Well hello there! I have been out and about in Paris a LOT this week. Or, well, Paris only twice but I have been OUT a lot. Wanna see what I did?
On Thursday I went to the airport to pick up a friend.
And it was a GOOD THING I didn’t know there was a taxi strike or I would have really lost heart. As it was, I noticed a little slowing down of things but was blissfully unaware of the taxi strike that had started to turn sour whenever Uber cars showed up. (They’re stealing all the business because they don’t have to pay for a taxi license, and are therefore much cheaper).
Courtney Love arrived the same day I was there, and was not so lucky.
Dude @kanyewest we may turn back to the airport and hide out with u.picketers just attacked our car #ParisUberStrike pic.twitter.com/MtanurybOO
— Courtney Love Cobain (@Courtney) June 25, 2015
they've ambushed our car and are holding our driver hostage. they're beating the cars with metal bats. this is France?? I'm safer in Baghdad
— Courtney Love Cobain (@Courtney) June 25, 2015
we got out after being held hostage for an hour thanks to these two guys. I'm scared out of my wits.… https://t.co/cAOELz463U
— Courtney Love Cobain (@Courtney) June 25, 2015
My 1992 Toyota Corolla could never be mistaken for an Uber car, that’s fer sure. They waved us right through after a 45-minute wait.
The next day, I met new friends for coffee. It’s nice to make new friends, isn’t it? It was really good coffee too!
I got out! I had coffee with friends!! #htrjack A photo posted by Jennie Goutet (@aladyinfrance) on
The day after that, we went to see the fireworks on a park along the Seine. There was a picnic first, and the kids played frisbee and ran around in wild packs.
And then there was a live band with dancing. Most of the songs were sung in English (the band was really good). But when they broke out into a French folk song, I couldn’t resist …
#Life In #France #htrjack @mckebrew
A video posted by Jennie Goutet (@aladyinfrance) on
Sunday, we went into Paris for church as usual, but I didn’t take any pictures. And then Monday I went to La Défense to see if I would have any luck with the annual sales. It was also the summer jazz festival so we ate lunch outdoors and listened to the bands there.
(Shoulda cropped the dude on the left out)
On Tuesday, my husband and I had a bank appointment in Paris so we went in for that. Not very glamorous, but still out and about. And in Paris!
Bonjour Paris! #htrjack A photo posted by Jennie Goutet (@aladyinfrance) on
And then today is today. (Super hot). It’ll be nothing but end-of-school errands and concerts and teacher’s gifts and loaded backpacks. But that’s okay because we’re leaving Friday for Brittany! WooHOOOO! That is the best place in France to ride out a heat wave.
(The French word for heat wave is canicule, if you’re interested – pronounced kahn-ee-kewl).
All in all I did pretty darn well this week for a homebody, didn’t I? 😉
So my little Hit the Road, Jack (#HTRJack) series is not hugely popular. I’m like the person who is trying to start the slow clap in the crowd but no one catches on?
That’s okay, though. I still think it’s good incentive for me to explore France so I’m going to keep doing it without the linkup. However, if you want to tag me with the #HTRJack hashtag on Instagram, I would love to see your photos.
Here are two of the people who participated this week: Leigh Ann
and trilingualmama
Red #poppies dancing in the warm #summer breeze this morning. #inspiredbylight #sunshine #nature
A photo posted by Maria Babin (@trilingualmama) on
Stay cool, friends!
I love the photo in the park. It could almost be any park anywhere in the world, but Paris!
Jennifer recently posted…Summer Happy – Making Memories that Last a Lifetime
I know. I’m determined to open my eyes and see the treasures around me. I became so blasé when I came here the second time as a mother to young kids. It was pure survival!
I want to go out and about in Paris with you SO BAD! AHHHH!
I’d even go to the bank appointment. LOL!
Elaine A. recently posted…Summer Happy! (+ $110 to Target!)
I’m just a’sittin here waiting for you to visit me Elaine!
You did VERY well for a homebody! I kept reading this and thinking, “Man, I want to be more like that.”
I’m coming to visit!
Tamara recently posted…And You Can Tell Everybody This is Your Love Post.
Well I’m not out chasing moose or anything, but I did alright. 😉 (chuckle) But seriously, I’m really going to be working on this aspect before I get too old and decrepit to get out at all!
–can we hang out?!!
My Inner Chick recently posted…What Is The Real You?
Next time you come to France, baby!