My book is published! I wrote a whole book!
And this is the second-most exciting thing I’ve ever done after having children. It’s even more exciting than traveling the world!
Here’s my friend Greta, together with her adorable daughter, getting my book in the mail. She was kind enough to offer to do a book review for me. (She blogs at G*Funk*ified). And Greta got her copy before anyone else, including me!
Since I’m still waiting for mine to arrive, it was nice to see it in photo form, especially blessed by those grins.
You might have read the book as a series on my blog, starting last January. I’ve since removed it – or at least, I’m working on removing it. But even if you’ve already read it, I’ve made changes based on the suggestions of a professional editor. Hopefully this will bring the story to life by making it more coherent .
This is what the back cover says:
At seventeen, Jennie Goutet has a dream that she will one day marry a French man and sets off to Avignon in search of him. Though her dream eludes her, she lives boldly—teaching in Asia, studying in Paris, working and traveling for an advertising firm in New York.
When God calls her, she answers reluctantly, and must first come to grips with crippling loss, depression, and addiction before being restored. Serendipity takes her by the hand and she marries her French husband, works with him in a humanitarian effort in East Africa, before settling down in France and building a family.
Told with honesty and strength, A Lady in France is a brave heart-stopping story of love, grief, faith, depression, sunshine piercing the gray clouds—and hope that stays in your heart long after it’s finished.
And this is from three of my published friends who were sweet enough to give me a review:
“Jennie Goutet weaves her tale with passion, humor and heart-wrenching honesty—sometimes so raw you have to look away, but then you can’t wait to look back.” Shari Simpson, comedy writer for Nickelodeon
You did it! No time , I have a cart to finalize on Amazon.
Yes please! 😀
Congratulations, I am so proud of you, and happy for you!
I bought the book!! Will be telling everyone about it of course.
Alison recently posted…Shenanigans (Or What Goes On When The Husband Is Away)
I’m so grateful to you, Alison – for so many things. Thank you!
A huge, giant, well-deserved congratulations to you Jennie! I am so happy for you and can’t wait to read your book.
The cover is beautiful by the way!
Ameena recently posted…square one
Thank you so very much Ameena.
Well, the cover is beautiful, and I’m looking forward to receiving my own copy in the mail before the year is up. Congratulations! So exciting. As someone who has also self-published I know what an amazing and vulnerable feeling it is. I wish you great success!
Korinthia Klein recently posted…Cake Wreck 2013
I remember talking about that with you over dinner. You expressed the feeling perfectly – amazing and vulnerable.
Wow.. 🙂 congrats! It must have been quite the adventure getting the book out but even more so a sense of accomplishment too.
iceprinxess recently posted…Dinner at J’s Restaurant [Guest Post]
Yes, it does feel like an amazing accomplishment. Thanks so much for your support.
Just purchased my copy. I’ll have to come back to France so I can get it signed!! Congratulations!!
Any excuse to come to France is a great one! Thank you so much for your support. 🙂
How exciting!!! Congratulations!! I am getting a copy for Christmas!
Yay! Thanks Anna!
Connie Keller recently posted…Friday Five, Five Signs You’re Been Editing Too Much
Thank you so much Connie!
I am so proud. PROUD of the work, sincerity, love, and honesty of everything you do and ponder. I can’t wait to read, review, and shout it from everywhere. This woman, Jennie Goutet, is as real as God has ever made.
Alexandra recently posted…13 Things You Should Never Say To a Woman Who Is a Mother of Only Sons Who Have Curly Hair
I have no words to express how much this means to me. Thank you.
Congratulations! There is almost nothing as satisfying as birthing a book! I am so excited for you! Way to go!
Jane recently posted…Friday Foodie: Breakfast or Snack Bar
It did feel a lot like it because I finished writing it about the time I was supposed to have given birth. 🙂 Thanks for your encouragement.
Wow, congrats, Jennie! The cover is beautiful…hope you sell many, many copies.
Carole recently posted…Taos Balloon Rally
Oh thank you Carole, I know I’ve been out of the loop for awhile, but these words mean a lot to me.
Congrats my friend!!!! xoxoxo
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted…Letting Go
Thank you love!
Congratulations, Jennie! So very excited and happy for you!
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Old School Blogging: Holiday Edition
Thank you so much for your support!
You know how I feel. You do!
And now I’m on pins and needles until my copy arrives…
Love you. I’m so very proud.
julie gardner recently posted…The Write Words
I could not have done it without you, and those are not empty words.
Is it wrong of me to tackle the delivery man when he delivers my copy?
Andrea recently posted…Old School Blogging, Holiday Edition
I’m ready to tackle him when he delivers mine! I still haven’t gotten it!
Congratulations! I know how much a labor of love this is and I can’t wait to read it. What a fantastic accomplishment.
Brittany recently posted…Save Space and Save Lives with a Chic Tabletop Christmas Tree
Thank you, dear Brittany.
Lizzie! Aaagh! I was meant to write you to let you know it came out. Thank you so, so much for everything.
It’s added to my Amazon Wishlist (holding out for Christmas) and of course my Goodreads list!
Congratulations on getting this published.
Jackie recently posted…Lost
This means so much to me Jackie! Thank you!