This vlog was a labor of frustration. I recorded it earlier today, and then spent the rest of the afternoon trying to figure out how to fix a video where the audio and video are not synced. I never did get it to work, so I had to re-record it when my hair was flat and my makeup tired. Can you believe the indignity?
Anyway, here is another vlog – and this one much more practical than scolding your kids in French. It contains cultural tips for dining in France, and some of the vocabulary you’ll need.
Here is the vocabulary covered:
Table water – use carafe d’eau
House wine – use verre de vin (wine sold by the glass)
Coffee with milk – un café au lait, un café crème, or une grande crème
The menu – la carte
The fixed price menu – le menu or la formule or le prix fixe
The bill – l’addition
Where are the bathrooms – ou sont les toilettes?
And remember! Don’t ask for a doggie bag! One thing I forgot to mention in the video, if you’re getting takeaway specifically (like pizza or sushi) it’s called à emporter.
It figures doggie bags would be an American thing. I guess at one point it really was for a dog? Now it’s for lunch tomorrow.
My last conversation with a Frenchman was terse. My fault. Christmas Eve, 5:05 p.m., presents to buy. I’d just gotten off a shift at the restaurant, and rushed through the mall to finish my list.
“Fron-say. Fron-say!” the man said to me as I passed wearing a French football shirt. “Parlay voo Fron-say??” He was so excited.
“Dude,” I said. “It’s just a shirt. I’m American!”
I know… I’m not proud.
I’d treat him to un café au lait, if I knew where he was now.
p.s. This is the first of your vlogs I’ve seen. I smiled the whole time!
Eli@coachdaddy recently posted…Guest Post: Amy, of Long Drive Journey, on the Lessons of Dad
I’m only getting back to old comments now, and it just so happens it’s the day your chicken post appeared. Anyway, thanks for being here.
I love listening to your voice! Pinning this so when I come to France, I’ll know what to do (although, when I come to France, I hope you’ll be there to help.) 😉
Greta @gfunkified recently posted…A New Study on BPA in Cash Register Receipts
Yes! I’ll take care of you here in France. 🙂
I love listening to you talking French. I used to be completely fluent, but pretty much lost it since I don’t use it… It’s coming back in Canada, but let’s face it: Canadian French is not even close to French… love your vlogs!
Kerstin @ Auer Life recently posted…Rare Bird – a review
No Canadian French is nothing like France French. I know if you came back it would come flooding back.
I love your accent, your French one. Well, and your American one too. 😉 I want to dine in France, with YOU!!
Elaine A. recently posted…A Day
Oui Madame, avec plaisir!
I remember you telling me about the doggie bag! Thank goodness I asked you first before I asked the waitress.
I had lunch at a cafe I stumbled on while wandering Paris on my own, and gave a fairly generous tip (I think it was 5 Euros?). Did not realize it wasn’t customary, which explains why the waiter was so pleasantly surprised. 🙂
Love your tips!!
Alison recently posted…Through The Lens Thursday #37: Black
I’m sure the waiter was so grateful for that extra bit.
I just love your vlog!
It’s true that in France it’s not usual to ask for doggy bag, but fortunately things begin to change and doggy bag begin to take over.
I think crisis help on this way, because a French man create a box called “trop bon pour gaspiller”,and the good news is that the customers can refer to the website trop Bon pour gaspiller that references the partners restaurant.
Here it is :
Jennie more Vlog please 😉
Thanks for the tip Amina! I shouldn’t even bother to reply to your comment since we’ll be having coffee tomorrow! 🙂
I love when you vlog! Great tips my friend!
tracy recently posted…Sleepover Rules
Thanks for the encouragement. You’ll be reading this as you sip pina colada’s (if you even drink that) 😉 in Costa Rica.
Love hearing your voice, Jennie! I tend to mumble when I try to speak French because I have no confidence, so it was great hearing how it should be said. 🙂
Andrea recently posted…Remembering
I am about 100% sure you’re totally charming when you speak French.