Elaine’s Old School Blogging is back, this time hosted by both Elaine and Andrea. It’s a nod back to the days when bloggers didn’t worry about SEO terms or pinnable images. And they actually followed and commented on each other’s blogs! (gasp). And they answered silly questions just for fun.
Sometimes it’s cool to be old-school.
Et le voila … voici les ABC de moi!
A- Age: 45. For two more months.
B- Biggest Fear: Dying at the wrong time – before I can accomplish everything I have to accomplish (namely, raising my children). Losing my husband or children.
On a more prosaic level – having to go to the bathroom at an awkward moment (where there is none nearby).
C- Current Time: 9:27 AM on a Thursday morning
D- Drink you last had: Coffee. But if I had written the post yesterday afternoon when I intended to, it would have been Russian tea with bergamot. So much more elegant.
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: Matthieu. I am very open, but I don’t actually seek people out to share my heart. (I write about it instead). But talking to Matthieu is like writing. It pours out without any effort.
F- Favorite Song: I’m not good at knowing much about contemporary music, but Norah Jones – I waited ’til I saw the sign and James Blunt – Bravery come to mind as ones I like a lot.
G- Grossest Memory: A month ago when I saw the head of a huge rat poke out of our downstairs toilet bowl, trying to figure out how to climb out and make his dwelling among us.
H- Hometown: Syracuse, NY
I- In love with: His name starts with an M. (And in this picture, so does mine).
J- Jealous Of: How stupid to be jealous when I have the best life ever! Okay, maybe I’m jealous of people who have nice thick hair and skinny little bodies that take no effort to maintain). 😉 And people who have a gazillion blog followers without working very hard at it because they are just so naturally cool.
K- Killed Someone? Are you joking?
L- Longest Relationship: Matthieu, of course.
M- Middle Name: Christine
N- Number of Siblings: Three
O- One Wish: That I can be more widely read, both in blogs and in books.
P- Person who you last called: My husband to tell him when we were eating dinner. (I’m really boring, aren’t I?)
Q- Question you’re always asked: When is your book coming out? Are you English?
R- Reason to smile: I’m healthy, my family is healthy, I joined a gym, I’m doing what I love. The sky’s the limit, darling!
S- Song you last sang: A Romanian hymn:
I pray, O Lord Jesus
My love you’d increase
That I, like you, Jesus
Might offer men peace.
My soul wells with longing
For lips with your grace
And eyes of compassion
For each searching face.
I sing this all the time as a prayer and a reminder.
T- Time you woke up: 6:30. To the loud sounds of someone sorting legos.

He looks so innocent, doesn’t he?
U- Underwear Color: Red French lace. Or faded, stretchy cotton. I’ll leave it to your imagination.
V- Vacation Destination: White sand, blue water, sun, a long stretch of time, … that’s all I ask.
W- Worst Habit: My husband says I work too hard.
Oh wait – this isn’t a job interview is it?
X- X-rays you’ve had: Teeth, hip, skull, ribcage. They’re all there.
Y- Your favorite food: White rice with sauce – Asian, Indian, Latino, Italian – it doesn’t matter. But, most particularly, chicken and rice.

Recipe here: https://aladyinfrance.com/the-idiot-leaves-it/
Z- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. And according to this website, This trait can make Scorpio very compassionate to the suffering of others. On the negative side of this characteristic, he’ll use this ability to strike you where you’re most vulnerable and where it will hurt you the most if you’re his enemy. This is the stinging side of the sign that most people think of when referring to a Scorpio profile.
Oh yeah. That’s totally me. I’ll strike you where you’re most vulnerable and where it will hurt you most. Now go ahead and leave me a comment. I’m all ears. (just kidding. obvs.)
If you want to play along, make sure to link up here! (Or if you’re not a blogger, answer some of the questions in the comments!) Let’s hang out a bit together. 🙂
Oh, Jennie. Chicken and rice is probably my favorite dish to eat or make (with onions too). I’m becoming more partial to spicy sauces. HOW DID I KNOW WHAT YOUR GROSSEST MEMORY WOULD BE?
