Two of my good friends launched books within a week of each other, and I almost titled this post “It’s Twins!” But then I figured you’d never forgive me. 😉
The twins thing is relevant. We’ll get to that in a minute.
First I’m going to tell you about my friends, and then I’m going to tell you about their books. I’m giving away a copy of each of their books out-of-pocket because they’re my friends. Details are below.
But I’m reviewing their books on my blog because I like the books – as simple as that.
Alison and I became friends through blogging. She lives in Asia, and when I was posting my memoir on my blog, chapter by chapter, she was always the first to comment because of the time difference. (Somehow I suspect she’d be the first to comment even without the time difference). She sent me a mug as a present just because I liked it. And then – get this – when a family member broke it, she sent another! She also came to visit me in Paris. So you can see what kind of friend she is.
Alison has stopped blogging and has started writing (and doing other book / editing / marketing related things). It’s a good thing too because her first launch is stellar. Now here is where I need to add that I don’t know Megan Woolsey, but she gets half the credit for this magnificent book. I’m talking about Alison because I know Alison, but Megan’s name needs to be right in the forefront here too.
Introducing: Multiples Illuminated!
Did you just discover that you are pregnant . . . with twins, triplets or more? Are you wondering how you will cope caring for more than one baby? Multiples Illuminated dives deep into the world of raising multiples with beautiful stories and helpful advice. In it, you will find essays on: · Infertility help and hope · Finding out and coping with a multiples pregnancy · Stories of labor and delivery · Stories from the NICU · Breastfeeding best practices for multiples · Surviving the infant and toddler stages Multiples Illuminated is a compelling collection of stories from writers and parents of multiples, as well as expert advice that is a must-have for all parents and grandparents of multiples. Having multiples is one of the most wonderful and challenging experiences you will have in your life. Whether you’re expecting multiples or a few years into the multiples club, you will find stories you love in Multiples Illuminated.
I’m not personally a fan of anthologies or short stories because I don’t like investing in a story and having it end just when I’m fully involved. But this anthology of everything related to twins (and more!) had my full attention. I didn’t mind the different writers because everything was seamless. The topics they covered were well-organised, the editing was stellar, and the writing … I never thought I’d care so much about what it was like to have twins (and more!) when I’ve only ever had a series of singletons.
But I did. Some of the stories made me laugh out loud (repeatedly). Some made me tear up. Some stories left my jaw hanging (ever heard of cryptophasia?). All the stories gave me an immense respect for moms of twins (and more!). I will tell you this. Whether you’re a mom of multiples or not, I will bet you find this book engaging. Here are the links to get it – and of course – there is my giveaway, which is below.
Julie has a place in my heart that no one else has because I’m a writer of books because of HER. There are not many people a writer can say that about, are there? When I was a blogger saying I could never weave anything literary longer than a snippet, she left a comment saying that nobody wove a snippet like me, and she was sure I could. (chuckle).
When she offered to read my memoir before it went on my blog chapter by chapter (or got published, or needed to get re-published) she could have torn it apart. It was pretty awful. Maybe not the substance and the story, but the craft of writing. Julie didn’t do that though. She lifted the beauty out of the mangled words and told me I had something there. She has also edited my Viscount (which is launching THIS MONTH), and she adapted her editing style to my level of confidence and gave it a more thorough critique. She’s definitely a treasure like no other.
Now let me talk about HER book. Letters for Scarlet:
Julie could have had several books out years ago, but she wanted to be traditionally published, so she waited. Now she is through Velvet Morning Press (you can check out their other releases by clicking here). Never mind that the owners of this publishing house live in Paris and are actually friends of mine, Julie found them independently of me.
This is the Letters for Scarlet blurb:
Pain can take a lifetime to heal, but hope lasts even longer…
Corie Harper is twenty-eight years old when she is first visited by a ghost—in the form of a graduation letter she forgot she wrote. Although she spent a decade burying that desperate girl and her regrets, each page resurrects the past, dragging Corie back to a time when all she craved was Scarlet Hinden’s friendship and Tuck Slater’s heart. But she couldn’t keep them both and keep her word.
Scarlet is haunted in her own way, by memories of Corie and of a night that left her wishing she were dead. But Scarlet is not only alive, she’s carrying new life: a baby she never wanted and is terrified to have. Convinced she would be a disastrous mother, she questions whether or not she deserves the love of any man. Especially the father of her child.
