This is not going to be a life-changing post for any of you, but it’s just my way of saying it was good to see friends and family, and it’s good to be home.
Well … it will be good to be home as soon as we recover from the jet lag. We were up until 2:30 last night and we woke up at 11:30 today. Oh yeah, and William threw up all over himself and the bedding and wall because I fed them chocolate chip cookies instead of dinner. #MotherOfTheYear
My mother and her husband came up from South Carolina and stayed in a hotel where my dad lived. They did this for two reasons. #1 It was much easier on us since we already had to make the drive from New York and it simplified our lives immensely to not have to drive anymore, and #2 It’s so dang hot down there we would have been holed up indoors all day with her nice furniture. Since the hotel where they stayed was really comfy and had a pool –
it was a win-win.
I would load this post with pictures of my adorable baby niece if I had my sister’s permission to do so, but I understandably don’t. I also didn’t get great pictures of the rest of my family because I was so busy taking pictures of my niece. But that’s okay. This is pretty much what we did all weekend.
Oh, we did get to go to a nearby music camp where they were rehearsing Elgar’s cello concerto
in an open air auditorium
where there were ducks.
And since Gabriel is starting an instrument this year (a trumpet his grandfather graciously found and offered to him), they were captivated by the music longer than I had imagined they would be.

we’ll be working on that embouchure
When we said goodbye to my mother and left my dad’s two days later, we headed to Pennsylvania where we saw my uncle and cousins. And then we continued driving to New Jersey, where we stayed with our friend Rosalind’s family.

of the ice cream outing in the last post
They were such gracious hosts and let us take over their entire downstairs for five (!) days. We were pretty much glued to their house (sorry!!!!) except for one afternoon spent at old friends of ours – my roommate Sue
and Betsy and Sally and their families (where our children discovered Wii dancing).
And then we spent another afternoon with my friend Lesley’s family
where my children discovered x-box.
And then we rushed onto the Lincoln Tunnel, grabbed our bags and whisked off to the airport, where we got onto a plane, watched movies, and where Juliet threw up all over the aisle of the plane. The flight attendant didn’t even interrupt her conversation as she donned a hazmat suit, popped a foil package and sprinkled foaming chemicals all over the mess. (We needed one of those packs last night).
And then we got home to our messy, dirty, weedy house, sank down amidst our baggage and thankfully called it “home.” The most anticipated part of the homecoming was getting our dog after three weeks. We knew he was happy at his “summer camp” because he was in the great outdoors, free to roam with eight other dogs in a 4-hecter gated property. But I don’t think he got a lot of human attention during those three weeks (he and his blanket were filthy), and everyone knows that no one loves a dog like his owner.
When Matthieu drove up to the property, all of the dogs came running up barking. But Hunter didn’t really notice and was moseying along, sniffing the roses. And then – suddenly (cue music) he saw who it was and he went crazy. He was so excited to see Matthieu, and so excited to take his place in the car. When two other dogs saw this, they got into the car too and the guy could not pull the Saint Bernard back out. Eventually Hunter came home, jumped all over the whole family (which we permitted for once), and promptly fell asleep from the excitement for the entire afternoon.

Juliet cocooned Hunter
I know how you feel, Hunter. I know how you feel. We’re home.
Love the picture of cocooned Hunter! Welcome home. 🙂
Mama D recently posted…Eight
Thank you Mama D!
Oh, the Elgar is such a beautiful piece! What a treat. I’m always amazed at how well many kids can sit through a concert. We even took ours to see Carmen this last season because I figured it was a good intro-opera. The six-year-old fell asleep, but the nine-year-old was rapt.
My dog is mopey while my kids and husband are still off enjoying vacation without me. He spins in circles when I come home from work and then looks around like, “Where is the rest of the pack?!” and then stays right on my heels lest I disappear. His fuzzy head will probably explode when the kids all reappear next week.
Korinthia Klein recently posted…The Amzing Milwaukee Race On Bikes 2!
My brother was in Carmen when he was young enough to have a high-pitched voice. And yes, Elgar is truly beautiful. I didn’t really know him before I got married, but we have a CD of his work and I love it.
It sounds like a wonderful trip full of fun and memories! How long before the kids want a Wii or Xbox?
Jackie recently posted…BlogHer13: The Parties – #SweetSuite13
HA! They shall have to content themselves with their DS.
I’m glad you had a good trip and I am glad your home. No matter how good being away is, there is nothing better than coming home.
I was wondering: How do your kids do in the English speaking homes? I know they can speak it, but they don’t prefer it, right?
Laura recently posted…My Next BIG Thing
It’s always better at the end of the trip than the beginning. The older two have got it down pretty well – it’s the younger one who has trouble. But he did start to realize that no one knew what he was saying when he spoke and he has really started to use English more, even here at home.
I love dog/people reunions. Dogs are so exuberant and hold nothing back.
Jennifer recently posted…Organizing a Lunch Station for Easy Meal Prepration
I know. I do love my naughty dog – even though he ripped through the container of croissants I had just bought for my family’s breakfast.
What an amazing trip to the US!
But yes, HOME. Even if it’s stinky.
Love the last picture of Hunter. I can just imagine his excitement at seeing everyone and yes, being home.
Alison recently posted…Old School Blogging: The Fridge Edition aka ACK!
We are slowly working our way through the mess and trying to get organized before school starts. It’s a good feeling!
Man, you sure did have one awesome trip! Th US misses you already but i KNOW it’s good to be home. So glad I got to meet you while you were here… xoxo
Elaine A. recently posted…School Days
Me too Elaine!
Oh my gosh, I laughed out loud about the cookie thing. I’ve so been there. Dog welcomes are the best, there’s no one happier to see you! So glad the trip was good.
anymommy recently posted…What news, Ariadne?
It is just so comforting to know I am not alone in cookie dinners.
We too just got back from “home” to our “home,” and are experiencing the sort of out-of-body jet lag, where we’re eating weird food at weird hours, sleeping all over the place, waking up discombobulated. It was good to be in the States and see all the people we love…and yes, like Hunter, we are all happy to be here, too (mostly except that the ceiling is leaking and the AC doesn’t work very well and the bathroom has a funky smell and… )… welcome home!
deborah l quinn recently posted…You Have Lipstick On Your Teeth!
Our bathrooms have funky smells too when the pipes haven’t worked in awhile. I hope you guys get back into a rhythm soon! (PS Finally placed the Amazon order)/
OMgosh, that dog wrapped up! LOVE!
you are so pretty, Lady from France. Xx
My Inner Chick recently posted…Facebook, Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
I need to carry you with me everywhere I go for when I have self esteem issues.
Welcome back, you. I’ve missed you.
I found you and you rescued you from spam. Thanks friend. 🙂
Happens for me every time I leave home . . . I like a change of scenery . . . and I LOVE coming home. Great to hear about your trip and see some pictures.
Nina recently posted…Stop the Party Favor Madness
Well put. We need both. We need to get out, but it’s nice to appreciate our day-to-day as well.
Welcome home! It was so good to see you. xoxo
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted…Ode To The Little Toilet Paper Pieces
Me too!!! xoxo
Really no trip is complete without a good barfing incident…I understand this more than I’d like.
I need a Hazmat suit!
Great pics Jennie!
Ameena recently posted…P-R-O-G-R-E-S-S
and I hugged you … which was awesome.
Leaving today for Orlando after 48 hrs home.
It sounded like a good idea at the time 😉
sisters from another mister recently posted…Family Forward. Put your best foot forward.