This is a recipe for sole meunière, which is a completely logical way to prepare fish, in my humble opinion.
Preparing something “meunière” means that you’re using flour, since meunier means “miller.” It’s pronounced muh-nyay for masculine nouns (meunier) and muh-nyair for feminine nouns (meunière). This totally reminds me of the nursery rhyme my mother-in-law used to sing to Juliet when we first arrived in France.
“Meunier, tu dors. Ton moulin va trop vîte. Meunier, tu dors. Ton moulin va trop fort.”
which translates to “Miller, you’re sleeping! Your mill is going too fast! Miller, you’re sleeping. Your mill is going too strong.”
It’s cute. You can listen to it here:
Aaaaanyway. You might possibly have heard of sole meunière, using sole as the fish type for this recipe. Or you might have heard of poisson meunière – another type of fish prepared in the meunière style.
Brown some butter. I used about 2-3 tablespoons.
You want to remove it from the pan before it gets too brown because it will continue to brown off the flame and you don’t want to burn it.
Slice one lemon (this will be used as decoration to place over the fish), and juice one small lemon. I used 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and I found it perfect.
You’ll need thin filets of fish, which is why sole is perfect. Pat them dry.
Salt and pepper your fish generously. I recently discovered that pepper is actually a spice that flavours the food, as opposed to something that makes it spicy hot. It was quite a revelation.
Put a quarter-cup of flour on a plate and cover the fish generously with flour.
Heat a mix of 2 T olive oil and a tablespoon of butter, and fry the fish.
When the fish is browned on both sides, and cooked thoroughly through, serve with boiled, new potatoes, and/or steamed broccoli. Cover everything with the brown butter sauce, mixed with the lemon juice.
See? It’s ready in a pinch!
Serve immediately!
- 1 lb fish filets
- 4T butter
- 1 T olive oil
- 2 T lemon juice
- ¼ c flour
- salt and pepper
- Brown 3T butter and juice a lemon.
- Season and flour the fish.
- Fry the fish in olive oil and the remaining butter.
- Serve with potatoes, and cover with the browned butter and lemon sauce.
I think it looks delicious! I love lightly battered, pan-fried fish.
I have never attempted to make a brown butter sauce – I have a bed habit of burning butter even when I am cooking with it in the pan.
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…It’s a Trap! (A Nine-Year-Old’s Guide to Avoiding Bedtime)
My last lunch in France was sole meuniere and it was delicious!! In fact, it was the best meal we had there (not including your meal of course).
Can I come back to yours for some fish? Pretty please.
Alison recently posted…A Different Kind Of Sweet Spot
I was just thinking how I haven’t had fish in a while! Can I come for dinner?
Laura recently posted…#ShareSomeLove and Decorate for Valentine’s Day
This does sound yummy — and simple enough (for me!) to make! Yum!
Galit Breen recently posted…Tow the Line
I didn’t even know one can brown butter. Clearly I better stay out of the kitchen (and come try yours 😉 )
Kerstin @ Auer Life recently posted…The Fucket List
It looks pretty freaking delicious to me.
Jennifer recently posted…Out of Chaos, Comes Order
Throw in a Beurre Blanc (white butter)Sauce and I’m in heaven!
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…“You should write about it” she said.
Lush, Delish.
Love the green platter. Xx
My Inner Chick recently posted…Meeting My Favorite Author Thru Blogging
You have a fishmonger you visit?
julie gardner recently posted…The Space Between
I want that. It looks delicious!
Andrea recently posted…Old School Blogging: Valentine’s Day Edition