It was cold enough without the wind, but a freezing gale whipped the leaves into a frenzy, causing Camille to hunch down further into his coat. There was very little sun for a mid-morning – making the atmosphere even more bleak, and the community service he was obliged to do even less pleasurable.
Thank you for your interest in The Viscount of Maisons Laffitte. This content has been removed pending publication. 🙂
Okay! So now it’s time for family pictures! Like – pictures of snack time!
With this clown
And then these clowns.
The other day (on a different day), when I opened the door to let the dog out, who should be sitting there but three Men In Black!
They look busted at being caught –
and yet intent on their mission. (Quick shot from the kitchen window)
Ma! Can’t you see we’re busy?
That’s the kids and the dog. And last, but not least, you won’t have seen this unless you already like my FB page or follow me on Ello (@aladyinfrance). Otherwise, here is a morning in France shot.
I’ll be back tomorrow with another French vlog! How to pronounce French tourist sites!
Intriguing! Both the half-chapter and the children in sunnies 🙂
Alison recently posted…And Then There Were Four
Thanks my faithful (wonder woman) friend. 🙂
Aargh not little Thomas!
Please keep going. I love the story.
Your kids are so cool!
Tinne from Tantrums and Tomatoes recently posted…At loss for words about Jesus