We are in Auvergne (pronounced « Oh-vair-nye ») at a family vacation resort. We’re going to explore the volcanos. (We had to tell the kids there would be no spewing lava and they weren’t sure whether to be disappointed or relieved).
At home we’re going to miss the apple blossoms
and the strawberry blossoms,
the final blooms of the white tulips
and the black ones,
the tiny hazelnuts
the beginning apricots
But … we have VOLCANOS.
They will wait your return 🙂 and volcanos should be awesome to watch . I am planning a trip to Paris, I would like to expierance the unusual as well as the regular things. I think I need to google this to see how far it is from the city. Let us know how it was. 🙂
My mother-in-law lives in Auvergne but we have yet to visit the volcanoes – can’t wait to hear what you think!
I had no idea they had volcanoes!
My Mom is from L’Auvergne so I grew up seeing the “dead” volcanos all the time. I can’t wait to bring Nicholas and Aya to see them one day.
L’Auvergne is one of the only parts of France I haven’t seen yet. Hope you take photos!
Oh, how lovely these photos are. Next time you plan a trip to the volcanos, let me know. I will come and watch the tulips for you! 🙂
Have a wonderful time, be safe, explore, and come back soon to tell us all about it! Wishing you peace!
Volcanos! I had no idea. Can’t wait to hear all about it. Enjoy your trip!