Sir and I decided that this was the year we were going to live dangerously.
We were given an unexpected date night on Christmas because my mother-in-law wanted to take the two older kids hiking, along with her other grandchildren (all of my parents are way more fit than I am – my mom does Zumba, my dad hikes in the mountains of North Carolina and my MIL does “randonnés” – brisk walking with her club, sometimes for up to a week).
Anyway, we asked her if she wouldn’t mind keeping Petit Prince, who would have been sooo disappointed to return home without his siblings.
She said “Aw what the heck? What’s one more?” (or something like that in French).
So we went to the movies.
In a neighborhood we weren’t too sure about (it was fine)
We saw Twilight. We don’t want to be behind the times. (what – it’s not still playing by you?)
Except it was in French. I didn’t miss anything, but I prefer English movies to be in English.
So you see? See how we’re already living dangerously?
Another way I’ve decided to start living dangerously is to publish my memoire right here. On my blog.
I’m going to publish a chapter a week, starting next Monday. There are currently 26 chapters, which should take me through to the beginning of July. Just in time for summer vacation!
The one lead I had for a publisher fell through and I just . . . really don’t have it in me to court rejection upon rejection. So I’m publishing it within my comfort zone. I know. I’m a chicken.
So here’s the deal. The book is broken up into three parts. The only part of it I consider to be the least bit polished is the first part. The second and third parts are currently more along the lines of “I did this. And then I did that.” which totally reads more like a documentary (yawn). So you see how dangerously I’m living? I only have 8 more weeks until I have to start posting the second part, which means I need to get crackin’.
You know that the fact that I’m a Christian kind of oozes out here and there on the blog, although in blogging as in life, I prefer to have friends all along the spectrum and not just narrow it down to one group.
Well, in my memoire, it’s kind of unavoidable and I hope it won’t deter you. If you’re not a Christian, maybe you can look at it like an anthropological study (grin).
No seriously – it’s an indelible part of my story and I’ve even chosen a Scripture to head each chapter, and very occasionally, another one within the chapter. But it’s really me just telling my story in the end. No proselytizing.
The first part tells about how I pursued God, or rather, how he pursued me – and how I pretty much went from total indifference to . . . faith.
It’s called “a lady unformed.”
The second part is about all the difficult challenges and character work in my early years as a Christian and it’s called “a lady hard-pressed.”
And the third part is life since we’ve moved to France – how we ended up here and what’s happened along the way. And this part is called “a lady rooted and established.”
Obviously it’s also about everything else – love, despair, birth, loss, adventure, laughter, grief and hope.
It’s called A Lady in France: Life in the Trenches, and I really, really hope you will like it.
Image credit: 123RF
I absolutely look forward to reading it!
It’s great to see you back here Stephanie. 🙂
Freaking out with excitement! I cannot wait!
Cannot. Wait.
Happy New Year!
Oh my friend! I can’t WAIT to read 🙂
Looking forward to reading it. Thank you for having the courage to share with us…one small step at a time!
That’s wonderful although I think the publisher that fell through is missing out.
This comment encouraged me a lot – thank you!
Can’t wait to read it Jennie! You are my hero!!! Love you!
Happy New Year!!!
I too cannot wait! There’s no way you’re a chicken if you’re putting the book out there. . . .
It’ll be great.
Bon Annee!
Bonne. I mean, bonne.
I look forward to reading it!!
I’m ready, Jennie.
oh, my dear friend . . . . I am grinning from ear to ear!!! I remember, long ago, reading some of your incredible blog posts that contained stories of your life and writing a comment that you needed to write a book. Now, after all this time . . . Look what you are doing!!!!! I cannot wait!!! And I will now certainly have a standing appointment with YOU, each Monday! I CAN’T WAIT!!!!
(Oh, Happy New Year, dear friend!)
Hugs! (squee)
First of all congrats on getting out on a date!!
Second… I can’t wait to read it!
I love it already.
No really. I do.
(And you, too.)
You’re back! I’m so very glad.
I look forward to reading it. You are not even close to being chicken. I think it’s great that you are using your comfort zone to do this. 🙂 happy and healthy new year , all the best. 🙂
Thank you for your long-time support Ayala. Happy New Year to you too! 🙂
Looking forward to reading it Jennie!! What a fantastic idea.
And a movie in French sounds…complicated. I’m envious that it is not for you!
So looking forward to it!
Hello..I’m new. Like, really really new! reading your blog, that is….I tend to keep my reader list quite clipped and short. Because I read what’s on my list everyday! I’m so glad to add you to it, because you see, I think you and I are very similar…yet–I am a “lady” on the wane. At 50, I’m up past the top, and on the slow decline….happily, and rightfully, so. So? I’m not dead yet, and I indulge my decades long preoccupation with France, French, traveling to Europe (which I’ve yet to do) being released from my life here (married 24 yrs, living together for 31) so I can pursue a happy 2nd half….haven’t given up yet. House Hunters International, and books, blogs, talking to folks who have done it, have all fed me and kept me from losing hope. Can’t rush time. I too am a Christian, so it is with utter delight that I will embark upon your blog posts!
Hi Julie, Welcome! I’m so glad to have you here.
And no – it’s not at all too late. I’m 43 and still feel very young at heart, so why not look at it as embarking on the second half of the adventure?
I think that’s a fabulous idea! I’ll read the whole thing!
I AM CHOMPING AT THE BIT TO READ YOUR MEMOIRE! AGGGHHH! (And yes, ALL. CAPS.) So, so, so incredibly excited to have found your blog today through Twitter. 🙂
I’m so honored – thanks Jennifer!!