I am cheating on my Thursday French post and sharing only one small tidbit that has anything to do with France. It’s about how the French take Vitamin D (and a few other medicines, vitamins and treatments). They don’t take little pills. They take vials. Vials that are sometimes quite vile, by the way, although the D is not so bad.
Uvedose reminds me of overdose.
You break off the little glass tip (yes, I have cut my finger before). You put the broken end in your mouth (a daredevil move as shards of glass might just be ingested). And you break the other end off so that the air pressure causes all of the liquid to pour down your throat.
Fun, fun, fun! You take this at the start of the winter season.
We had a gorgeous day yesterday and my mood really lifted with the clouds. But the rain is back today, and boy is it dreary. I don’t need Vitamin D – I need a full out SAD lamp.
Instead I bought antique pink tea roses to treat myself.
I pushed aside the thought that they were sticking out of the bag awfully closed to the roof of our hatchback. And sure enough, when I got home, almost all of the heads had broken off from going over the speed bumps in third gear.
So I made do with what I have. And these sad little broken flowers will have to do for Alison and Greta‘s Thursday “Through the Lens” linkup on the theme of flowers. Alison, are you still in France? Bring me some more flowers! Bring me some sunshine! Don’t leeeeeeave me! 😀
Okay, the real reason my France post is so short when I have Opéra Bastille and Jardin de Tuileries on queue is because I am sending you in a bunch of different places today. Besides the Thursday Through the Lens linkup, I was also interviewed on PubSlush for their Women on Wednesday series. It was my first author interview, and I was excited to be featured. You can read the interview here.
My book was also reviewed in two places. I was first introduced to Arnebya at BlogHer two years ago when she read her Voice of the Year piece. Not only are her words phenomenal, she has an amazing presence on stage.
I was so impressed by her voice, her reason, her wisdom, her way of bringing forth her main points while still recognizing the other point of view. It’s brilliant, it’s on the death of Treyvon Martin, and it’s very worth listening to.
The next time I heard her speak was the very next night as she was chosen randomly for the Listen To Your Mother open mic night, also held at BlogHer. She read the most hilarious, vulnerable, raw, side-splitting piece and it had the entire audience rolling from laughter. But since I can’t find a search box to get you the post (I’ll talk to Arnebya about that) I’ll have to get back to you on that one. But seriously, you never know when you’re going to be blown away by a fresh point of view, or when you’re going to be clutching your sides from laughter when you click onto her blog.
I’m so glad to have Arnebya as a friend, and you can read her review of my book here.
Alexandra was my very first blogging friend from four years ago. Can you believe it’s been four years? She knew me back when I blogged at Perfect Welcome. From the very start, I was struck by the title of her blog (Good Day Regular People) – along with her moniker of Empress – and her tagline, “because you can’t use your friends as therapists forever.” I knew I would be following her for a long time.
It’s hard to pick just one or two favourite posts when you’ve been reading someone for as long as I have been reading the Empress, but let me bring you two. One is a glimpse at her humour as she writes about Halloween as an immigrant child (her parents knowing the importance of dressing up, but not quite grasping that a female costume should be the prerequisite for a little girl). It’s hilarious, and you can read that here.
As skilled as she is at humour, Alexandra is able to write more deeply as well. She wrote beautifully about grief after having lost both her mother and her nephew in a short period of time. I know you will be touched by her words, which are here.
I’m so glad to have Alexandra as my roommate this upcoming BlogHer conference for a third time in a row – so happy we’re friends. And she wrote about my book here.
Thank you for following me around the internet today. And don’t forget to take your Vitamin D!
Oh those are interesting. I’ve never seen it that way. And now I want to buy some happy flowers today. xo
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted…A Trend I Miss From The 80s
Just try not to break their heads off! 😉
ladyjennie recently posted…Vitamin D . . . and other news
That Vitamin D vial is terrifying. I would most certainly cut my finger off. I think I better stick to choking down horse pills.
Love all the ladies you mention here. 🙂
Andrea recently posted…Saved
I just found out from a real French person that you’re supposed to pour the darn thing in a glass and drink it from there.
ladyjennie recently posted…Vitamin D . . . and other news
Well, THAT’S not very adventuresome. Hee hee hee.
Andrea recently posted…Saved
I’m scared of the vial, love the flowers and squeeing at all of the internet love you’re getting! So, so well deserved, sister!
