I cannot believe I’m doing this but I’m linking up with Liz at A Belle A Bean A Chicago Dog for the Senior Hottie series. Here:

I actually looked kind of like her (or him), come to think of it.
Now, the premise, obviously, is to show how you went from ugly-duckhood to stunning beauty in just one decade. Or two. You know – like Liz did.
My path was somewhat backwards, however. I think I was hotter in high school than I am now.
I couldn’t really find any incriminating photos – I must have left them all in the States at my parents’ houses. Or thrown them into the bonfire. So let’s ease into things with this one.
Could be worse right? This was the summer before freshman year when I was tan from life-guarding and fit from running 3 miles and swimming 100 laps a day. Those positive habits were quickly waylaid in college by my excessive beer consumption.
At age 16 I submitted this picture for the “Seventeen” magazine modeling contest and was hopeful I would be selected in spite of my average height of 5’6”, my average weight of 140 (I fudged and put 135) and my rather average beauty.
I submitted this picture too, relying on the superior photographic quality to hook me a spot.
I have no idea where my junior prom picture is that shows me in a shiny blue dress with a hoop skirt, but here’s one of me senior year that looks alarmingly like …
my future wedding dress! With better boob support. Lower left.
Me, not the boobs.
And since I couldn’t find the short feathered haircut of 9th grade (with the rat’s tail – oh Lord, the rat’s tail!) (Oh Lord, the rat!) … excuse me, what was I saying? And since I couldn’t find any other real shockers, here is a sorority picture from college. (I was a Sigma Kappa – any others out there?).
The beer went to my hair.
Now this is the point where I’m supposed to put the NOW pictures and have everyone say, “wooow! How did such an ugly duckling turn into such a sophisticated creature?”
Don’t get me wrong – I do love myself in spite of the fact that I seem to be the only victim of my acerbic tongue – but I feel like I’ve sort of gone backwards into geekhood.
Ur – you’re not really going to take this picture are you, honey? You know it’s going to be dorky!
I have a hard time taking myself seriously.
But what I lack in 40+ hotness I make up for in large heart and large mind.
(Maybe we should steer away from the word large).
Then there is always the occasional photo that actually does turn out
but it never seems to be for any of the official photo documents.
And the family poses. Come here and stand in my arms, my darling.
Right here in front of my belly. Whut?
Money just doesn’t buy you this level of sophistication.
What can I say? Easy elegance is something I’ve possessed since birth.
Along with my love of cake.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THIS! You look so gorgeous in the photo with the shades on and, even better without!
You’re a darling OTG.
GREAT PHOTOS!! The photos from the past are fantastic, but the present photos are gorgeous. You’ve aged well!
Aw, thank you Kelli.
I think you’re absolutely beautiful.
You know what’s funny to me? I am trying to imagine if Seventeen would run that feature now, where you could just send in a photo. People would have things done all professionally and pay money and retouch and all that craziness. I like your Benetton/Bora Bora concept better.
The whole concept of the Seventeen modeling is funny to me now. I still remember reading about all the chosen ones and how they got to make a trip to NYC (wow)! I think it’s things like that that made me want to move to NY, all the dreams of glamor.
I think you looked like you were having a BLAST at your senior year prom!
And for the record, I think you look BEAUTIFUL now!
Thanks so very much for joining in #SeniorHottie!
We did have a great time – I had really good friends senior year of high school. And thank you.
I think you’re beautiful now. More so than back then. Also, better hair 🙂
Oh yes – the hair was a doozy! 😉
You were gorgeous back then and you’re gorgeous now. You look fun and approachable and like someone I would want to be friends with. Those are the things that make a person gorgeous, when the inside shines so brightly that you can see from the outside. And I submitted a picture to the Seventeen modeling contest too. Mine was not nearly as good as yours. I’ll just leave you to ponder that….haha!
Yes! I am approachable (unless it’s a stranger in the subway, then less so). But thank you. 🙂
Oh my girl.
You and I are (approximately) the same age. I mean, I lived in the era of Benetton love and may also have entered a Seventeen magazine modeling contest.
Except I didn’t. Because you should SEE the pics when I tried to strike a pose. Horrifying.
But you are lovely beyond words. In all the ways that count. And in some that don’t, too.
And I’m dying that you had a rat tail in 9th grade.
Then again, I thought my tuxedo was rad.
So I adore you. At all ages. Even though I was a Tri Delt.
You warm the cockles of my heart Julie. 🙂
Where’s the zebra dress photo???
Brag it up!! 😉
Oh my gosh! Your face in that prom picture looked like me!
This is perfect! I think you look great – then and now. But everyone’s hair is better now than then, right? I love that current picture of you with the sunglasses. And I love your comment about making your kids stand in front of your belly – I do the same thing 🙂
love it!! visiting from Senior hottie link up.
Love this and you are gorgeous, inside and out, big hair and not so big hair.
I loved this! Made me laugh! You are beautiful and have lots and lots of beauty in your life. I loved all the pictures and we know your sorority pic is the real deal with the huge “UNRETOUCHED” lining the border. Too funny.
Loving your modeling pics (oh and your boob joke) ha!
In all of your pictures you looked like you were having so much fun! Young and carefree!
Regardless of age you look great!
I had some serious “beer hair” myself. And I never drank. LOL
Love this. You crack me up.
Oh I so love this. And you. xo
Dang, girl. I think you could be some hot competition for Most Likely to Date Jake Ryan!
OMG! I was a Sigma Kappa too! How did you not have to wear the black velvet thing for your photo?? Anyways, You are stunning dear.
Cool! I did have to wear that black drape for junior and senior year but for freshman and sophomore years we had just started the local chapter and needed time before we were inducted into the national. So anything goes. (or went).
And thank you. 🙂
yep, i totally entered that contest, too – with roughly the same stats! seventeen never knew what they missed. my sorority pics are all of me peeking out from behind a tree. because, you know, THAT’S natural and all.
You are SUCH a senior hottie.
In my high school, only the hot girls wore white to the prom so clearly, you were AND ARE a hottie. This post was delightful to read and certainly the pictures added to it, but I think I enjoyed your writing even more today! wry, honest, funny… good lookin’ too 😉
Just giving you a little Sig Kap shout-out! Was scrolling through the @SeniorHottie link up blogs this morning and was reading yours. I was a Sigma Kappa at the University of Kentucky. Yay for pearls and doves. And the color purple.
Good luck on the voting! I’m also one of the prize contributors so if the winds blow in your favor (also known as Hutch, Surferwife, and KLZ), then we’ll be in touch again. 😉
Methinks, you are a love.
(Beautiful then, and now!)
I think you look lovely in all your pictures, and I do not doubt the strength of your heart or the brilliance of your mind, either. 🙂
oh my gosh that was fun! and btw, i’m a sigma kappa too!!!