Arnebya recently posted…ABCs of Me – Old School Blogging
I would like to eat your cooking (she says, primly). Otherwise, next time you’re in town I’ll know what to make you. 😉 The r.a.t. (spells it out) now automatically makes me think of you. In a way I’m glad it’s me and not you because I can mostly handle it. That one experience, however, just put me over the edge.
I adore that photo of you at the beginning of the post! We are jealous of the same people. 😉 That hymn is beautiful!
So glad you joined us! <3
Elaine A. recently posted…Old School Blogging – ABCs of Me
It is – so, so beautiful (and the music too).
I sing that same song all the time for the same reason!! I love the French version!!
I didn’t know it was a Romanian Hymn!! XO
Yes, apparently written by a Romanian who was imprisoned. I think I like the English version better because I learned it before the French, but both have beautiful words.
The kids are so cute! So are you! Fun little trip down Jennie Christine Lane! Muah!
Bonnie Lyn Smith recently posted…Power Over Mind Games
*chuckle* Thanks Bonnie.
Loved this, actually. That’s all I wanted to say. Oh, and you truly look like Mona Lisa!
Hillary recently posted…Short, mostly unedited: Gratitude
Thanks Hillary. Isn’t that picture funny? We did it for a company contest to try and win a weekend in NY. We thought it was fabulous, but we didn’t even make the top 50. 🙁
Your biggest fear is so mine too. My grandmother died at 100 but she would order her food for the next day, even on that last day. And. She would skip ahead to read the endings of books and movies because she thought, “What if I die before I finish?”
I realize we’re talking about something way deeper than that, but she lived with that fear until 100!
Moving on..
Sorting Lego sounds are horrid!
I do have thick hair but I don’t have a zillion blog followers at all!
Tamara recently posted…I Am Protective.
You have thick hair, are effortlessly skinny, and at least have a zillion comments. But I could never be jealous of you because you’re such a sweetie. 🙂 I don’t think I’m so terribly afraid of dying, so much as dying before my time. I want to see my kids get married and have kids, and know they’re well-“launched” out of the nest. But I can imagine that given your particular past it would be a greater fear than most. Huuuuuugs, friend.
For the rest of the day, these words will echo in my head:
“The sky’s the limit, darling!”
Love old-school you.
You seriously leave the best comments! 🙂
I’m totally and old school blogger. Loved your list! That all the things you’ve had x-rayed are still there made me laugh.
Korinthia recently posted…On the Mend (Booby Trap Edition)
hee hee 🙂
Such a fun “old school” post. Learned a lot!
Nina recently posted…The Danger of Envy in Friendship
Yes, I had fun with that one – I also like to read those types of posts. I forget that people read blogs to learn about the people, not necessarily for the “Top 5 ways to …” or “How to know you’re …” – all the things we pin these days.
Oh my gosh. It is 9 am on Monday morning, but I could eat that plate of chicken and rice right NOW. So comforting. I used to make this cheesy rice with vegetables that I adore, but my kids don’t like foods all mixed together so I don’t make it often.
And Legos really are noisy in a quiet house.
Kim recently posted…Old School Blogging – The ABCs of Me
Mmmm. Cheesy rice with vegetables. Can I have that recipe?
I’ve had it forever so I don’t even know if I have it written down anymore. I used to use 1 1/2 cups instant rice, a can of cream of mushroom soup, a can of milk, 1/4 cup mayo and throw some veggies in (I usually used corn, carrots, and peas.) You mix it all in the pan, cover it and bake it until the rice was tender. Then uncover it and cover it with cheddar cheese and continue cooking uncovered until it is bubbly. The original recipe included chopped ham but I didn’t necessarily use that all the time, because the cheesy, creamy rice was just yummy on its own. I’ve tried to make it with parboiled rice, and without the can of soup, but I didn’t get the liquids quite right.
Kim recently posted…Apple Streusel Muffins