Marché de Noel simply means “christmas market,” and the first word is pronounced “mahr-shay.” I was first introduced to the wonders of a European christmas market when I was visiting the Kirs Kringle Mart in Heidelberg oh, so many years ago. I tasted gluhwein (hot, spiced wine) and ate something delicious – probably breaded, fried meat – and I was hooked.
The Marché de Noel in Paris can hold its own next to the Kris Kringle Mart. Here are some of the stands you might see: Russian dolls with dour looking sales ladies at the stands.
Provincial soap
and provincial lavender.
Touristy stuff.
And artisanal chocolates.
all made in France
I should not be creating this post on an empty stomach because it’s about to get real here. Know what else they have?
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire!
Jack Frost nipping at . . . (oh wait)
And gluhwein of its own, called vin chaud.
(I bought a kit to make it with alcohol-free wine and it turned out well.
Cotton candy, translated as “daddy’s beard.”
Crèpes and waffles!
And soups and beer!
And sweet fried treats!
And . . . a chance to toss it all on the amusement rides!
(There’s a good reason I’m on that ride with the kids, and not Matthieu. I only toss my cookies when pregnant).
And the Marché de Noel is no less enchanting at night –
where you can continue to shop
and continue to eat.
And eat.
And eat.
If the sights and smells and tastes don’t strike you as simply enchanting . . .
have some more gluhwein!
(kidding, kidding)
The Christmas market in Nuremberg has always been my favourite, it’s magical. I have to admit that I’m starting to warm up for Paris as well, thanks to your blog 🙂
Kerstin @ Auer Life recently posted…One
It’s okay – you can be indifferent to Paris, as long as you love me!
Oh, that looks incredible!
Confession: my mouth started watering when I saw the chocolate.
So many things to see and do – it would be a wonderful way to spend the day.
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Running Standing Still
I know, right? Especially those chocolate logs, which looks like there is chocolate to spare!
Brian (my boss) lived in Germany for awhile and he was telling me about the Christmas markets the other day. That looks like so much fun.
Jennifer recently posted…Old School Blogging – The Christmas Edition
It is! All of the food is festive, and the sights and smells . . . you just can’t go wrong.
These are the kinds of places I LOVE and would be quite happy to spend hours wandering.
Alison recently posted…Where I’m From (Again)
Me too! But I have to go without my husband, who hates shopping of any sort.
Looks enchanting! I have never been to a Christmas market before.
anna whiston-donaldson recently posted…Pushover, Thy Name is Anna
If you don’t mind the crowds, they are loads of fun. 🙂
I was in Paris in the spring time, so I missed this. What a shame – it looks enchanting! I cannot wait to get my husband over there, so he can fall in love with France as I did. 🙂
I hope you have un joyeux Noël!
Natalie – The Cat Lady Sings recently posted…“What do you want to do for Christmas this year?”
Yes! You must come with your husband and have a magical Paris vacation together.
Ah! Merci Jennie for putting up this post! I so love Paris at Christmas!! I’m satisfied, at least for now, because of all the great pictures you put up. And the best was seeing you and the kids on the rides! So much fun! Heart warming! Thank you for this present!!
I’m so glad you have Christmas in Paris memories!
You have my sister in the Bay Area! 😀 My sister is charming!
This looks wonderful! I haven’t gone to a market like this in years, even though it’s my favorite thing to do at Christmastime. This post makes up for that just a little. The chocolate!! The lavender!! Swooning.
Andrea recently posted…On Parenting
Next time you come to France, you just have to take a jaunt down to Provence where the markets are plentiful and cheap!
I never post but today I want to say that the picture of you on the carnival ride………..You are absolutely beautiful. Your smile speaks a thousand words. Merry Christmas.
Oh Mimi, you are so lovely. Thank you. And Merry Christmas.