It has been an eventful two weeks. Juliet went to Barcelona to dance under the tutelage of the Opéra de Paris and learn the flamenco (and practice traveling on her own). I waited for her and cleaned my house from top to bottom, ignoring the hole in our wall from a staircase yet to be installed.
When my daughter arrived, we took a TGV to Saint-Malo and joined the rest of the family for a week and a half in Brittany. Most of the rain was out of the way by the time we had arrived.
I felt so full and nourished. I was joyful to be on my own for five days, and joyful to be reunited with the four people I love most in the world. I was joyful to come back to a clean house. I was joyful to lie in the sun and swim in freezing cold water and cook with my in-laws and watch the children playing without a care in the world.
When dinner is galettes for 18 people. #Brittany
A photo posted by Jennie Goutet (@aladyinfrance) on
The cousins were thrilled to be reunited and spent the entire two weeks creating a hilarious 17-minute video clip about gangsters and hostages, which we all gathered around to watch on July 14th before going to the beach to watch fireworks.
I had no idea what was happening on a beach ten hours away from where I was and posted to FB how content I was just to be in this moment in my life.
We were cut off from most of the footage with no TV and limited Internet, but I couldn’t help but be struck the next day – when William threw his arms around my waist – that I had this privilege. I had the privilege of hugging and loving my son when other mothers who went to the beach to watch fireworks did not. And that made me mourn more than anything.
Huffington Post posted this image. The last line says, “je suis épuisé“, which means, “I am exhausted.”
And I think that pretty much sums it up when faced with the onslaught of atrocities. Black people killed. Cops killed. Civilians of all race, religion and age killed. We. Are. Exhausted.
Today, a friend posted this reminder and it’s what I’m centering my focus on: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. (Matt 5:9). I will continue to seek and make peace.
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Today, I picked up this!
A photo posted by Jennie Goutet (@aladyinfrance) on
I can vote! And go through the fast “residents” line at the airport. This is another cause for joy. 🙂
I’ve been industriously working on book-related things. I used the four-hour (plus) car ride to create the outline of my work-in-progress and to deepen the characters. It was perfect. If I were at home, I would feel like I should be doing something else, but in the car, I had only to think and focus and meditate, and jot my ideas down. I’m glad I’ll have other long car rides in the near future. I may need them.
Most of you who have read my blog for awhile have also read my memoir, Stars Upside Down. If you did not and would like to, it’s on sale for .99 this week. To purchase, click here for and And this is the blurb for my newer readers who would like to know what it’s about:
At seventeen, Jennie Goutet has a dream that she will one day marry a French man and sets off to Avignon in search of him. Though her dream eludes her, she lives boldly—teaching in Asia, studying in Paris, working and traveling for an advertising firm in New York.
When God calls her, she answers reluctantly, and must first come to grips with depression, crippling loss, and addiction before being restored. Providence takes her by the hand as she marries her French husband, works with him in a humanitarian effort in East Africa, before settling down in France and building a family.
Told with honesty and strength, Stars Upside Down is a brave, heart-stopping story of love, grief, faith, depression, sunshine piercing the gray clouds—and hope that stays in your heart long after it’s finished.
Finally, my romance novel, The Viscount of Maisons-Laffitte, has been getting some buzz and on Sunday was featured on the front page of the Book of the Day website. Earlier, on Tuesday, it was also on J.L. Leslie’s review website, here. Today, Kellyn Roth from Reveries has reviewed my book. I’m up to 25 reviews, which is still small, but I’m grateful for every one.
So that’s it. Lots of joy and good news. Heartache that is not my own, but is shared. Earnest prayers for peace. Industry, creativity, and book business.
La vie, quoi. (Life).
We ARE exhausted. Of course. Not knowing it was ten hours from you, I wondered where you were and I hoped for your safety. And you must do that for all of us in the states every day, it seems.
Congrats on your passport and all the wonderful things.
Tamara recently posted…Ten Ways To Get Your Home Ready for Back To School
I do worry a lot about the States. Each country has enough trouble of its own, it seems. Hugs!
The 2 countries you are from are having it rough right now. But I am grateful for your quote about peacemakers and I know you are one. You exude love, my friend. Miss you…
Thank you for your encouragement. Oh my, our two countries (see how I included you in France there)? 😉
So much love, heartbreak, amazingness, hope, congratulations, & You Are French.
With all the horrid things going on, France now has a special place in my heart.
Love & Blessings from MN. x
My Inner Chick recently posted…15 Reasons She Stayed In An Abusive Marriage
I am French! 🙂
But yes, France is suffering, along with so many other places now.
You are a breath of fresh air in this world amidst so much terrible news. I adore you and the way you share your family, your thoughts, your vulnerability.
Honest, generous, real.
That’s you, always.
Thank you, beautiful friend. 🙂