Galit Breen recently posted…1502 Deerwood Bend
Thank you friend. xo 🙂
ladyjennie recently posted…Vitamin D . . . and other news
Roses are my favourite and I love the colour of those!
(and there should be a lot more pictures of you and Alison, just sayin’ 😉 )
Kerstin @ Auer Life recently posted…Throwback
I wish we were not so far apart right now.
ladyjennie recently posted…Friday Wrap-Up
That is so weird! But having been in France, to the pharmacy and yes, even to a doctor (without an appointment, but it’s a small town! I had to go because of my asthma, sigh), I am not surprised by the method of vitamin D ingestion.
I am still here and I would love to bring you flowers!! I really wish I could! (you are about 2 hours drive away….. hmmmm)
Off to read the reviews!
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday #6: Flower
I’m so glad you’ll be at BlogHer and this reminds me I need to book my room at the Fairmont STAT!
Heading over to read Alexandra’s review. I’m hovering around p. 175 in your book. The snow days this week have completely derailed me. Nothing is going according to my plan! But at least I’ve started it and am reading it. And it’s just good because all the reviews continue to be staggered, which is good for PR, right?
erin margolin recently posted…Top 10 Things Every Parent Should Keep in the Car
Yes! And above all – no pressure!!!
ladyjennie recently posted…Friday Wrap-Up
That vial of Vitamin D is something that will someday end up in “Curiosities of French Life in the 21st Century” exhibit.
(love you lady) Reviewing your book was a sincere honor. Thank you.
Oh, I have such terrible memories of those Vitamin D vials… I think I’ve blocked out the experience, especially having to give them to newborns. I was not at all surprised when we moved to Italy and saw an IV that used a glass bottle. An expat friend was shocked, but I just laughed and said, “They do this crazy stuff in France too.” Lol
I know, right? I’m still shocked by the plastic tongue depressors (that they wash) and the BYOUC (bring your own urine container). 🙂
ladyjennie recently posted…Friday Wrap-Up
those roses are gorgeous. Also, you have great friends whose names start with “A”! 😉
Elaine A. recently posted…Super Easy Valentine Art
Pink roses have always been my favorite. I have many different colors in my garden, but the pink ones are always the first to make it in the house.
Ann recently posted…Childhood Lost
I love pink too. But I’m most seduced by the antique peach-gold looking ones.
ladyjennie recently posted…Friday Wrap-Up
we take Vitamin D here too….it’s just not as terrifying a process. LOL
I think your pink tea roses are just lovely. I actually like the idea of them in a little wine or water glass.
Rorybore recently posted…Through the Lens Thursday: Flower
Jennie, I may have to break down and go to BlogHer to meet all of you fabulous people in person. This is killing me!
Btw, that Vitamin D would kill me. Would you like me to send you some perfectly safe capsules from the States?
So excited about your Pub Slush interview!
Angie Kinghorn recently posted…Kakuma
That vitamin d scares me! I’ll never forget your hugs for me at that Blogher. A balm, for sure. Love you!
anna whiston-donaldson recently posted…The Words of a Stranger: The Power of Writing
I’ve taken those vile vials!! You are SO right! And Arnebya and I emailed recently and she was quite awesome. Like you.
Tamara recently posted…Time To Get Juicy With Valentine’s Old School Blogging!
Well, this is just about the best advertisement for BlogHer I’ve ever heard. The chance to meet you and Alexandra and so many other bloggers I admire? Sounds rather amazing.
Within the past two weeks, I’ve had two different doctors recommend Vitamin D supplements. If we ever make it out of the house again after this brutal Nor’easter, I will make it a point to get some. (Think I’ll skip the Glass Vial o’ Doom, though.)
Can’t wait to read your book! xo
Kristen @ Motherese recently posted…Baby Steps
Oh yes! Do come to BlogHer! I would love to meet you in person. 🙂
Osteoporosis runs in both my family and my husband’s, so we need to be serious about taking it.
A little secret for you…
I made the cut for Detroit LTYM…yup.
So pumped.
I have a tip for the vial. I am a nurse. If you take a napkin and put it over the nub part and break it away from you. It works. I used to do it with the package that alcohol swabs came in.
You’re all bad ass in France.
Those two are brilliant writers. Alexandra pulled me through difficult times. Will never forget it.
Kimberly recently posted…Thanks Vanilla Bean And Chuck Norris