’m a lurker. A real life friend of Anna’s, and I love your blog. I started blogging in 2008, and was pretty obsessed with stats until maybe 2 years ago. I took stat counter off my blog, then put it back again. On repeat. And then one day I just took it off and haven’t look back in years. It’s SO FREEING. And also, people read in their readers — so they don’t always click through to your blog, but they’re reading your words.
Anywhoooo. HI!
Hi Christy – I love to meet lurkers! 🙂 (love Anna too).
I don’t think I could completely ditch stats because the publisher I approached wanted those details, but so far so good with not looking. It feels much better to not worry about the stupid stuff.
Thank you Linda!! 🙂
I’ve been a terrible blog friend. I’ve pretty much checked out of blogging regularly (try once every month or so…) And I never look at my reader anymore. Time to change that. I’m putting my closest friends at the top and if that’s all I get to, so be it.
I’ll e-mail you.
I really enjoyed reading your memoires! Thank you for sharing. I admire anyone who shucks off their anxieties and moves forward (and travels overseas while she does it!). Looking forward to reading more!
We bloggers are a lonely bunch, aren’t we? For me, it takes only a bit of encouragement to keep the loneliness at bay. You have a distinct voice and an honest humor; I look forward to “A Lady in France” emails each day. I am so glad I found your blog.
Thank you Andrea, that means so much to me.
I look forward to your posts too, Jennie, and I love your memoir. I get so behind on reading and feel so guilty about it that I often have to give up on commenting. I had to let go of that guilt along with the stats over a year ago. So, I can tell you that if someone is commenting every few posts, they are reading them all. I know I am.
This is really good to know. I tend to comment every single time I read (unless someone writes often and I don’t have time). So then I think others are doing the same thing. Anyway, let me just stop worrying about the petty things.
Hi……. i never usually comment but i am absolutely loving your story………eagerly waiting for next installment……
Lady Jennie, I feel your pain…only I have reached absolute pathetica before, and it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, so stay away! Seriously, though, we all get depressed. We wouldn’t be doing our title of “Writer” any justice if we weren’t awfully temperamental. I, too, love your humor and honesty. You cracked me up with that other Paris blogger/pictures/cupcakes/under control bit.
And your man is right, I think – see those fabulous friends! Everybody wants to go out with Lady Jennie, I’m sure.
True! I never thought about it that way. Temperamental is part of the picture! 🙂
Stats, rats! Keep writing your heart out, Jennie!!
Jen 🙂
I love you and I have sucked in the blog reading department of late. But I will always read and support you. I love you. Did I say that? xoxoxo
Real life friends are great, but the community we’ve established through blogging? Irreplaceable. I can’t tell you how hard I smiled at the comment you left me, about putting together who I am, because I like to know I’ve been listened to/heard, just like you want to know people are visiting/reading. I’m just getting into the fourth chapter of your memoir and lemme tell ya, I’ll be back. I may not always comment; in all honesty, I haven’t commented yet because you’ve made me think so much that nothing great is going to come out. But know that you have at least one more person reading and enjoying.
You’re a darling dear. So we’ll get to hang out in Chicago, right?