My heart is full of happiness today. There is a chicken roasting in the oven and zucchini and peppers frying on the stove. The late afternoon sun is streaming in.
This morning we got to see everyone at church for the first time all summer. (The French travel most of August, so those who are in town meet in small groups at people’s homes or in the park). Then I spent the afternoon working on some writing deadlines. (If you don’t follow me on Facebook, my post was on Queen Latifah’s website HERE (website defunct), which was such a thrill).
And my husband continued working on getting our house organized. We got a beautiful patio table from a couple who is moving back to the States.
And they also gave us a piece of furniture to put in my office, which is almost done.
Oh, that chair is from the Napoleon area, by the way. Matthieu’s grandparents always said that was “his chair” because he loved to sit in it when he visited. They bequeathed it to him.
But it needs tons of work
and it needs to be done by someone who can restore period pieces.
Finishing up the studio meant that my husband could start pulling things out of the garage and add one of the bookcases to the upstairs office.
We have SO MUCH work to do to get this placed organized
and in the meantime there is SO MUCH chaos to meet the eye.
Added to the indoor mess is the outdoor mess.
Snail-eaten irises, snail-eaten sorrel, rogue raspberries that should not be there, a kiwi plant that needs more nutrients than it’s getting in this plot of land. I was thinking of planting a little evergreen garden that snails don’t like to eat. Any ideas?
And the grapes have really grown for the first time ever.
But I need to get a ladder and tie those vines to the top of the swing set. Not to mention pulling up all those weeds that cover the ground, and then kill their roots by covering it with tarp that has holes punched in it for some shade loving plants, and then hide the tarp under bark chips. Any ideas on shading loving plants?
And then our vegetables didn’t want to grow up there on that raised wall – I have no idea why. Not even a single zucchini plant grew, can you believe it? Not even zucchini!!!!! So we decided to plant a row of decorative plants up there, like these wild colorful things, I guess.
But I don’t know what to plant. Any ideas?
Basically, are you free to come over with a bunch of bulbs and help me?
So things are a bit chaotic these days.

The vine has finally found it’s way around the corner. Not long before it will cover this big blank wall!
But one day, things will be SO organized. I just know it.
I’d say you’re getting there, my friend!!
No suggestions on gardening. I’m the one who kills cacti.
Alison recently posted…Children and Technology
You can’t be good at EVERYTHING, I guess. 😉
Sigh. I wsih I had answers for you. I need to tackle gardens at my new house, but I’m waiting for the spring. Because… maybe I’ll have time to learn a thing or two between now and then? Better get crackin’!
Laura at Mommy Miracles recently posted…Book Review: Love Anthony
Did you have to do any gardening in your old house?
Not in the least. We didn’t have any outdoor space at the old place except for a small little deck. I probably could have done a potted garden if I was really ambitious, but I am terrible with plants, so I didn’t risk it.
Laura recently posted…Book Review: Love Anthony
You’re gonna have fun then. (Well, I hope). Gardening is pleasure and pain.
It looks like a lot to tackle, but it can be fun getting things all organized. Good luck!
Korinthia Klein recently posted…Mold-A-Ramas at the Henry Ford Museum
I need to see it that way – organizing is FUN!
There is a wildflower called Cosmo, which I love: feathery leaves & brightly colored flowers; am also a big fan of things that smell good, like jasmine and honeysuckle (but that attracts bees, so maybe not so great). If zucchini didn’t grow, does that mean pumpkins are a no-go, too? Ditto squash? Pretty blossoms, great veggies. Your post reminds me of the importance of the LONG VIEW (as I gaze around my newly moved-into house, past the boxes, the backyard that is entirely composed of sand, the still-wrapped pictures leaning against the walls…). Deep breath and yes, one day, everything will be in its place. Even if it only lasts for a few minutes.
deborah l quinn recently posted…Marriages and Safaris: Beauty. Dung. Sometimes Rainbows.
This is good, solid advice! I might have planted cosmos last year, but I want to try to find a bunch of perennials to make my life easier. Jasmine is a great idea and I need to see what honeysuckle looks like again. I don’t mind bees – we already have tons of lavender.
Can you post pictures as you pull your home together? Would love to see more.
I have no gardening skills, so I’m afraid I can’t help you there.
Love that your husband’s family gave him his favorite chair. Can’t wait to see it restored.
Tracie recently posted…Now Accepting Submissions for the September 2013 Edition of the Blog Against Child Abuse
Gardens really are so lovely, but I feel like I have to choose between writing and blogging and gardening. There are simply not enough hours in the day.
I love that your heart is overflowing w/ happiness.
I smell the roasted chicken all the way in Minnesota!
A perfect Sunday! Xx
My Inner Chick recently posted…A Room Of My Own & Other Groovy Stuff
Sending hugs and cheer along with those roasted chicken smells. xoxo 🙂
Queen Latifah’s website! How extraordinary. I’m going to check it out.
My dream is to be 100% organized one day. It’ll never happen but I can still dream….
Love the English.
Ameena recently posted…neglectful
I can’t find your article via the link…am I just missing it?
Ameena recently posted…neglectful
No help from me on gardening… but I love the chair, and can’t wait to see what it looks like when you’ve got it redone.
Andrea recently posted…A Labor Day Mind Dump
Okay, now that I’ve posted it, I really need to do it! 🙂
I am terrible with gardening. Although, since moving into our house 5 years ago, I have learned some. As in, I have only *nearly* caused the demise of two house plants – I was able to bring them back, though. That is progress for me. 🙂
Kim@Co-Pilot Mom recently posted…Winning the Shuffle
I haven’t always been great at it, but I gained confidence when I brought a potted tree back to life. I found it in the garbage in my old NYC building and I brought it upstairs where it became gorgeous and flourishing.(Really it was just sun and water). But I do get overwhelmed by too many projects at once.
You remind me my garage is a mess. It needs to be cleaned out and up so very badly! That chair is awesome. I want to see “after” pics when it is done!!
Elaine A. recently posted…Randoms
We have been meaning to work on that chair, but it’s intimidating, the thought of trying to find a specialist. So we’ll be each other’s garage cleaning cheerleaders. (How depressing is that!) 😉
oh love that furniture. and it really makes me deep down happy when good smells are coming from my kitchen, when things are simmering, when that pretty golden light is finding its way in. xo!
sarah reinhart recently posted…Hold on, I love you.
Your comments are just like your photos – full of love and light. 🙂
Chaos. I so get that. My entire laundry room is still in my kitchen from where I painted it, and the living room has somehow gotten completely out of control, and I don’t even want to talk about the rest of the house. How does this happen?
Jennifer recently posted…Happiness Is…
I simply cannot wait to see the remodel. You are so good at that.
It’s good to schedule a time plan to get organized. . I have recently shifted to new home a little chaotic can be seen around here. I love to be organized and work towards getting my home back in order.
Hi Evie, I just dug your comment out of spam/ Welcome!
We are trying to do just that. We want to get organized, but sometimes you need to organize the TIME to get organised!
Even the chaos is beautiful.
Vikki recently posted…Kids Are Funny – Part 2
Aw, thanks Vikki. And what’s even more beautiful is that it’s getting less chaotic with the few days I’ve had to put things in order. Maybe one day my house will be as cozy as yours! 😉