Letters for Scarlet traces one friendship from deep roots to branches torn by broken promises and loss.
Julie’s writing is perfectly crafted and, as the reader, I was fully invested in the story. I wondered about what was going to happen when I wasn’t reading it. If you like lives that are not perfect, you will like (love) this story. And, (I don’t think this is a spoiler), though nothing gets wrapped up in a neat little bow – which romance lovers like myself crave – it’s a very satisfying book to read, and a satisfying book to close when you’ve hit the last page. Like completing the cheese course after a fine French meal. 😉
You can purchase Julie’s book here. Or, of course, enter my giveaway below.
Now for the giveaway. Here’s an image to pin:
This contest is open until Wednesday, April 13. I will randomly choose a winner on Thursday (via the scientific method of pulling a name out of a hat). You can leave a comment in the box below – or through Facebook – telling me which book you would like to win, or whether you’d like to try for both. You can enter for both books if you’re not sure which one you want more, but you can only win one. There will be a separate winner for each book.
So you need to leave a comment in order to enter. And this is my additional request, though I have no way of knowing whether or not you’ve done this. Kindly tweet about the giveaway (I’ll provide a tweet box which will make it easy for you), OR share it on Facebook. If it’s for the multiples book, could you tag your friends who have twins+?
If you’re a reader who tends to shun all forms of social media, but miraculously still likes my blog, perhaps you could just tell one of your friends about the book you’ve chosen to try for? We’ll do it on scout’s honour.
And that’s it! Good luck with your entry! And please may I remind you HOW IMPORTANT AMAZON REVIEWS ARE after you’ve finished reading the book. And GoodReads too. Sorry for screaming just now – it’s just the indie books and small publishing houses have to fight for the same space on Amazon as the bigger names and the only way we can do it is through reviews. Thanks!
Though this post is already long, here are multiple little facts about me just to catch you up on my life.
My memoir is free on kindle until Saturday. You can access it by clicking here.
We have a roof now but still have mold everywhere and falling paster from the ceilings. I don’t know when our house will be done and I’m trying not to despair.
I’m in a great place emotionally considering I am officially off anti-depressants for the first time in 20 years, but physically I’m not so great. I have an appointment today to try to sort out the carpal tunnel problems and (eeps) high blood pressure brought on by stress. It’s strange to have this sort of pressure on all sides but to know my mind is able to withstand the attacks and lies that are linked to depression. It’s a miracle. To me, it’s a miracle. (If you’re taking medicine for depression/anxiety, I still think it’s amazingly helpful and I won’t hesitate to go back on if I need to at a future date).
And finally – I’m so excited that my book The Viscount of Maisons Laffitte is nearly ready to be published. It made it through 8 critical beta reads and it’s finally in shape.
Sending you all the biggest and best of hugs! 🙂
Congratulations to your friends. I will pick up these books.
Thank you for your support of my friends! I perused your blog once before but was on my phone so I didn’t comment. I just saw pastries. Yum. I’ll come by and introduce myself more properly.
I am so touched with your beautiful review of our book and Julie’s and your kindness and generosity with the giveaway. I cannot wait for your new book!! xoxo
It is my pleasure – truly. 🙂
Yes, my dear sweet Jennie, I love this. I also love the It’s Twins idea. Please post it in CWBN.
Thanks for everything Bonnie! 🙂
You are a miracle in my life!
(oh yes and thank you for everything. everything.)
Mwah! 🙂
I am glad you are doing well off antidepressants, and hope your physical health comes around. I would love the opportunity to read a novel by the woman who helped you make your memoir shine! Excited for you that your novel is almost ready!
Okay your name goes in the hat!
Well I do have Multiples Illuminated! But any book with the name Scarlet in it, is a friend of mine! My own Scarlet will be tickled.
Tamara recently posted…And I Saw Sparks.
I know! Scarlet is a special name. 🙂
Yes, congratulations on your novel! I look forward to checking out your memoir. I am a mom of two sets of twins. I started writing a memoir which led me to starting my own blog last May. I would love a copy of the Multiples book! I went to HS with one of the writers …Jackie Pick and I would love to support her with reviews. Thanks!
I tweeted! I love the sound of the Letters to Scarlet book!
Anne @ The Fitly Spoken Word recently posted…The Power of a Word
to both Alison & Julie!
They are both exquisite.
How kind of you to promote them
on your blog!