I was trying to find a discreet way to say that I was honored as a 2011 BlogHer Voice of the Year in the Visuals category for my Ladurée Macarons post, but I was unable to find a way to paste a large blinking WINNER button announcing the fact. I was kind of blindsided by it all as this post was submitted as an afterthought, and I was totally pimping my Thousand Miles post, which ended up receiving nary a mention. Nevertheless, I am too grateful to be blasé about it and wanted to devote a little « mot » to the subject.
On an unrelated subject, my refined French cooking has been limited to microwavable dishes that we consume on the couch using measuring spoons as utensils. Our kitchen is not yet finished. I’ve also been entertaining guests and stress eating my weight in chocolate. And not visiting your blogs. Sorry.
But the workers are supposed to come with pink paint tomorrow, and I bought pink towels from Ikea in eager anticipation.
* * * *
Siblings want to be wherever you are.
They want to do what you do.
And they’ll suffer anything to do it.
“Go get the ball. It’s over there. Get it.”
Siblings care that the good things in life are evenly distributed amongst their beloved,
They are full of affection,
and they know when enough is enough.
They laugh when you laugh.
Siblings anticipate the good stuff together.
All that psycho-babble about family hierarchy? Birth order types?
Each sibling marches to his own drum.
congrats on the blogher stuff!
i love the pics, and love when my boys actually get along. so amazing.
Let’s hope our kids will stay that way as they grow – friends as well as sisters and brothers. It sounds like you had that with your brother even though he is mot here now. It will surely trickle down.
oh, i didn’t know you replied! GAH!
You’re SO right about my brother and me. Thank you for that reminder.
Hey congrats on the big win! I think you should have won for the Thousand Miles post too.
These photos are so wonderful. You’ve done a superlative job of capturing all the emotion on their faces!
Thank you and thank you! We’re seeing some unique plants here in Normandy but I’m too busy to blog about that one.
congrats, blog on! it’s so entertaining and a bit of my escape from my dreary office life 🙂
Thank you lovely friend.
Congrats on the BlogHer post! That’s awesome!
Siblings are amazing! Your kids look like they have fun together!
Thanks mama – I promise to be by soon.
Precious! Congratulations on your Blogher Voice of the Year award! That is awesome! I haven’t made the macrons yet, too hot for the oven to be on, but come fall I’ll be all about some yummy treats! Now I am off to see my siblings for a rare all three of us in the same place at the same time occasion! Adios!
Please let me know how the macarons turned out and enjoy your weekend! The relationships don’t change much as we grow, do they?
So cute! What a fun trip you had with your family. Pink? Is that what color your bathroom is going to be or your kitchen? I hope your kitchen gets finished soon!
Thank you! And pink kitchen. I’ll share photos as soon as it’s done.
And… congrats on your AWARD! That is so cool!
First, BIG congratulations on being recognized for your fabuliciousness.
Second, your pictures make me wish (even more than I already do) that I had had a third child.
Lastly, those smiles remind me to enjoy the two I have instead.
So thank you.
(and also, can I borrow your Aloha Beach Ball paddle when they’re done? Too. Much. Fun!)
I want a fourth that will never come so we can commiserate together. But we can look at our collective cuteness and be glad.
mama, i am so thrilled for you. just wish you were coming to san diego so i could finally meet fab you in real life!
Me too. We will meet one of these days!
I love it!
Congrats! Amazing photos. I would add:
“they know when enough is enough…”
“and the thrill of crossing that threshold”
I laughed out loud when I read “and the thrill of crossing that threshold.” When we were kids, we had to draw lines in the back seat of our station to relegate the sweaty legs of 4 kids to the proper corner. I was pudgy too. It was hard.
Do you know how awesome this is?
If I were BlogHer, I’d honor you in ALL categories:
because you have it all: post beauty, photo beauty, website beauty, and wisdom.
You truly do.
A HUGE congrats! You certainly deserve it. Your blog is GORGEOUS!
Love all the photos.