This is the third post in my photo linkup series, in which you can participate through your blog or through Instagram. The hashtag #HTRJack stands for “Hit the Road, Jack” and it’s to motivate me (and you?) to leave the house more often.
This week I didn’t do all that well at getting out. I was finishing up my English classes, which was exhausting, and I also had a hard week emotionally.
But I did get out. And I took one photo, and I’ve already spoiled the surprise by including it up there ^^. But sometimes that just has to be good enough, right? We’re still early on in this series, with not many participants. It may never take off, and that’s okay. But I’m going to keep plugging away at it, at least until getting out and exploring France becomes more of a habit. And you want to see more of France too, right?
So. Here is my photo. A converted farmhouse, with shutters in the pretty blue colour I love.
Who’s Featured This Week?!
However, I’m not the only clown in this circus, thank goodness! And we have a few linkups with pretty photos of their own. The first is Jacqueline Brown, who blogs at The French Village Diaries, and her photo post is about visiting the town of Melle. She’s a cyclist and gets out quite a bit and if you love scenes from the French countryside, you will love her blog. Go take a peek!
And then there are a few who hooked up via Instagram using the hashtag. One is Lizzy, who tagged the perfect picture of happy summer days …
Nothing like watermelon after a swim with friends! @lisarlaing #HTRJack A photo posted by Elizabeth Laing Thompson (@lizzylit) on
You can follow Lizzie on Instagram here.
And another comes from Lauren. Creative and adorable. And out of the house.
Selfie through a dirty glass table. A photo posted by Lauren C (@laurenc0099) on
You can follow Lauren on Instagram here. Now it’s your turn. Here are the instructions for joining in, and there are two ways to do it:
1) Linking up with your blog:
If you want to join by writing a blog post and including the pictures you took that week, you can link up through the linky-tool down at the bottom of this post. Your post can include one picture or more than one, and it can have as many or as few words as you want to accompany the photos. It just has to be related to the theme of getting out of the house. Your post can also include regular pictures in the blog post, or embedded Instagram photos. The benefit to using Instagram photos in the post is that it’ll be easier for people to follow you there. And, when I feature one or more of the people who have linked up that week, I’ll be able to show the photo itself with your Instagram link, in addition to the link to your blog. Make sure you include the button in your post if you want to be featured. This button:

The way you do this is to copy the code inside the scroll box (not right click – use the “edit – copy” function in your menu bar). Then go to your post and choose the “text” version of your post rather than the “visual”. You should see that on the upper right hand of your post draft. Paste the code where you want it in the text version, and the button should appear when you click back to visual. (Without the scroll box). If you have trouble getting the picture to appear, go into the code and delete the quotation marks, and type them back again. It’s as simple as that. Sometimes copying and pasting the code will result in duplicate quotation marks, and sometimes it changes them to curly quotes instead of straight and the html doesn’t recognise that. Hope it’s not too confusing. Finally. It helps to tweet the post, using the #HTRJack hashtag. It’s more visible for me, and it’s more visible for you. And the second way to join in?
2) Simply using the #HTRJack hashtag when you Instagram theme-related photos.
If you don’t have a blog, or prefer to join in only through Instagram, include the hashtag when you post the photo on Instagram. If you want to be featured on my blog, I recommend choosing just one or two of your favourite theme-related photos to include the hashtag. If there are too many to choose from, all coming from the same person, I will likely look elsewhere. It’s even more important to tweet your Instagram photo, including the hashtag, if you want to be featured. This ensures that I see it. And now for the linky tool if you’re linking up with your blog:
Love the picture of the farmhouse. So cute!
Mary Collins recently posted…Help Missing Children in South Asia
I know, isn’t it? Stone walls and blue shutters work every time!
I just love this idea, and it’s been fun looking for shots to tag while we’ve been out and about. (And you know with four kids, I’m out ALL THE TIME, EVERYWHERE.) Thanks for including me! 🙂
Elizabeth Thompson recently posted…Signs that a Man Is Not a First-Time Dad
Thanks for joining in!