I rarely ever post two days in a row, but I was so smitten by all the posts for Shell’s Rockin the Bump linky over at Things I Can’t Say, I just had join in.
And I figured out how to scan, so even though I wasn’t able to join Liz at a belle, a bean & a chicago dog for the Senior Hottie photo link, I’m planning to do some catch up at some point so we might all be revisiting the eighties. And with fashion trend recycling, you might just think it’s a photo from today.
(Except there are no wrinkles).
I don’t know why I’m so nostalgic about being pregnant when I pretty much threw up several times a day for nine months. All three pregnancies.
Seriously there were some pretty interesting entries in the Vomit Hall of Fame and I spent my morning commutes thinking, “I can throw up in that bush there if I need to. I can jump off this subway stop and throw up in that trash can if I must. You see, I always needed to be prepared because the alternative meant it might go into someone’s Louis Vuitton bag.
Or there might possibly not be any bladder control.
Here’s me at 34, pregnant with Young Lady.
I only gained 12 pounds, and 7 of that was baby. All that throwing up served some purpose.
I can’t resist showing my baby shower in my Manhattan apartment, the idyllic life lived in Battery Park City along the water. Dusty Earth Mother was there too, pregnant with The Pistol. Remember that Shar?
Here is my favorite pregnant photo with Young Knight. I look like a 14 year old girl who accidentally got pregnant.
(Well, 14 plus 22 years).
I was in France by this time and only gained 2 pounds the entire pregnancy. And over 9 pounds of those 2 pounds was baby!
Here I am, pregnant with Petit Prince, mellowed out as a happy mother of two and a half. Or perhaps I just had the glazed eyes of Pre-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
There’s only that unfortunate matter of the blond hair.
I don’t think bleach blond and dark roots goes with pale skin and rosy cheeks.
With Petit Prince, I was actually 2 pounds lighter right before giving birth than I was before I got pregnant. And that was another nearly 9 pound baby too.
Oh! No wonder I love to be pregnant. It’s even better than Jenny Craig.
Now if only I could have managed to avoid consuming entire bars of chocolate every day during breastfeeding, I might have really had something there.
Such great pictures, you look great pregnant. And I could eat anything put in front of me while breastfeeding too. I miss that rapid calorie burning though.
Thanks Jessica. Now see, I couldn’t do that; It was only during pregnancy and then I always gained even more (sob). I’ll pop by and see your pictures as soon as I get the kids fed and in bed.
You looked amazing in all 3 of your pregnancies! I hope I can be that lucky!
You had beautiful bumps! I can’t believe you never gained any weight….I’m super jealous!
Thanks. But if oooooonly it could have stayed that way! 🙂
HA! Better than jenny craig. That’s the upside of the pukes, I guess! Love the pictures. I have a zillion of my bumps.
It could be a new weight loss plan. Except there are side effects. Like a baby.
You look absolutely radiant!
You do look SO YOUNG in that pic with Young Knight! You really lucked out on the weight gain!
Great pics – I’m beginning to think I’m the only person that gained 50 and 60 pounds with my pregnancies! I was a beast!
My fave from my pregnancy – carpal tunnel.
Like you, I was a barfer – but it obviously didn’t stop the eat-a-thon! 🙂
wow, I have the complete opposite experience with being pregnant, I ballooned up both times! The second time I was lighter after delivery than I was before the pregnancy, but as it turns out, moving overseas with a newborn? The best way to gain all the pregnancy weight again. With no baby this time!
Some people don’t eat when they are stressed. I wish I didn’t have the opposite problem.
you look amazing–and I’m totally jealous of your lack of weight gain. I’m already up over 10 pounds and I’m only 1/2 way through! aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! working on my bump post today/tomorrow. xoxox
That would be such a victory if I didn’t immediately plump right up afterwards and not lose anything until the next pregnancy. (And now there are no more in sight). Can’t wait to see your bumps!
You looked fabulous and glowing in all of your gigantic baby bump pictures. Those bumps were gigantic, but you certainly weren’t. I gained a semi truck load of pounds with each girl, but I was lucky, in came right off. Same thing when it came to nursing.
And I was also very ill with each pregnancy. Luckily, mine only lasted the first trimester, though. I remember with my first pregnancy when i couldn’t keep anything down, a woman telling me she was sick all the way through. I almost burst into tears at the thought. I can’t imagine having to endure that for 9 whole months.
I loved seeing you pop up more than once in my Inbox this week.
I also love seeing your babies popping in that belly –
Plus, I think you look beautiful as a blonde, too.
(And not just because I’m still hoping you’ll show up soon with cucumber soup, either 😉
You had such big, rounded out bellies for such little weight gain!
I puked, too, though took meds to limit it to *just once* a day!
What we women go through for our kids!
I never had morning sickness and gained like 50 lbs. I guess it’s a trade off.
Anastasia – I’m sorry. I just saw your comment in the spam folder. Thank you for visiting – off to visit you now.
You were so beautiful!!!
I’m with Liz up above, the things mothers go through to have kids!
Wow, I didn’t think it was possible to not gain weight during pregnancy! I gained 25 with the first and 40 with the second, but lost it all in a month or so. Wish it were that easy now….
The photo with your daughter is adorable!
You looked great! It’s amazing how little weight you gained!
I on the other hand gained at least 20lbs with each baby and for some unknown reason I have kept it all with me. A memento perhaps?
Great bump pix! I was with you in the constant nausea department. I remember when I though: “I’m only puking once a day, now!” with relief. WTF? I had puked maybe a dozen times in my LIFE before becoming PG. Funny how perspective changes everything.
I know! Thanks for visiting me back. 🙂
Amazing that you managed to gain so little with the first and actually lose with the second. Sorry you were sick but wasn’t it SO worth it?? Beautiful.
You look adorable in all of the pictures. I always gained too much weight when I was pregnant.
I am so lame to have missed this link up! But I love your photos – your are adorable. And honestly, chocolate bars are the only way to get through those first few months. I’m starting to hoard my stash already.