I have a few videos and links to share with you today, but let me start with news. Actually no. Let me start with a question. Have any of you stopped receiving my blog posts by e-mail (those who have subscribed that way)? Please do let me know.
And now for the news. Hunter has indeed been adopted by his foster family in Germany, and seems to be living in a state of luxury never before experienced.
We are so glad.
I got my engagement ring re-sized, but will have to drum up 575€ to fix the wedding band, which is not going to happen anytime soon. Sigh. Shall I put a fundraiser on the sidebar? 😉 But at least I’m “engaged” now.
We went to see Cinderella in the theatre, except it was totally the twisted French humour version of it. We were told that once the doors closed we would not be allowed to leave. And all the actors smoked on stage. True story.
But there were parts that were really funny. For instance, the “ball” took place in modern times and had modern music, but the stepfamily didn’t know that, and they wanted to impress the royal family. So they showed up in Louis XIV gear. I was cracking up.
Now. On to the videos. Here are some of the kids, which are probably more of interest to the family than anyone else.
Juliet’s ballet class. You can hear how dance teachers sounds in French.
Gabriel when he was a wee one. We just discovered this video buried in the computer. He’s saying, “Je peux voir Papa?” which means – can I see it Papa? Then he says half-French, half-English, “Tu peux le tournes it like this, Papa?” – which means – Can you turn it like this? He knows that there is a screen on the camera that will show him the video if only his father will turn the darn thing.
Finally, a recent video of William learning to read. My mother is taking French lessons and she wanted to show everyone in her class how natural the rolling of the Rs comes to her grandkids. I can’t exactly promise that the “learning to read” part comes naturally, however.
Another – not video, but sound – link I want to share with you is my brother-in-law’s SoundCloud account. It’s here: TIM VAGO. He does all the piano and other music, as well as the singing (and writes most of his own songs).
I love his version of Hallelujah (which is obviously not his own song), and which you’ll hear with a charming French accent. And I particularly like Ma Melancolie which is his creation. My brother Jeff is a very talented piano player – jazz, classical and show tunes – so it takes a lot to impress me, but Timothée has definitely earned my admiration.
Almost done, but wait! I’m not finished. I found this adorable video link on how to swear in French. Except it’s not the vulgar swearing, but rather the more delicate, refined swearing. “Avoidance swearing.” Géraldine’s blog Comme Une Française is found HERE, and this is the video:
Happy December 1st, friends!
Ooh, Gabriel’s little voice! Isn’t it wonderful that you have that video forever and ever?
Alison recently posted…I Am Done
I know! One day he’s going to be all hairy with a deep voice, but we will always have the video.
So glad Hunter is settling in. The play sounds like an experience, for sure. Love your videos and the lesson in polite French swearing. I think I may borrow some of these. 🙂
Kim recently posted…My Father’s Daughter
This is how we keep the language clean. 😉 Well, except I pronounced the Russian prime minister with a French accent, which turned it into the vulgar word for prostitute. My husband’s eyes bugged out of his head, and he said, “It’s pooh-TEEN.” And not what I said. 😀
I love unearthing old kid videos – yours are adorable! Sigh.
The swearing video – so fun. We learned ‘zut alors’ in French class, and sometimes it even slips out now. You know, when I’m feeling frustrated, yet fancy.
So relieved about Hunter. 🙂
Andrea recently posted…DIY Thanksgiving Side Dish for the Lazy
Do you often feel frustrated yet fancy? This made me smile so big. 😀
Oh I love this! I took 2 years of French and even visited Paris! I love the language…but I am not a good French speaker. My kids loved the videos of your kidos!
Bethany Boring recently posted…Expecting The Unexpected
That’s so sweet that your kids watched them! So you’ve been here, huh? I hope you’ll come back! 🙂
Jennie, I needed to see those videos (or shall I say “les” videos?). I’ve been having quite the crappy week and who knew that your adorable kids are exactly what the doctor prescribed?
p.s. I think that I fundraiser thingie on the sidebar is a brilliant idea. Even when the ring is all paid for there will still be ballet, right? 🙂
Katia recently posted…TV’s Top Ten Most Annoying Girlfriends
Katia, how is your week going now, my dear? (Well, I know, it’s the weekend). But I hope you are at peace. I loved seeing your comment on my blog. Sending you love and warmth for the end-of-the-year holidays.
I really wish I had been there for that play. It sounds like a fun experience.
Love the videos. What a blessing to have those moments in your children’s lives preserved where you can watch them again and again.
You’re right! I wish we had been in the habit of taking many more videos.
Now I feel like ALL dance teachers should speak in French! 😉
Nina recently posted…An Improvement to My Marriage
It does sound so natural, doesn’t it?