I broke all the rules, I know. I used the words “musings” and “boring” in the title, no less. And I put the word “technical!” I’m going down in infamy. But there’s no real reason for me to write a blog post today, other than the fact that I have to put this ( Follow my blog with Bloglovin ) link in a post (actually, right up at the top there) in order to “claim” my blog at BlogLovin.com (whatever it means to claim your blog). And for those readers who follow me by using my RSS feed, you will have to find another way to do so since Google is removing that option on July 5th.

Here’s a pretty blue sky
While we’re at it, if you’re haven’t yet liked my Facebook fan page, here’s the link. It’s easy! Just click “like.”
Now I’m going to bribe you with cute stuff.

Oh look! A cute baby!

Oh look! A cute … hm! William has not changed at all.

A cool albino spider

on my sweet-smelling pink rose!

The sky which set my dog a-trembling.

The sky with an unintentional visual trick – the reflection of the orange dining room light in the glass window, making the storm look much more sinister.
BlogLovin.com is pretty cool actually. You just sign up, then search for any blog you like (it doesn’t even have to be part of the registry – mine wasn’t until today). And then you click “follow.” And every time a blog you follow puts up a new post, it appears in your reader.
Oh – you guys are much smarter than me. You probably know all that already.

An olive branch?
Would you believe how insanely long it took me to figure out how to “claim” my blog? I’m already a “follower” of yours there. But I can’t believe that I hadn’t “liked” you on FB yet. And I do like the bribes. People are lazy; they need it.
Jessica Smock recently posted…Summer Book Club For Parents Who Don’t Like Most Parenting Books (Or Join Book Clubs)
I just followed you Jessica! 🙂
help! could you please explain to me what kind of madness is going to happen july 5? could you walk me through it, friend. 🙂
anna whiston-donaldson recently posted…September 11, 2011
You bet! I’ll e-mail you tomorrow.
Maybe I will check out Bloglovin since I recently left Google Reader for Feedly, which I am not too thrilled with.
So confused why Google is doing this to me? Like I have nothing else to do?? 🙂
I know! I’m not sure BlogLovin is any better. I really like Netvibes because all the blogs are listed one after the other, and the ones with unread posts are bolded. BlogLovin is more like google, where the posts appear one after the other, regardless of who the blog author it. I’m not sure if it can be changed. However without the RSS feed, I don’t seem to have that much of a choice.
I have been so overwhelmed of late, that I have missed many of your posts, but still plan to read and get caught up. I am glad to learn about bloglovin, and I hope you don’t mind if I steal your bribe idea. I think I will go sign up and then try to bribe my readers AND I’ll mention FB as well, but most importantly, I’ll mention you as my inspiration! 🙂
Jane recently posted…The Danger of Diet Soda
You’re so sweet! I’ve added you to my bloglovin reader.
I’m with Anna. Dear lady, what is going to happen July 5? Can you double copy me with Anna’s email? xo
Alexandra recently posted…He’s Back, But I Don’t Know For How Long
Definitely will my dearie.
I need to write a techy post to make sure people do the follow thingy too.
This isn’t boring at all! Do love the cute photos though.
Alison recently posted…The Easy Way Out
I already added you!
Oooooo, albino spider! I’ve never seen one, how did you ever find it?
Will this change anything if I already get your posts through email? What is the benefit of Bloglovin? I guess I could get this info myself, but this way is much friendlier than researching it on my own. 🙂
Andrea recently posted…Ten
Sent an e-mail! XOXO
I’ve been using Feedly for a little while and I’m happy to say that you still show up there!
That last picture you have of the clouds looks like there is a face in the clouds.
Jackie recently posted…Wordful Wednesday – Curwood Festival
And you’re in my netvibes, but now I’ll have to switch you over. 😉
You’re so funny, I remember when I had to put in the bloglovin’ link to and I was like “well that’s going to stick out like a sore thumb.” Might as well just embrace it :).
Jessica recently posted…You should really ask your kids this question
Yerp. We have to embrace the inner geek. 😉
You are funny! And I am following you now!
Alexa (Kat) recently posted…Cascade Platinum {Sponsored Post}
Thanks Alexa!
You know, I just stuck it in the last post I had published and that worked too! And man, that is one cute baby, then and now! 😉
Elaine A. recently posted…Summer Scratching
I’m so confused by all of this…I don’t even think that I want to know about it. gulp.
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted…Big Kid Steps
I think you’re pretty much safe to ignore it all until your back is up against the wall. You have nothing to lose by waiting (I think).
You’re already in my lovin…
Aw shweet! 🙂
Excuse me,
I need to find you on Facebook! Xx
My Inner Chick recently posted…Murder, Therapy, & Walking Thru The Fire
Thank you love bug.