If you’ve clicked over, you’re either really curious if my post will be as boring as the title suggests, or you really love gardening, or you really love me. In any case, thanks for being here.
And hi! (waving)
True, “The Status of my Garden” does not scream, “going viral!” but it does give me an excuse to go outside and appreciate it.
Our lilac tree that got a severe trimming when we transplanted it a few years back (because it was too tall and gangly) is finally blooming again outside the kitchen window.
See how pretty it looks against the wall? And now that we got rid of that unseemly forsythia (whose yellow clashed with the pale pink prunus tree blossoms), the magnolia and lilac have room to spread their heavenly scent.
The vines are starting to grow leaves again. I can’t wait til they cover the whole house.
Even the vine we planted on the other side of the house, which Hunter chewed right at the base last year, has started to sprout leaves again. Perhaps it will have the courage to try and venture back up the house.
Here’s the gardener, minus the nuts.
Except for the ones he snacks on in the potager. At least someone is eating those tiny hazelnuts, which I’m too lazy to shell.
I’m always distressed to see that our apricot tree, which looks so promising every year
usually ends up looking like this!
Fortunately we have our larger, more mature apricot tree, which never fails to produce good fruit (right about the time we’re in Bretagne so they all fall to the ground and rot).
And I was even more distressed to see the peach tree, which we planted in honor of Alistair, our baby lost, was covered in aphids and had almost no leaves.
I really hope it won’t die!
And then there are the apple blossoms, which are so deceptively prolific, but which produce a rather bland crop of apples …
but which are compensated by the delicious strawberries (yikes – I had better weed those and put down some straw)!
I wonder if we will at least get some good grapes this year (woven through our swing set).
I’m starting to get an idea of why I feel so depressed in Spring. There is so much to do!!
But there are the plants that come up all by themselves and cheer me up.
And the faithful lavender is getting ready to shoot out its long stems of purple nirvana.
And there are the pansies, which I bought for a euro each, and which add such color
to the two cobalt ceramic pots outside my studio.
And finally there are my black tulips, cropped especially for you.
Just cuz you were kind enough to concern yourself with the status of my garden.
PS: Let me take this opportunity to say I hope the new font is okay. In any case, ever since I got my new Macbook, I can’t post with any other.
Your posts are always filled with lovely images. a visual diary of sorts. I found myself thinking of people I know, and I’m sure you know, when you referred to some flowers as ‘faithful, cheerful, and SOME HAVE TO BE WEEDED!!’
I do know what you mean! 😉 I think as time goes on, the “flowers” that don’t work in the garden get naturally weeded out by themselves. 😀
One more thing…I really see two books coming from you…one, of course, your memoire and a second…a beautiful ‘coffee table book’ filled with your gorgeous photographs…I would buy that in a ‘New York Minute!’
Since I’m lapping up your encouragement 😉 I’ll just say that I’ve never seen myself as a photographer. Although I never saw myself as a writer and you had a huge part in getting me to write a book. So who knows?
(And thanks, OTG)
I wish I had a garden.
Although I am not a gardener, cannot see myself weeding, and will probably kill everything I plant. 🙂
Alison recently posted…Around The Bonfire: Online Friendships
I bet you would be much better than you think. Water and sun. That’s all you need!
(Unless it gets a worm and dies).
From one of your dull readers who likes to post and read about gardens and their progress… thanks! You have a lovely yard and garden! Some days we really wish we lived in a more moist place where plants like to grow.
You KNOW I have to complain a little after all those years of going to the farm to weed the garden. 😉
I want to come visit. I like in France for a year so I am living vicariously through you. Love love these pics. And so glad I found your blog, new friend.
Elizabeth Marshall recently posted…Serpentine Grace
Sorry for the typo. I lived in france 🙂 Mon dieu, excusez-moi.
Elizabeth Marshall recently posted…Serpentine Grace
I know – I love to see the places I once lived in too. I’m so glad you’re here. 🙂
I love your beautiful garden! I actually look forward to your yearly pictures of it. The lilac is wonderful. That is one plant I wish I had. They say it won’t grow in my zone, but I may give it a try anyways. The vines on your house certainly give it the old world European charm! Have a wonderful weekend with your family.
Caren with a “C” recently posted…The Simple Secret to Combating Forgetfulness
And I confess to going over to take a peek at yours. I thought – Caren surely has some great tip for me in running the household and garden.
What’s not to love about garden news?!
You need a horticultural oil for the aphids, I think. It’s pretty benign environmentally.
As usual, I wish you had been here to advise me!
–Lady J,
you always bring a smile to my face.
Lovely! I adore the lilacs. I smell them all the way in Minnesota! Xxxx
My Inner Chick recently posted…Big Hats, Buck House, & Beautiful Harry
Our lilacs are doing much better now that we trimmed the tree. They were so spindly when the branches were tall and gangly.
Color inspires happiness. Color and warmth. I love your garden pictures.
anymommy recently posted…The impermanence of winter
You have a lovely garden. I especially love your tulips…they are my favorite flowers and you got them in my favorite color as well. I wish my garden is as pretty as yours. 😉 Thank you for sharing.
Amy Tong recently posted…Boozy Framboise Guimauve Pops–For Mothers Day
Oh thank you Amy! 🙂
lovely! thanks for showing me around your place 🙂 Love seeing where you call home. I know this is totally off topic, but your pup is so pretty too!
sarah @sundayspill recently posted…cautiously optimistic on this strange day
Oh thank you! He’s just starting to become bearable and I’m sure one day we won’t know what to do without him. But he has been a handful and we almost had to give him away.
Hi Kerstin!
I’m surprised your lilac rebounded so quickly. Mine took about three years before it would bloom again, but we really gave it a major trimming. I noticed the irises are starting to bud.