The scene repeated itself. There stood the Mediterranean-looking man, who went by the name of Etienne, standing by the stone wall that overlooked the Seine. But this time it was a different wall, a different part of the Seine. He stood in the bright sunlight, and having finished his cigarette, tossed it below onto the cobblestone walkway that directly bordered the river.
Thank you for your interest in The Viscount of Maisons Laffitte. This content has been removed pending publication. 🙂
The Viscount is so kind! I like that characteristic. 🙂
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday #47: Gloom
It’s fun to create what we admire. 😉
Oh Mr.le Vicompte,how utterly charming and kind you are!
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…Any given Sunday…
Almost irresistible. 😉
This encouragement really keeps me going (through the throes – and woes – of plot). Thank you!