There’s no major confession coming out here, but maybe there are a few minor ones. I thought about calling the post “Things I like” because there’s some of that in here too, but it was more honest this way.
So my mind has been filled with niggling worries – those foxes that ruin the vineyard. Like this evening, I’ve prepared organic sausage and rice but the expiration date is today and I’m worried (after smelling that garlicky sausage smell) that it’s no longer good and I’m going to poison the household. I ate some myself to be sure, and so far I’m not doubling over, so I have to think it’s going to be okay.
And you know, Bretagne with Matthieu’s (skinny) family and then BlogHer are coming up, and my belly is very round right now. I’m trying to get more comfortable in my own skin, however roomy that skin may be, but I still feel a little stressed to be so visible. I like hiding in my own fox hole.
And this week I’ve been feeling pressure from deadlines – mostly self-imposed, but there all the same. I’m guest posting in two places (yay) and I haven’t even glanced at my chapter for Monday, which I know is going to need tons of work. The thing is, I’m pouring my heart into all those pieces I’m writing and I don’t have a lot of juice left for other things. (Like this post). (Ahem).
Oh yes, and it’s a holiday weekend, jam-packed with plans. (Concentrated breathing, try to slow the heart-rate). What happened? I used to thrive on multi-tasking stress, and now I want to get under my covers. Does that happen to any of you mommas?
Anyway, as you can see, these are all little things (with more besides that I won’t mention). But there are bright things too!
Paris, on a (not-so-bright day). I met Agnieszka at Opéra. It is so important to make time to see friends and not stay under your covers.
Agnieeszka’s family has an important day today because her son Tobias had his second (?) heart operation. He was born with a heart defect and has done miraculously well in his five years, but if you pray, your prayers for his full recovery will be most welcome.
I love this family.
In other news, we found a place to walk the dog.
It’s a fairy glen not so far off.
His joy is palpable
as is the kids’.
The kids are gearing up to finish their school year. And I’m in the planning throes of next year – soccer, multi-sports, piano, dance, solfège, trumpet, along with my English lessons.
No Jennie, get your head out of the covers. Take some iron instead. It’ll be alright.
The thing I like about late Spring is that the garden is very green without being overrun.
The herbs start to bloom – the thyme
the rosemary
even the sage will have gorgeous purple flowers in a day or two.
Totally random question. Do you think dogs have souls? If they do, I’m not entirely sure about this one.
He bit my son’s hand and he still eats poop. But then again, he’s happy to see us.
And that is the end of my um … not so very interesting news. But at least you know what’s (really) going on.
Bonjour Jennie!
Je te trouve bien chanceuse d’aller en Bretagne pour du temps en famille et d’assister à une conférence. Je me permets de te faire une suggetion. Je pense que ce qui te ferait le plus grand bien et te permettrait de te détendre, c’est une tournée magasinage pour des nouveaux vêtements qui vont faire que tu vas te sentir belle et bien dans ta peau! Ca marche toujours pour moi, surtout quand le printemps arrive (même s’il tarde à faire son arrivée au Québec).
Tu prends tellement bien soin de ta famille: gâtes-toi un peu, tu le mérites!
Bonne journée.
Déjà fait! J’ai placé une grosse commande chez La Redoute pour tout essayer et je vais retourner 2/3. T’as raison. Ca aide. 🙂
J’adore Bretagne. On y va chaque été avec la belle famille – tous les cousins, cousines.
Always write … no matter what.
We always need to read your words xxxx
This is soothing to hear, sweet Nicole. 🙂
“All dogs have souls, even the ones who eat poop.”
dusty earth mother recently posted…I Listened. And Then I Slept.
Ooooooh! I had missed that one.
Yes, I often want to hide under the covers!! Especially this time of year, where everything is wrapping up at the children’s schools and so much is going on. I live in perpetual fear of missing some event entirely by accident.
And yes, dogs have souls. Even your dog. 😉
Deep breath. Deep breath. Those who love you, love you for who you are. All of you, whatever size that may be. And if anyone says anything rude to you, please feel free to tell them off. I like calling people rotten turtle eggs in Chinese, myself. 😉
Mama D recently posted…Interesting
Bin Dun, or something like it. That’s it, isn’t it? Rotten egg? And yes, this time of year is surprisingly stressful.
Your life is a charmed one. xo
Alexandra recently posted…I Cannot Tell a Lie
It’s hard to go wrong where there are fairy glens involved.
Ahhh, the rosemary, the sage, the cute painted kid, the poop dog, and YOU!
Wonderful. Xxxx
My Inner Chick recently posted…Once Upon A Time…
You make ordinary me sound so glamorous. Thank you!
oh, I love these little peeks in to your life. I want to run through that fairy glen too! Also, I can practically smell the good smells coming from your garden. mmm. it’s the opposite of poop.
sarah @sundayspill recently posted…Because Everything Feels Lighter At Present
Yes, although there is some poop that I pay the kids to clean up about once a week. 😉
So much going on …all the time. I feel your pain! What I need is a trip to the Opera. So envious Jennie!
Have a great weekend my friend.
Ameena recently posted…oops i did it again
I know. And you would be able to eat the delicious gluten-filled pastries too! 😀
PS We went to Korea town actually, and had a delicious Korean meal.
I know. I confess to being grateful that it’s not moving along too quickly though. I think I’ll have a breath of fresh air over the summer. My memoir will be over, for one.
I battle anxiety quite a bit … and I find that my pounding heart is far louder when I’m hiding under the covers, so better to get up and do something. Your life is so full, I love when you share it. Your friend and her son will be on my heart.
anymommy recently posted…Try to earn what lovers own
It’s helpful to be reminded of this. I think what stops me is both fatigue, and also a feeling of overwhelm, like I don’t know what task to put my hand to. Sometimes I feel like I’m on the cusp of a breakthrough – like I’m suddenly going to get this thing called “life” and have it all figured out so that I can become perfect. (cough, cough).
And that very thought I just expressed will safely ensure that I’ll never, ever figure this thing called “life” out at all. 🙂
PS Stacey, we need to figure out how we’re going to find each other at BlogHer!
“The thing I like about late Spring is that the garden is very green without being overrun.”
My husband and I were saying this very same thing last night as we sat together, facing the green, green yard. My favorite time of year, minus the frenetic pace.
Andrea recently posted…You Are Not My Friend Redux
And minus the weeds! Don’t forget minus the weeds. Because each time we get back from Bretagne, we come back to a jungle!
I love you. And have either nothing going on or too much going on – whichever it is, it’s making my highly unproductive. xoxo
tracy@sellabitmum recently posted…Quiet
Or sometimes it’s just that we have so much going on in our head that’s either too private or jumbled to share, there’s no room for anything productive to come out.
I feel like staying under the covers too sometimes… I blame the weather!
These days I can definitely blame the weather. It’s either cold or rainy – or both!
The end of the year is so hectic, probably worse than the holidays. And I think we’re all thinking ahead, planning for the next year. My only plans for summer are just to relax. My anxiety has been at an all time high this Spring with lots of physical symptoms. I see lots of pool days, BBQs, and enjoying the sun and warm weather in my future.
I shall try to follow your lead. That sounds divine. 🙂