Camille spotted Eloise through the glass doors and raced outside after her. “Eloise, hi!”
She turned and faced him calmly, but with a pleasant smile on her face. She didn’t look unhappy to see him. “Hi Camille.” When he just stared at her without speaking, her smile grew broader and her eyes twinkled. “Did you want to see me?”
He shifted uncomfortably. “Well, uh. I was, uh wondering how late you stayed at that party.”
Thank you for your interest in The Viscount of Maisons Laffitte. This content has been removed pending publication. 🙂
I am so impressed. It’s not easy for me to switch from nonfiction to fiction. You rock!!
Thanks CeeCee – hugs!
I’ll be truthful…I had it in my best interest to just “skim through” but I couldn’t! You are doing exactly what I wanted to do…write a book online. I’m still writing my book…just offline! You GO girl!!! This is good and kept me (a person that doesnt like LONG posts) interested until the VERY end! 🙂
Bethany Boring recently posted…Within
This is a huge compliment. Thanks Bethany.
I like this chapter very much, Jennie. Can’t wait to read more!
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday: Colourful
Thanks for your support Alison!
I like the twist with Camille.
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…My children’s favourite games
You really can do it, Jennie. I’ve read every chapter and am so impressed at how nicely the novel flows. It’s hard to believe you haven’t been doing fiction for ages.
I’m very much looking forward to the rest of the book. 🙂
Carole, you have no idea how much this encouragement means to me. Thank you for your years of support. 🙂
I just finished reading your book, A Lady in France, and then looked up your blog yesterday because I loved it so much. When I saw you were writing another one, I quickly found the first chapter and have been reading it every chance I get (not an easy feat with 2 under 3yrs). Needless to say, I was instantly hooked and have loved it. So excited to see how it ends! You have done a great job of weaving the plot so that the characters start to feel familiar and like friends, yet still surprise you as things progress. 🙂 Keep up the good work!
Esther, Esther! You made my day! 🙂 I had just gotten a bad review on my book on Amazon and was feeling a little slump (even though bad reviews are to be expected). Thank you so much for your encouragement, and for coming here to tell me.
And now. I have purposely set aside time to write the next chapter for tomorrow, so I’d better get to work. ((Hugs))