All I can think about these days is taking a nap and whether or not there is any chance I’ll be able to get some undisturbed time. Ironically, the more I need the undisturbed time, the less likely my children are to give it to me.
We had friends for lunch yesterday and I was so exhausted I went to take a nap while they were drinking their coffee. I didn’t even say where I was going. When I finally woke up they were gone. But these people just wouldn’t leave, I mean, seriously!
(No, just teasing you guys. Clearly they’re such good friends I could pull a stunt like that and still retain them as such).
I cannot explain the things that make me tired, or at least not everything, because they are not my stories to tell. But I’m deeply sad about various things happening around me to people I love.
However, now that we have decided not to do the extra work before my mother and sister come, complicating everything and making more of a mess, there is not much else to explain the fatigue. Sure, there’s Petit Prince, who is not ready to start school next week because he is not yet potty trained. Oh how I was looking forward to tasting sweet freedom and now it looks as if it shall be denied me.
It’s not his fault that he was born at the end of the year and won’t be three until November (but still in time for the Dec 31 cutoff). It’s hard enough to be potty trained at the age of 2, but he’s a boy to boot. And the pediatrician shook her head soberly when he pooped in his pants (and on the floor) at her office. I mean, how awesome is that timing! It had never happened to her before in the dozens of kids she’s seen every day for the past 20 years.
But it reinforced the fact that he’s not ready.
So I’m tired and stressed and dying to sleep my cares away. But it’s someone else that’s sleeping like a baby.
Maybe it’s because he is a baby.
No, seriously, I’m not the only one falling asleep over my food.
But as pooped as he is (bad pun intended), he’s resisting the naps with all his might. He wants to stay up because his big brother and sister don’t nap anymore. Just look at this guy! Does he look like someone who can afford to stay up?
That’s two out for the count. Sorry Sir – doesn’t say much for your storytelling skills.
But he just resists and resists, insouciant,
and then ends up crashing late afternoon
in a myriad of untidy places.
You’d think he’d wise up and heed the siren’s call, like I so desperately want to do.
But nope.
(Um, by the way, is it just me or is my blog looking really weird since I uploaded the new version of WP? What’s happened to my theme?)
The video of Petit Prince is priceless!
Hope things brighten for you and you’re able to get some rest soon.
Did she really have to tell you that this “situation” had never happened to her before in twenty years?
Silly pediatrician.
This post is so peaceful (really. all those sleeping faces. they make me want my bed).
I hope you and the loved ones around you find peace soon.
Thanks Julie!
Have you had your Vitamin D or thyroid levels checked? It is a simple blood test. My kids never wanted to take naps past 2 1/2 years old, especially if there were older ones awake. The funny places that they end up crashing… such cute pics to show them later in life. Yes, your blog design has been “off” lately than what it used to look like.
Thyroid is normal but Vitamin D is chronically low despite the supplements. So I’m not sure …
So much of our time as moms is devoted to SLEEP–get them to take a nap, now get them up so they sleep at night, now get them to sleep at night, endless! My kids were great nappers and good lord how I came to depend on that quiet 2 hours in the afternoon…they had to stop when it came time for kindergarten and I was sooo sad. Then my mom said “you know, even if they don’t sleep, you could tell them it’s quiet time & they have to be in their room with a book or something…” GENIUS!! So on the weekends, we had at least a 45 minute period of quiet play every day. Made everyone much, much happier. Mostly me. Of course, the karmic payback for this napping bliss is that their eating habits are terrible: white food, no veggies, etc etc. It’s always something…
Ah yes – the “quiet time.” To my great guilt, it often involves a DVD. My daughter should be able to read more comfortably so we can make the great switch. We don’t have a good library nearby like we did when I was a kid.
Oh this post was just full of adorableness! The video made me giggle and want to go over there and cuddle the little fella.
The irony of it all with the napping is? When they’re adults, they’d do ANYTHING to nap. After all the resisting they do in childhood.
You can bet I was behind the scenes silently pleading with my husband to let me come and take him in my arms and bring him to bed where he belonged, but he kept shaking his head and laughing because the filming was too good.
OM Goodness! I am laughing so hard over the video, tears are coming down my face!!! The fact that the licking of the face continues in between the head bobs is just the absolute best!!! This has made my day!!! (I so relate tot he need tonal, though.just yesterday I found myself falling asleep on the couch in the middle of the afternoon. When I woke up, my 4 year old had. Fixed us a snack of fresh strawberries topped with about 2 cups of whipped cream. Love that child!!!!) feel better soon, my friend.
Lordy, I need to proof my comments, don’t I? I hate how the iPad changes my words and I forget to catch it before submitting.. So sorry for that mess above. I think I need a nap! 😉
Nah I got what you meant. 🙂
My 3-year-old resists naps and passes out everywhere in the late afternoon, too. Argh! I love all the photos you took of it. I thought I had it bad with two July babies and trying to get them ready for preschool, but it would be even tougher having a late fall baby! I hope he’ll be ready to go soon so you can get some serious naptime in!
Do babies have to be potty trained for preschool? I didn’t know. I thought just the French were maniacs. 😉
My kids always fell asleep in the oddest places too. And yes, they resist their naps with all their might 😛
Your sidebar widths seem a little off. Widgets are spilling out a bit to the right I would say. Is that what you were noticing was weird?
Oh, I just love the sleeping pics!
My pediatrician had told me it was a waste of time to even try to potty train boys until after they turn 3. Made me feel much better.
I know – I’ve heard that too but I have to make it work if I want any time to myself.
Oh my gosh, those pictures are hilarious.
Your Petit Prince is so precious. I seriously want to mash my face in those cheeks of his (in an affectionate, non-scary way). I know that feeling of desperately wanting to nap on the very afternoon that your own nappers refuse. My sixteen month old is a pretty reliable napper and, luckily, so is my three year-old. However, to get the three year-old to nap, I have to put pajamas on him (per his request), negotiate some kind of treat for after nap, and sit in his room to fall asleep. This process is long, but I do it anyway because the whole household benefits from his two or so hours of slumber … until that evening when he’s not tired enough for bed. I hope you find your zzz’s soon.
Just had to tell you . . . I have had to show this to my 4 year old, about 10 times! She thinks it is the cutest video she has ever seen and just loves it! She keeps asking to see it again!
I know right? That tongue is nonstop!
My just turned 4 year old gave up her naps at 3 – on the dot. It was a tragic day for all of us. My 9 yo didn’t give hers up til she started Kindergarten. Ah well, what can you do?
BTW, totally agree with your “the more I need time to myself the more they need me” statement.
Hi Missy – seriously. The death of the naps is a sad business.
Oh, Tori’s trying to give hers up too, but I am not having it. Mama needs that downtime! Hopefully it’s a temporary thing?
Somehow, this is my first trip to your blog. I’m glad I finally made my way over.
So…with school…can he enter in January? Or are you looking at another year? My daughter just started school (she’s 3 1/2) technically she’s trained but sometimes things get a little wonky. my fingers are double crossed.
Christine – welcome and thanks for stopping by. No, he started in September in spite of not being fully potty trained. So far no accidents at school (fingers crossed) but he’s supposed to start full days soon so I can teach English classes in the afternoon. In France, as long as you turn 3 by Dec 31 you’re allowed to go to school, and then some schools are more lenient than others about the potty training thing. (However, no diapers, just plenty of changes of clothes).