The Viscount stepped off the Eurostar with his hand on Manon’s back in order to guide her through the crowds. He signaled to a porter to come and help with their bags and led the way to get a taxi. Manon was relatively unknown in London and it was a pleasure to be able to move about freely without fear of being recognized.
Nevertheless, she kept her sunglass on and moved furtively, which perhaps drew more attention to her than it might otherwise have had she acted more naturally.
Thank you for your interest in The Viscount of Maisons Laffitte. This content has been removed pending publication. 🙂
Oh poor Manon…
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…Alfabet soup: an A to Z list about me
I’m liking the Viscount more and more!
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday #29: Cozy
Go, Jennie, Go!
Considering the snail’s pace I adopt when writing anything (least of all fiction) I continue to be impressed by your diligence…
I’m still languishing in revisionland and you’re going to finish this book before I finish mine.
YOU, my lady, work very hard at your craft.
julie gardner recently posted…Provisional
Oh, Manon. What are you up to?
Andrea recently posted…Fight Nice